Search Results

<span itemprop="name">A man hauling a basket of pottery on his back, in...</span>
<span itemprop="name">Four men with guitars and a small child at ease in...</span>
<span itemprop="name">A man and a young boy in a cart pulled by two...</span>
<span itemprop="name">A young boy in white wearing a hat standing next...</span>
<span itemprop="name">A young boy wearing a hat holding a key by a metal...</span>
<span itemprop="name">A woman and a girl with a large basket covering...</span>
<span itemprop="name">A man squatting on a curb wearing white garb with...</span>
<span itemprop="name">Young boy leaning on a tree with a stick in his...</span>
<span itemprop="name">Girl washing clothes in shallow waters, at the...</span>
<span itemprop="name">Two young boys in hats holding thin wooden rods....</span>
<span itemprop="name">Woman with basket of flowers on balanced on her...</span>
<span itemprop="name">Two men, a woman, and a child at church....</span>
<span itemprop="name">Men and women in front of a building on Calle...</span>
<span itemprop="name">A shore scene with men tending to a boat with a...</span>
<span itemprop="name">Four young men in hats standing on a dusty gravel...</span>
<span itemprop="name">Neighborhood scene with men, women, a small child,...</span>
<span itemprop="name">Four men in white shirts and hats squatting down...</span>
<span itemprop="name">Two men holding their hats in their hand walking...</span>
<span itemprop="name">Three men bundling up pottery with straw....</span>
<span itemprop="name">Two men in white garb and flat straw hats walking....</span>
<span itemprop="name">Woman with a baby on her back next to a straw...</span>
<span itemprop="name">Four men standing outside an entryway with shawls....</span>
<span itemprop="name">Portrait of an old man with a hat and shawl draped...</span>
<span itemprop="name">Convertible car parked on the street next to a...</span>
<span itemprop="name">Stone structure of two bells hung under arches....</span>
<span itemprop="name">Ruins of a structure with bushes viewed from under...</span>
<span itemprop="name">White modern-designed church that has a façade...</span>
<span itemprop="name">Two tall buildings under construction....</span>
<span itemprop="name">Bell in the bell tower hung under an arch....</span>
<span itemprop="name">Stone structure of two bells hung under arches....</span>
<span itemprop="name">A white church with people walking out of it....</span>
<span itemprop="name">Smaller stepped structures at Teotihuacan....</span>
<span itemprop="name">Straw baskets stacked in a pyramid....</span>
<span itemprop="name">Church façade with ornate entry and three bells on...</span>
<span itemprop="name">Two men with floral wreaths and crosses....</span>
<span itemprop="name">Picket line during the 1964 strike of the...</span>
<span itemprop="name">Picket line during the 1964 strike of the...</span>
<span itemprop="name">Picket line during the 1964 strike of the...</span>
<span itemprop="name">Picket line during the 1964 strike of the...</span>
<span itemprop="name">Picket line during the 1964 strike of the...</span>
<span itemprop="name">Picket line during the 1964 strike of the...</span>
<span itemprop="name">Taken outside of New York Supreme Court Judge T....</span>
<span itemprop="name">Taken through a court window at Troy, County Court...</span>
<span itemprop="name">Taken during recess at the injunction hearings...</span>
<span itemprop="name">Taken outside of New York Supreme Court Judge T....</span>
<span itemprop="name">Picket line during the 1964 strike of the...</span>
<span itemprop="name">Picket line during the 1964 strike of the...</span>
<span itemprop="name">On November 29, 1964, union members attend a...</span>
<span itemprop="name">Picket line during the 1964 strike of the...</span>
<span itemprop="name">Picket line during the 1964 strike of the...</span>
<span itemprop="name">On November 29, 1964, union members attend a...</span>
<span itemprop="name">Picket line during the 1964 strike of the...</span>
<span itemprop="name">Picket line during the 1964 strike of the...</span>
<span itemprop="name">Newspaper Guild of Albany Strike</span>
<span itemprop="name">Newspaper Guild of Albany Strike</span>
<span itemprop="name">Newspaper Guild of Albany Strike</span>
<span itemprop="name">Newspaper Guild of Albany Strike with William Kennedy</span>
<span itemprop="name">Aerial photograph of the Albany Country Club prior to the construction of the Uptown Campus. Sent to Walter Tisdale, Assistant to the President, labeled "New Site, 1st picture"</span>
<span itemprop="name">Photograph of Freshmen in Stokes Hall, women sitting around a sofa, includes Peg Howard and Jeanne Bowen</span>
<span itemprop="name">Photographs</span>
<span itemprop="name">U2 concert</span>
<span itemprop="name">Photos</span>
<span itemprop="name">Old passport photos, Eugen and Lilly Spiro</span>
<span itemprop="name">New York State Normal College blueprint, longitudinal section. Subbasement plan, drawing number 129</span>
<span itemprop="name">New York State Normal College blueprint, auditorium building. Subbasement plan, drawing number 57</span>
<span itemprop="name">New York State Normal College blueprint, auditorium building. Basement, first floor, mezzanine floor and ceiling plan, and roof plan, drawing number 58</span>
<span itemprop="name">New York State Normal College blueprint, auditorium building. Elevations, drawing number 59</span>
<span itemprop="name">New York State Normal College blueprint, one half plan of west pavilion of eastern peristyle. drawing number 60</span>
<span itemprop="name">New York State Normal College blueprint, auditorium building. Engineering drawing, drawing number 69</span>
<span itemprop="name">New York State Teachers College blueprint, boiler house. Plan below grade, drawing number 81</span>
<span itemprop="name">Tunnels</span>
<span itemprop="name">Images, unidentified images, possibly of persons executed and taken from the walls of Espy's home</span>
<span itemprop="name">Images, unidentified images, possibly of persons executed and taken from the walls of Espy's home</span>
<span itemprop="name">Silva, Fred</span>
<span itemprop="name">Board of Finance Fall 2019 Picture</span>
<span itemprop="name">Board of Finance Spring 2020</span>
<span itemprop="name">Final Board of Finance Meeting Picture</span>
<span itemprop="name">Great Dane Awards</span>
<span itemprop="name">Football v. Hofstra</span>
<span itemprop="name">Football v. Sacred Heart</span>
<span itemprop="name">Men's Lacrosse v. Binghamton with Field Dedication Ceremony</span>
<span itemprop="name">Football Portraits</span>
<span itemprop="name">2006 Hall of Fame</span>
<span itemprop="name">Men's Lacrosse v. Johns Hopkins</span>
<span itemprop="name">Mara and Tisch Dedication Ceremony</span>
<span itemprop="name">Softball v. Boston University</span>
<span itemprop="name">Women's Basketball Team Photos</span>
<span itemprop="name">Men's Lacrosse Championship v. Stony Brook</span>
<span itemprop="name">Fall 2005 Women's Golf</span>
<span itemprop="name">Fall 2005 Women's Soccer</span>
<span itemprop="name">Men's Basketball Championship</span>
<span itemprop="name">Volleyball Action Shots</span>
<span itemprop="name">Men's Lacrosse v. Johns Hopkins</span>
<span itemprop="name">2007 Big Purple Growl Fans</span>
<span itemprop="name">2007 Big Purple Growl, Men's Basketball</span>
<span itemprop="name">2008 Big Purple Growl, Women's Basketball</span>
<span itemprop="name">Men's Basketball v. UNH, America East Championship</span>
<span itemprop="name">Men's Basketball v. Boston, America East Championship</span>
<span itemprop="name">Women's Basketball v. Hartford, America East Championship</span>
<span itemprop="name">Women's Basketball v. UNH, America East Championship</span>