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- Type:
- Image
- Date Created:
- 1987 October
- Collection:
- Civil Service Employees Association, Inc. (CSEA), American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) Local 1000 Records
- Collecting Area:
- New York State Modern Political Archive
- Collection ID:
- apap015
- Description:
- Civil Service Employees Association (CSEA)'s Administrative Services Unit (ASU) negotiating team chairperson Mary Pat Fox, taking notes while preparing for contract negotiations with New York State in 1987. The State's contract with ASU as well as with the Institutional Services Unit (ISU), Operational Services Unit (OSU), Division of Military and Naval Affairs (DMNA) and the Office of Court Administration (OCA) would expire on March 31, 1988. The CSEA teams represented 110,000 New York state employees.
- Subject:
- New York State Institutional Services Unit, New York State Office of Court Administration, Labor union members, New York State Operational Services Unit, Fox, Mary Pat, New York State Administrative Services Unit, Labor negotiations, Labor unions, Civil Service Employees Association (N.Y.), and New York State Division of Military and Naval Affairs
- Type:
- Image
- Date Created:
- 1987 October
- Collection:
- Civil Service Employees Association, Inc. (CSEA), American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) Local 1000 Records
- Collecting Area:
- New York State Modern Political Archive
- Collection ID:
- apap015
- Description:
- Two Civil Service Employees Association (CSEA) representatives on the Operational Services Unit (OSU) negotiating team, Robert Dorsey from Region I, left, and Tony Bailous from Region II discussing preparations for contract negotiations with New York State in 1987. The State's contract with OSU as well as with the Administrative Services Unit (ASU), Institutional Services Unit (ISU), Division of Military and Naval Affairs (DMNA) and the Office of Court Administration (OCA) would expire on March 31, 1988. The CSEA teams represented 110,000 New York State employees.
- Subject:
- New York State Institutional Services Unit, Bailous, Tony, New York State Office of Court Administration, Labor union members, New York State Operational Services Unit, Dorsey, Robert, New York State Administrative Services Unit, Labor negotiations, Labor unions, Civil Service Employees Association (N.Y.), and New York State Division of Military and Naval Affairs
- Type:
- Image
- Date Created:
- 1987 October
- Collection:
- Civil Service Employees Association, Inc. (CSEA), American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) Local 1000 Records
- Collecting Area:
- New York State Modern Political Archive
- Collection ID:
- apap015
- Description:
- Civil Service Employees Association (CSEA)'s Division of Military and Naval Affairs negotiating team member from Region I, Victor Isca, taking notes while preparing for contract negotiations with New York State in 1987. The State's contract with DMNA as well as with the Administrative Services Unit (ASU), Institutional Services Unit (ISU), Operational Services Unit (OSU), and the Office of Court Administration (OCA) would expire on March 31, 1988. The CSEA teams represented 110,000 New York state employees.
- Subject:
- New York State Institutional Services Unit, Isca, Victor, New York State Office of Court Administration, New York State Division of Military and Naval Affairs, New York State Operational Services Unit, New York State Administrative Services Unit, Labor negotiations, Labor unions, Civil Service Employees Association (N.Y.), and Labor union members
- Type:
- Image
- Date Created:
- 1987 October
- Collection:
- Civil Service Employees Association, Inc. (CSEA), American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) Local 1000 Records
- Collecting Area:
- New York State Modern Political Archive
- Collection ID:
- apap015
- Description:
- Civil Service Employees Association (CSEA) representatives on the Administrative Services Unit (ASU) negotiating team, Jean Baily from Region VI, left, and Elizabeth Kearney from Region III talk with CSEA's chief negotiator Ernest Rewolinski while preparing for contract negotiations with New York State in 1987. The State's contract with ASU as well as with the Institutional Services Unit (ISU), Operational Services Unit (OSU), Division of Military and Naval Affairs (DMNA) and the Office of Court Administration (OCA) would expire on March 31, 1988. The CSEA teams represented 110,000 New York State employees.
- Subject:
- New York State Institutional Services Unit, New York State Office of Court Administration, New York State Division of Military and Naval Affairs, New York State Operational Services Unit, Kearney, Elizabeth, Bailey, Jean, New York State Administrative Services Unit, Labor negotiations, Labor unions, Rewolinski, Earnest, CSEA Annual Delegates Meeting, Civil Service Employees Association (N.Y.), and Labor union members
- Type:
- Image
- Date Created:
- 1987 October
- Collection:
- Civil Service Employees Association, Inc. (CSEA), American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) Local 1000 Records
- Collecting Area:
- New York State Modern Political Archive
- Collection ID:
- apap015
- Description:
- Bill Jordan, left, a Civil Service Employees Association (CSEA) member representing Region VI Institutional Services Unit and Tom Ward, a Region V representative of the Operational Services Unit discussing preparations for contract negotiations with New York State in 1987. The State's contract with ISU and OSU, as well as the Division of Military and Naval Affairs (DMNA) and the Office of Court Administration (OCA) would expire on March 31, 1988. The CSEA teams represented 110,000 New York State employees.
