Civil Service Employees Association (CSEA) Orange County Unit member Nick Ercoline, right, and his wife, Bobbi, embrace in an image taken at the Woodstock Festival in August 1969. The image was later used on the cover of a live album from Woodstock. The Ercolines eventually married and are still together.
Civil Service Employees Association (CSEA) Orange County Unit member Nick Ercoline holds a photo of him and his wife, Bobbi, taken at Woodstock in 1969. The photo has since become an iconic image of the festival.
Civil Service Employees Association (CSEA) activists demonstrate outside Newburgh Town Hall. Former Unit President Katherine Otis, one of the town's layoff targets, is third from right.
Civil Service Employees Association (CSEA) activist Betty Lennon greets a visitor to the CSEA table at the 2009 Clinton County Fair. CSEA's traveling history banner was on display at the fair.
State Department of Transportation Syracuse Local members Chuck Weiland, left, and John DeBottis display the AED device they used to save co-worker Dick Metott's life.
Long Island Region members, including Long Island Region President Nick LaMorte and Nassau County Local President Jerry Laricchiuta, demonstrate in front of the Rat, which has been in front of the Nassau University Medical Center since July 17, 2009.
VOICE/Civil Service Employees Association (CSEA) and CCPT-NY child care providers show their approval for a contract agreement at a negotiating session.
City of Saratoga Springs Civil Service Employees Association (CSEA) members demonstrate outside of a state Conference of Mayors function in the Spa City. The workers were demonstrating over stalled contract talks with Saratoga Springs Mayor Scott Johnson.
Wally Green of the Suffolk County Local in the Long Island Region is the PEOPLE Recruiter of the Month for October. PEOPLE stands for Public Employees Organized to Promote Legislative Equality.
Irving Flaumenbaum speaks at a Civil Service Employees Association (CSEA) event, circa 1966. Flaumenbaum was one of CSEA's most influential leaders throughout the growth of the union's local government units starting in the 1950s, the dawn of collective bargaining under the Taylor Law in the 1960s and the historic affiliation with AFSCME in the 1970s.
An illustration by Graphic Artist Ralph Distin depicting the birth of Civil Service Employees Association (CSEA) in 1910 and the growth of a union through 100 years of progess in 2010, with much more to come.
Gary Farrell, 48, a state Department of Transportation highway maintenance worker, died Nov. 2, 2009, after being struck by a vehicle while he was working as a flagger.
Shenendehowa Central School District Unit Vice President Gary Lanahan drives buses for the district but also is a passionate booster of the school's hockey and baseball teams. Lanahan spearheaded the Civil Service Employees Association (CSEA) unit's efforts three years ago to provide fund-raising support to the teams.
Canastota Schools Groundsworkers Nick Campbell and Richard Mitchell carry bleacher seating to the inside of the track to set up for an athletic event at the school.
Canastota Schools Groundsworkers Nick Campbell and Richard Mitchell rake some new topsoil on top of the dirt at home plate to prepare the playing field at the school for spring's baseball season.
Civil Service Employees Association (CSEA) Lifespire Local President Pam Marshall, right, with bullhorn, leads CSEA members in demonstrating for a fair contract outside the Empire State building in Manhattan.
Civil Service Employees Association (CSEA) Occupational Safety and Health Specialist Lynnet Witherell, left, writes down the violence concerns of library worker Yvonne Fuller, right, during workplace violence prevention training for library employees. Fuller was at an evening program at the Liverpool Library with her young children 15 years ago when a man lurking outside the library shot and killed his wife as she left the library. She is now an employee of the library. At the time of the murder, library workers feared for their safety, but weren't sure how to best respond to protect themselves and their patrons.
Liverpool Library workers listen to the presentations about the library's new workplace violence prevention program. Part of New York's workplace violence prevention legislation in 2006, which Civil Service Employees Association (CSEA) led the way to passing, requires employers to work with labor to ensure an effective workplace violence prevention program is in place. Liverpool Library has proved to be an example of how public employers can help reduce the risk of violence for workers and the public.
South Glens Falls School District Unit President Don Ostrander and his new Civil Service Employees Association (CSEA) tatoo (between his thumb and index finger).
Capital District Psychiatric Center Local Vice President Dwayne Parsons, left, congratulates Carl Shank who was honored for his dedication, hard work and longevity. At the time of this photograph, Shank was 85 years old and still working with no plans to retire.
Civil Service Employees Association (CSEA) members pass out information to the public attending the parade at the Otsego County Faiir in 2008 to gain public support during their contract struggle.
Former Governor George Pataki recorded a video interview for the Civil Service Employees Association (CSEA) 100 History Project. Pataki shared his perspective on his relationship with CSEA throughout his time in office. For more than 10 years CSEA conducted interviews with key individuals who played a role in CSEA's history to be archived at the University at Albany's Grenander Special Collections. The interviews were also used as part of the CSEA history book and video documentary for the union's 100th anniversary in 2010.
