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1. Civil Service Employees Association (CSEA)...
- Type:
- Image
- Date Created:
- 2007 January
- Collection:
- Civil Service Employees Association, Inc. (CSEA), American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) Local 1000 Records
- Collecting Area:
- New York State Modern Political Archive
- Collection ID:
- apap015
- Thumbnail Path Ss:
- /downloads/8910k124q?file=thumbnail
- System Modified Dtsi:
- 2019-01-31T15:06:13Z
- Description:
- Civil Service Employees Association (CSEA) Rensselaer County, NY 911 dispatchers and their supporters demonstrate for a fair contract outside county offices. Unit members have worked without a contract for more than two years. The dispatchers were joined by community activists and supporters from area labor unions.
- Subject:
- Photographers, Rensselaer County (N.Y.), Labor union members, CSEA Rensselaer County 911 Unit Local (N.Y.), Labor unions, Civil Service Employees Association (N.Y.), Assalian, Therese, and Demonstrations
2. Civil Service Employees Association (CSEA)...
- Type:
- Image
- Date Created:
- 2007 January
- Collection:
- Civil Service Employees Association, Inc. (CSEA), American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) Local 1000 Records
- Collecting Area:
- New York State Modern Political Archive
- Collection ID:
- apap015
- Thumbnail Path Ss:
- /downloads/2801pp167?file=thumbnail
- System Modified Dtsi:
- 2019-01-31T15:05:41Z
- Description:
- Civil Service Employees Association (CSEA) Rensselaer County, NY 911 Unit President Todd Smith, far right, and Capital Region 2nd Vice President Mike Gifford, second from right, lead the Rensselaer County 911 Unit's demonstration outside the county's office building to urge county officials to settle a fair, equitable contract. The previous contract expired on Dec. 31, 2003 and negotiations began more than two years ago.
- Subject:
- Photographers, Rensselaer County (N.Y.), Labor union members, CSEA Rensselaer County 911 Unit Local (N.Y.), Smith, Todd, Labor unions, Gifford, Mike, Civil Service Employees Association (N.Y.), Assalian, Therese, Demonstrations, and CSEA Capital Region Local (N.Y.)