A group portrait of Alumni Association members as they participate in "Project Carillon." Pictured are, left to right: Arthur Cornwell, New York State College for Teachers, Class of 1947 and 1948; Janice Friedman Keller, New York State College for Teachers, Class of 1940; Lothar Walter Schultze, New York State College for Teachers, Class of 1942; Frank G. Krivo, State University of New York College of Education at Albany, Class of 1960; Alvina Rich Lewis, New York State College for Teachers, Class of 1933 and 1935; F. Berry Haber, State University of New York at Albany, Class of 1962 and 1973; and Mildred O'Malley Meskil, New York State College for Teachers, Class of 1918. There are crop marks on all sides of the photograph.
A picture of Alvina Rich Lewis, New York State College for Teachers, Class of 1933, receiving the Distinguished Service Award of New York State Journal of Medicine from Frederick H. Wurzbach.
A picture of Margaret F. Kurilecz, New York State College for Teachers, Class of 1933. At the time the photograph was taken, Ms. Kurilecz was in Athens, Greece as a Fulbright Scholar, 1954-1956. There are crop marks on all sides of the photograph.
Five male students from the class of 1933 standing in front of their class year banner. Reproduced from the Class of 1933 Scrapbook, compiled by Alvina Rich Lewis.
Francis McMahon Kennedy, right, presents to Evan R. Collins and Alice Hastings a book purchased from the Library Fund established by the Class of 1933. Duplicate of image 6119.
A picture of a large gathering of people for an Alumni Luncheon associated with the State University of New York at Albany Alumni Day, 1967. On the viewer's left is Alvina Rich Lewis, New York State College for Teachers, Class of 1933.
Lorna Reamer and Betty (E. Beatrice?) Wagner, New York State College for Teachers, Class of 1933, both secretaries in the Alumni Office, participating in an event associated with Alumni Weekend, 1978.