Gupta, Govind, "A System Dynamics Model for Automation", 1989


A system dynamics model is presented in this paper along with the results of some policies and their consequences automation. The automation seems to be the answer for faster growth and development throughout the world whether or not there is excessive labor or its shortage in a nation. Higher productivity, lower costs, better quality of products and services, remaining competitive and new innovations are benefits of automation and they are very important factors in industrialization and as well in sustaining the jobs in the long run. Very often, particularly in the developing countries, the politicians either exploit or in most cases misunderstand the total effects of automation and computerization. In India, for example, computerization of even very important services like airlines and trail reservations, insurance and banking have suffered due to political decisions for two decades. Only recently they have realized their mistakes and are trying to catch up. This simple system dynamics model can be easily used for systems analysis to study the effects of automation and thus can help in making strategic decisions in automation and policy guidelines formulations.

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  • 1989
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