- Subject:
- New York State Institutional Services Unit, Jordan, Bill, New York State Division of Military and Naval Affairs, New York State Operational Services Unit, Ward, Tom, New York State Administrative Services Unit, Labor negotiations, Labor unions, Civil Service Employees Association (N.Y.), New York State Office of Court Administration, and Labor union members
- Type:
- Image
- Date Created:
- 1984 October
- Collection:
- Civil Service Employees Association, Inc. (CSEA), American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) Local 1000 Records
- Collecting Area:
- New York State Modern Political Archive
- Collection ID:
- apap015
- Description:
- Civil Service Employees Association (CSEA) Administrative Services Unit negotiating team members from Metropolitan Region Ann Worthy and Elliot Bernstein listening and taking notes during contract negotiations with New York State. The negotiating team and the collective bargaining specialists assigned to each of the three bargaining units, Administrative Services Unit, Operational Services Unit and Institutional Services Unit, prepare demands to improve the contract language in each unit. CSEA staff and the negotiating teams use contract demand sheets sent in by thousands of members as a basis for formulating the union's demands. The CSEA is New York State's largest union.
- Subject:
- New York State Institutional Services Unit, Labor union members, CSEA Metropolitan Region (N.Y.), Bernstein, Elliot, New York State Administrative Services Unit, Labor negotiations, Labor unions, Worthy, Ann, Civil Service Employees Association (N.Y.), and New York State Operational Services Unit
- Type:
- Image
- Date Created:
- 1984 October
- Collection:
- Civil Service Employees Association, Inc. (CSEA), American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) Local 1000 Records
- Collecting Area:
- New York State Modern Political Archive
- Collection ID:
- apap015
- Description:
- Civil Service Employees Association (CSEA) Operational Services Unit negotiating team member from the Capital Region Leroy Holmes, left, and collective bargaining specialist John Naughter, right, listening during contract negotiations with New York State. The negotiating team and the collective bargaining specialists assigned to each of the three bargaining units, Administrative Services Unit, Operational Services Unit and Institutional Services Unit, prepare demands to improve the contract language in each unit. CSEA staff and the negotiating teams use contract demand sheets sent in by thousands of members as a basis for formulating the union's demands. The CSEA is New York State's largest union.
- Subject:
- New York State Institutional Services Unit, Labor union members, New York State Operational Services Unit, CSEA Capital Region Local (N.Y.), New York State Administrative Services Unit, Labor negotiations, Labor unions, Naughter, John, Holmes, Leroy, and Civil Service Employees Association (N.Y.)
- Type:
- Image
- Date Created:
- 1984 October
- Collection:
- Civil Service Employees Association, Inc. (CSEA), American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) Local 1000 Records
- Collecting Area:
- New York State Modern Political Archive
- Collection ID:
- apap015
- Description:
- Civil Service Employees Association (CSEA) Institutional Services Unit negotiating team member from the Western Region Elaine Mootry listening during contract negotiations with New York State. The negotiating team and the collective bargaining specialists assigned to each of the three bargaining units, Administrative Services Unit, Operational Services Unit and Institutional Services Unit, prepare demands to improve the contract language in each unit. CSEA staff and the negotiating teams use contract demand sheets sent in by thousands of members as a basis for formulating the union's demands. The CSEA is New York State's largest union.
- Subject:
- New York State Institutional Services Unit, Labor union members, New York State Operational Services Unit, CSEA Western Region (N.Y.), New York State Administrative Services Unit, Labor negotiations, Labor unions, Civil Service Employees Association (N.Y.), and Mootry, Elaine
- Type:
- Image
- Date Created:
- 1984 October
- Collection:
- Civil Service Employees Association, Inc. (CSEA), American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) Local 1000 Records
- Collecting Area:
- New York State Modern Political Archive
- Collection ID:
- apap015
- Description:
- Civil Service Employees Association (CSEA) Administrative Services Unit negotiating team member from the Western Region Sara Sievert and Operational Services Unit member from the Central Region listening and taking notes during contract negotiations with New York State. The negotiating team and the collective bargaining specialists assigned to each of the three bargaining units, Administrative Services Unit, Operational Service Unit and Institutional Services Unit, prepare demands to improve the contract language in each unit. CSEA staff and the negotiating teams use contract demand sheets sent in by thousands of members as a basis for formulating the union's demands. The CSEA is New York State's largest union.
- Subject:
- New York State Institutional Services Unit, Labor union members, New York State Operational Services Unit, CSEA Western Region (N.Y.), New York State Administrative Services Unit, Labor negotiations, Labor unions, Civil Service Employees Association (N.Y.), and Sievert, Sara