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- Type:
- Audio
- Date Created:
- 1990 January 5
- Collection:
- WAMC Northeast Public Radio Collection
- Collecting Area:
- New York State Modern Political Archive
- Collection ID:
- apap138
- Parent Record(s):
- a62b8f3f0380f1ab8c3943903e2ce8ce
- Description:
- 1) Bruce Robertson reports Governor Cuomo opened the legislative session with a speech highlighting, war against drugs, an environmental bond, more federal aid, and expanded health coverage to poor children. 2) Inga Sarda reports on Assembly Mel Miller's and Senate Majority Leader Ralph Marino's reactions to Governor Cuomo's speech. Jim Ryan, a lobbyist, comments on Governor Cuomo's political ambitions. 3) Alan Chartock comments on the Governor's speech and political ambitions. 4) Paul Rosenthal reports on an environmental bond act proposed in Governor Cuomo's speech. Joe Rhoda, town supervisor of Dresden, is not against development. 5) Brian Shields reports on protests during Governor Cuomo's address by AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power, nuclear waste protesters, anti-abortion protesters. Libby Post, co-chair of the Gay and Lesbian Lobby, comments.
- Subject:
- Cuomo, Mario Matthew
- Type:
- Audio
- Date Created:
- 1988 January 15
- Collection:
- WAMC Northeast Public Radio Collection
- Collecting Area:
- New York State Modern Political Archive
- Collection ID:
- apap138
- Parent Record(s):
- a62b8f3f0380f1ab8c3943903e2ce8ce
- Description:
- 1) Bruce Robertson reports on Governor Cuomo's State of the State Address and budget proposals. 2) Alan Chartock and Fred Dicker, of New York Post, talk about Mario Cuomo's State of the State Address and goals for the next year. 3) Brenda McMann reports that Judge Albert Rosenblatt, Chief Administrative Judge, issued new protective court guidelines to protect court personnel from people with AIDS or infectious diseases. 4) Paul Rosenthal and Attorney General Abrams talk about a joint bill to prevent toxic chemical accidents with assessment and planning. 5) Alan Chartock talks with Assemblyman Alexander Pete Grannis, Chair of Housing Committee, about Governor Cuomo's inclusion of housing in the budget. 6) Dave Galletly talks with Lieutenant Governor Stan Lundine about who Governor Cuomo will endorse for the democrat presidential candidate.
- Subject:
- Cuomo, Mario Matthew, Housing, and Budget--New York (State)
- Type:
- Audio
- Date Created:
- 1987 November 27
- Collection:
- WAMC Northeast Public Radio Collection
- Collecting Area:
- New York State Modern Political Archive
- Collection ID:
- apap138
- Parent Record(s):
- a62b8f3f0380f1ab8c3943903e2ce8ce
- Description:
- 1) Paul Rosenthal reports that New York State's highest court recently threw out the ban on smoking in public places. 2) Bruce Robertson reports on a ruling by the state's highest court that the Corrections Commissioner may restrict conjugal visits for prisoners with AIDS. 3) Brenda McMann reports on a education campaign for the Elderly Pharmaceutical Insurance Program. 4) Paul Rosenthal reports on the Public Employees Federation and Civil Service Employee Association negotiations for better benefits. 5) David Gallety spoke with Fred Dicker, of New York Post, about Jeremiah McKenna spreading rumors that Governor Cuomo has connections to the mafia. 6) Bruce Robertson reports NYPIRG has found women score lower on the general knowledge portion of the National Teacher Examination. 7) Brenda McMann reports the Bethlehem schools are defying the Board of Regents mandate that a religious representative must be included in the AIDS Advisory Panel. 8) Dave Gallety talks with Governor Stan Lundine about the budget, state and national economies. 9) Brenda McMann reports New York is one of twelve locations still in consideration for the Semitech research center.