Cover of the December, 2009, Work Force. Workers from the St. Lawrence County Local demonstrate for a fair contract as local budget pressures mount across the state.
Karen Bright of the Madison County Local in the Central Region was PEOPLE Recruiter of the Month for September, 2009. PEOPLE stands for Public Employees Organized to Promote Legislative Equality.
Civil Service Employees Association (CSEA) Metropolitan Region President George Boncoraglio was honored by the New York Chapter of the Coalition of Black Trade Unionists (CBTU) with its Distinguished Service Award.
Civil Service Employees Association (CSEA) Executive Vice President Mary Sullivan marches in a demonstration in front of New York state Farm Bureau Headquarters in Albany to urge state senators to pass legislation granting equal workers' rights to farm workers.
An illustration by Graphic Artist Ralph Distin, titled The Ant and the Grasshopper, depicts that health care workers should prepare for new strains of flu while state health administrators have no comprehensive strategy to address the health issue.
Saratoga Springs Department of Public Works Unit President Gary Benincasa, right, presents Mark Roberts, left, and Mark Milks, center, with certificates of recognition by the Civil Service Employees Association (CSEA) unit. The two public works employees are credited with saving the life of a stabbing victim.
Western Region President Flo Tripi examines the boots that support the "Arch D'Boot," a sculpture built from Buffalo State College workers' boots. The boots represent the work of members of the Campus Services Department and other classified titles: their work holds up and supports the rest of the campus.
Civil Service Employees Association (CSEA) Buffalo State College Local President Jerry Richmond, addresses a crowd during the dedication ceremony for "Arch D'Boot," a towering sculpture built from workers' boots. The sculpture is a tribute of the importance of what the workers at Buffalo State College do every day to help the college run.
Civil Service Employees Association (CSEA) workers at the newly opened DMV office on Central Avenue in Albany in 1972. Photo is from the New York state Archives.
A traveling display presenting Civil Service Employees Association (CSEA) Century of Service made public appearances in all six CSEA regions. The displays were on an 18-month odyssey that took them to every corner of the state to tell CSEA's story in highly visible public locations.
Ken Allen, executive director of AFSCME Oregon Council 75, which as the first AFSCME affiliate to achieve a collective bargaining agreement like those in VOICE and CCPT, spoke to a group of activists attending the VOICE and CCPT-NY Leadership Summit in Albany.
Among those addressing a VOICE and CCPT-NY Leadership summit in Albany were New York State Assembly member Susan John. The summit brought together leaders from both child care campaigns, as well as state leaders and Civil Service Employees Association (CSEA) statewide officers.
Civil Service Employees Association (CSEA) President Danny Donohue spoke at a VOICE and CCPT-NY Leadership Summit in Albany. The meeting coincided with the formal signing of a four-year memorandum of agreement between CSEA and New York state after 18 months of negotiations.
Among those addressing a VOICE and CCPT-NY Leadership summit in Albany were William Gettman Jr., executive deputy commissioner of the state Office of Children and Family Services (OCFS).
VOICE and CCPT-NY activists listen to speakers at an Albany summit for the two groups. Leaders from Civil Service Employees Association (CSEA) VOICE and CCPT-NY child care groups met in Albany to advance CSEA's advocacy role with childhood educators.
Civil Service Employees Association (CSEA) Executive Vice President Mary Sullivan is presented with the Capital District Women's Employment & Resource Center's Harriet Rifkin Leadership Award by the center's Board Chairman Glenn Clermont. Sullivan was honored for her longtime efforts to advance working women. She also serves as the officer liaison to CSEA's statewide Women's Committee. The private, not-for-profit group helps women find success in the workplace by building their economic and personal independence.
Nassau County Local 2nd Vice President Lynne Kramer speaks to members at the nursing station at Nassau University Medical Center about contract violations and union-busting tactics.
Sullivan County Sheriff's Office Unit Vice President Joe Manning, at left, addresses members of the Sullivan County Legislature. Workers at the Sullivan County Jail are paid dramatically less than their counterparts in neighboring counties causing a high turnover rate as new correction officers gain experience and leave for nearby federal and state correctional facilities.
Civil Service Employees Association (CSEA) member Santos Guzman, a carpenter at Helen Hayes Hospital, in an area of the hospital he is helping renovate.
Civil Service Employees Association (CSEA) member Brigitte Higgins-Havlicek, a registered home health care nurse from Fulton County, testifies at a state New York State Assembly hearing in Manhattan about her concerns about mandating H1N1 vaccinations for health care workers.
More than 1,000 Civil Service Employees Association (CSEA) Onondaga County Localmembers shut down the street outside a county budget hearing, demanding a better budget.