Van Buren, Gregory with David H. Goodstein, "Development of a Casual User Interface for Simulation Models", 1983


:One of the traditional obstacles to effective utilization of simulation models has been the great deal of time spent learning languages in which models are written and keeping track of the specific variable names and equations within models. To remove the excessive psychological burden from busy executives and to refocus attention towards the actual behavior being replicated, Inter/Consult has been researching development of highly supportive user interfaces to models. These interfaces prompt users by stating the nature of the model’s assumptions then asking what changes they would like to make. Through this on-line question-and-answer dialog users can build and compare scenarios without prior knowledge of computer languages and mathematical formulas or specific model components. Our paper presents reactions to the interface by members of the graphic arts industry who have used it. We discuss further improvements which are being made to the interface to make our models more accessible to non-expert users. Finally we explain why we feel that tightly-focused, easy-to-use, dynamic simulation models are of invaluable benefit to any industry such as graphic arts where craft-oriented skills are being replaced by rapidly evolving new technologies.

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Date created
  • 1983
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