- Subject:
- Cuomo, Mario Matthew, Smoking--Law and legislation, and AIDS (Disease)
- Type:
- Audio
- Date Created:
- 1987 November 19
- Collection:
- WAMC Northeast Public Radio Collection
- Collecting Area:
- New York State Modern Political Archive
- Collection ID:
- apap138
- Parent Record(s):
- a62b8f3f0380f1ab8c3943903e2ce8ce
- Description:
- 1) Morrie Small reports that Governor Cuomo insists he is not running for president, even though a public opinion poll rates him as a highly favored candidate. 2) Alan Chartock and Fred Dicker, of the New York Post, talk about Governor Cuomo's decision not to run for president unless drafted. 3) Brenda McMann reports on the results of the 1986 Environmental Quality Bond Act. Larry Shapiro, executive director of Environmental Planning Lobby, and Thomas Jorling, Environmental Control Commissioner, discuss how the money should be used. 4) State Senator Franz Leichter has proposed a joint economic council between New Jersey and New York. 5) Dave Gallety and Lieutenant Governor Stan Lundine talk about keeping the Indian Museum in New York and federal funding. 6) Helene Weinstein supports legislation to develop a child support formula. 7) Bruce Robertson reports the Hudson River Sloop Clearwater group is calling for a investigation of a paint plant in Glens Fall for mismanagement of toxic waste.
- Subject:
- Cuomo, Mario Matthew and Hazardous wastes
- Type:
- Audio
- Date Created:
- 1987 October 15
- Collection:
- WAMC Northeast Public Radio Collection
- Collecting Area:
- New York State Modern Political Archive
- Collection ID:
- apap138
- Parent Record(s):
- a62b8f3f0380f1ab8c3943903e2ce8ce
- Description:
- 1) Bruce Robertson reports the Hudson Valley site has been withdrawn from consideration for the Supercollider research project. 2) Morrie Small reports Governor Cuomo and Vincent Tese, Economic Development Coordinator, presented an economic incentive to Semitech to locate their new site in New York. 3) Brenda McMann reports the investigation into the conflict of interest of Alexander Levine, Director of State Thruway Authority, was handed over to Sol Greenberg, Albany County District Attorney. 4) Alan Chartock and Fred Dicker, of the New York Post, talk about Mario Cuomo giving speeches around the country, a possible cover up of Alexander Levine's case, and Melvin Miller's bad behavior. 5) Dave Galletly reports on an attempted raid of the Assembly House Operations office in Albany by Fred Dicker and other press members, a physical altercation occurred. 6) Brenda McMann reports on a new bill proposed by Assemblyman Richard Coombe to define dangerous dogs and set restrictions.
- Subject:
- Cuomo, Mario Matthew, Political corruption, and Superconducting Super Collider
- Type:
- Audio
- Date Created:
- 1987 October 1
- Collection:
- WAMC Northeast Public Radio Collection
- Collecting Area:
- New York State Modern Political Archive
- Collection ID:
- apap138
- Parent Record(s):
- a62b8f3f0380f1ab8c3943903e2ce8ce
- Description:
- 1) Brenda McMann reports the FBI has charged eight more highway superintendents with taking kickbacks. 2) Bruce Robertson reports on another inditement for Senator Andrew Jenkins, for smuggling cash outside of the country. 3) Alan Chartock talks with Lieutenant Governor Stan Lundine about his view on the presidential candidates left in the race. 4) Morrie Small reports on Attorney General Abrams' opinions of Judge Bork's antitrust philosophy and supreme court nomination. 5) Alan Chartock talks with Jennie Cross and Fred Dicker, of the New York Post, about their assessments of Governor Cuomo's trip to the Soviet Union. 6) Alan Chartock talks with Assembly Minority Leader Clarence Rappleyea about the state of legislative ethics.
