A group of people gathered around the Information Booth during Community-University Day, 1973, at the State University of New York at Albany uptown campus.
New York Mayor Erastus Corning, and Raymond Falconer of the Atmospheric Science Research Center at the State University of New York at Albany speaking into a microphone during Community-University Day 1973.
A contact sheet containing images from Community-University Day 1973 at the State University of New York at Albany. Images include: Louis T. Benezet, President of the State University of New York at Albany from July 1, 1970-June 30, 1975, and people touring the uptown campus.
An unidentified woman with two young girls at an information stand during Community-University Day at the State University of New York at Albany. There are crop marks in the left and bottom margins.
A picture of a band performing for the State University of New York at Albany Community-University Day, 1974. Featured is the brass section of the band. The event is taking place on the uptown campus.
Groups of people by the stairs leading to the Lecture Center and Fountain on the Academic Podium during Community-University Day at the State University of New York at Albany.
Don Buluchi (left) and Jack H. Smith (center), New York State College for Teachers, ex-Class of 1943, and State University of New York at Albany faculty member in the Department of Physics, showing a small boy a science experiment during Community-University Day 1984. There are crop marks in the bottom, left, and top margins.