Civil Service Employees Association (CSEA) Metropolitan Region President George Boncoraglio demands respect for CFS (Child and Family Service) workers at a rally, surrounded by CFS workers and other supporters.
Ruby Mims, the top statewide Civil Service Employees Association (CSEA) PEOPLE (Public Employees Organized for Political and Legislative Equality) recruiter for 2009, poses with AFSCME Secretary-Treasurer Bill Lucy at the 2010 Black, Puerto Rican, Hispanic and Asian Legislative Conference in Albany.
Metropolitan Region office assistant Moses Merisier and office manager Jessie McQueen, who have relatives in Haiti, help organize food, clothing and other supplies that Civil Service Employees Association (CSEA) members donated to earthquake victims in Haiti. McQueen lost a cousin and his two young children in the collapse of Port-au-Prince's Hotel Montana. Merisier's family was spared fatalities, but they lost their homes and livelihoods. After the devastating earthquake, Merisier and McQueen organized the donation drive. They are also helping coordinate a March 27 fund-raiser to benefit local humanitarian organizations, along with the region's Women's and Education committees, other unions and community groups.
Metropolitan Region President Lester Crocket, left, and SUNY Downstate Medical Center Local President Althea Green-Pruitt take part in a demonstration demanding that New York Governor Andrew Cuomo keep the teaching hospital open.
The Civil Service Employees Association (CSEA) joins a broad coalition of faith, labor and community leaders to call on New York Governor Andrew Cuomo to save vital health care services for the people and communities of Central Brooklyn at SUNY Downstate Medical Hospital as Rev. Al Sharpton addresses the crowd.
Members of the Youth Arts Group perform street theater at the Union Square Green Market to draw attention to the plight of farmworkers amidst a seven day tour throughout New York state.
From left, the Civil Service Employees Association's (CSEA) Metropolitan Political Action Coordinator Matthew D'Amico and Lottery Marketing Representative John Montelbano meet with State Assemblyman Micah Z. Kellner, far right, and his staff about privatizing and other issues at the New York State Lottery.
Civil Service Employees Association (CSEA) Metropolitan Region President Lester Crockett testifies before the New York state Assembly Health Committee that the economic benefits of SUNY Downstate MEdical Center to Brooklyn, NY and surrounding areas far outweigh the savings that would result from privatization of the hospital.
Bayview Correctional Facility, New York state's last remaining women's prison south of the Tappan Zee Bridge, located next to high-priced condominiums and apartments in the Chelsea, NY neighborhood, will soon close as part of New York Governor Andrew Cuomo's budget proposal.
SUNY Downstate Local members lobby state legislators in their Albany offices regarding the restructuring that threatens the SUNY Downstate Medical Center.