A photograph of the Carillon Tower and fountain on the Academic Podium at the State University of New York uptown campus. The images of the Carillon and fountain are reflected in the pool. Written in the top left margin is "REFLECTIONS" and in the left margin is "shoot 39% to 14x22 1/2 picas" and "4." There are crop marks in all corners.
A picture of the exterior of the Camps Center building taken from the Academic Podium at the State University of New York at Albany on the uptown campus.
Unidentified students in the formal garden behind the Campus Center at the State University of New York at Albany uptown campus. Written on the back is "DIVISION OF SOCIAL AND BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES." There are crop marks in the top, left, and bottom margins of the original.
An unidentified State University of New York at Albany student playing the guitar by a body of water. There are crop marks in the right and bottom margins of the original. Written in the bottom margin is "A" and "C-9."
A group of unidentified people, possibly students, buying and selling jewelry and t-shirts in the lobby of the Campus Center at the State University of New York at Albany. There are crop marks in the top and right margins. Written in the top margin is "Photo 1C" and between two arrows is written "29 picas." Written between two arrows in the right margin is "34p."
An unidentified male, possibly a student, selling t-shirts bearing athletic company logos in the Campus Center Lobby at the State University of New York at Albany. There are crop marks in the top and right margins. Written in the top margin is "Photo 1B" and between two arrows is written "14 picas." Written between two arrows in the right margin is "14 picas." student selling t-shirts in the campus center
Two unidentified students standing outside of the campus center at the State University of New York at Albany on the uptown campus. One of the students is wearing a false nose.
An unidentified student drinking a beverage and reading a newspaper at the snack bar in the Campus Center at the State University of New York at Albany.
Unidentified students on the Campus Center Terrace at the State University of New York at Albany. There are crop marks in the right, bottom, and left margins of the original.
Unidentified students walking by the fountain outside of the Campus Center at the State University of New York at Albany uptown campus. There are crop marks in the top margin.
The Carillon tower and the Campus Center at the State University of New York at Albany. There are crop marks on all sides of the original. Written in the top margin is "To 29 [square]s" between two arrows. Written between to arrows in the left margin is "TO 44 [square]s."
Two unidentified students walking down stairs at the State University of New York at Albany on the uptown campus. The original is mounted on a piece of matte board and has crop marks in the right and bottom margins.
Two unidentified couples sitting on benches in the formal garden behind the campus center at the State University of New York at Albany on the uptown campus.
A group of unidentified students walking into one of the quadrangles at the State University of New York at Albany uptown campus. The original is mounted on a piece of matte board and has tape along the top margin. There are crop marks in the right and bottom margins of the original.
A photograph of two unidentified people standing on a staircase by the fountain on the Academic Podium of the State University of New York at Albany uptown Campus. The Campus Center and the moon can be seen in the background. On the reverse is a stamp for the State University of New York at Albany's Biological Sciences Department, the Photography Unit.
Unidentified students walking on the Academic Podium at the State University of New York at Albany uptown campus. Two of the students are wearing nametags. On the reverse is written "Spanish." There are crop marks in the right margin of the original.
An unidentified male student lying in the grass at the State University of New York at Albany. There are crop marks in the right, bottom, and left margins of the original.
Unidentified students in the Lecture Center at the State University of New York at Albany uptown campus. There are crop marks in the right and left margins of the original.
Unidentified students on the Academic Podium at the State University of New York at Albany. The small fountain outside of the Campus Center is in the background.
Unidentified students on the Academic Podium at the State University of New York at Albany uptown campus. There are crop marks in the top, right, and bottom margins. Written in the top margin is "G608 pg26."
An unidentified woman attending a lecture for a course in the School of Business at the State University of New York at Albany. There are crop marks on all sides of the original. Written in the bottom margin between two arrows is "reduce to 14 picas" and "Photo N 50%." Written in the right margin between two arrows is "reduce to 14 picas."
During Community-University Day, a child with holding a balloon from the Protect Your Environment group at the University and an unidentified man. In the background in an exhibition of photographs from the Atmospheric Science Research Center. There are crop marks in the right and bottom margins.
An unidentified female student making a speech and introducing an unidentified male at a banquet at the State University of New York at Albany. Written on the reverse is "Maryann Hovak," State University of New York at Albany, Class of 1979.