- Subject:
- Cuomo, Mario Matthew and Political corruption
- Type:
- Audio
- Date Created:
- 1987 August 27
- Collection:
- WAMC Northeast Public Radio Collection
- Collecting Area:
- New York State Modern Political Archive
- Collection ID:
- apap138
- Parent Record(s):
- a62b8f3f0380f1ab8c3943903e2ce8ce
- Description:
- 1) Alan Chartock talks with Senator Tarky Lombardi, chair of the senate Health Committee, about the need for a case payment bill for hospital reimbursements. 2) Brenda McMann reports on a study by the environmental group, Inform, about pollution in the Hudson River from PCB and rain water runoff from farms and cites. The Hudson River was named an estuary under a federal clean water act. 3) Karl Felsen, spokesman for the New York State Tax Department, talks about yacht owners evading sales taxes and the tax inspectors efforts to find them. 4) Morrie Small reports on the end of the garbage barge's search for a dumping site. 5) Alan Chartock and Fred Dicker, of the New York Post, discuss Governor Cuomo's upcoming trip to the Soviet Union, Cuomo's interest in presidential and national politics, and his lack of foreign policy experience.
- Subject:
- Cuomo, Mario Matthew, Tax evasion, and Water--Pollution
- Type:
- Audio
- Date Created:
- 1987 August 21
- Collection:
- WAMC Northeast Public Radio Collection
- Collecting Area:
- New York State Modern Political Archive
- Collection ID:
- apap138
- Parent Record(s):
- a62b8f3f0380f1ab8c3943903e2ce8ce
- Description:
- 1) Alan Chartock talks with Maurice Hinchey, Chair of the Solid Waste Commission, about organized crime's involvement in the solid waste industry and attending environmental dangers. 2) Brenda McMann reports prisons are overcrowded and local jails are holding prison inmates. Thomas Coughlin, Corrections Commissioner, comments on the problem and possible alternatives. 3) Alan Chartock talks with Assembly Minority Leader Clarence Rappleyea about corruption in the public works projects and the need to set statewide standards. 4) Brenda McMann reports on the State University of New York, Board of Trustees's decision to increase salaries in top positions in an effort to attract a new chancellor. 5) Alan Chartock and Fred Dicker, of the New York Post, talk about Mario Cuomo's political aspirations.
- Subject:
- Cuomo, Mario Matthew, Organized crime, and Prisons
- Type:
- Audio
- Date Created:
- 1985 December 27
- Collection:
- WAMC Northeast Public Radio Collection
- Collecting Area:
- New York State Modern Political Archive
- Collection ID:
- apap138
- Parent Record(s):
- a62b8f3f0380f1ab8c3943903e2ce8ce
- Description:
- 1) Alan Chartock talks with Karl Felsen, spokesman for the Tax Department, about the Revenue Opportunity Division (ROD), a think-tank, which is cross checking lists of professions to find individuals who have never paid taxes. 2) Leslie Brokaw reports on a case in which Mrs. O'Brian worked to pay for her husbands medical degree while married, when he filed for divorce two weeks after qualifying to practice the degree was considered communal property and she is entitled to future earnings. 3) Alan Chartock and Fred Dicker, of the New York Post, discuss about the weak performance of the press over the last year. 4) Alan Chartock summarizes Governor Cuomo's popularity and performance of the last year.
- Subject:
- Cuomo, Mario Matthew, Press, and Taxation
- Type:
- Audio
- Date Created:
- 1985 November 15
- Collection:
- WAMC Northeast Public Radio Collection
- Collecting Area:
- New York State Modern Political Archive
- Collection ID:
- apap138
- Parent Record(s):
- a62b8f3f0380f1ab8c3943903e2ce8ce
- Description:
- 1) Bill Gralty spoke with Fred Dicker, of the New York Post, about Lewis Lehrman's, who lost to Mario Cuomo in 1982, decision not to run in the next year's governor race and the lack of a republican frontrunner candidate. 2) Leslie Brokaw reports on liability insurance lobbyists proposals. The Liability Reform Association President, Dr. Robert Elman, comments on the need to create a cap awarded and limit physician liability. 3) Interview with Assembly Majority Leader, Dan Walsh, about the special session of the legislature to deal with medical malpractice issues and Governor Cuomo's prospects of running for president. 4) Bill Gralty and Alan Chartock talk about George Bush and Mario Cuomo as candidates for the presidential race in 1988 and the possibility of Walsh being the Lieutenant Governor.
- Subject:
- Cuomo, Mario Matthew and Malpractice insurance