The Bernard C. Smith Papers document the first four years of Smith's service as a New York State Senator. While Smith is most well known for his work in conservation, these papers from his early Senate career contain significant materials on the issues of abortion, education (especially for mentally handicapped children), medical treatment and penal codes and laws.
The Clarence Eugene Hancock Papers document Hancock's time in the House of Representatives in the United States Congress. He was the representative of the 35th District of New York from 1927 to 1945 but came to represent the 36th district from 1945 to 1947 after New York State was redistricted. The collection includes correspondence, newspaper clippings, Congressional bills, transcripts of Congressional hearings, telegrams, and handwritten notes.
This collection contains bills, correspondence, supplemental materials, and committee papers from Donald A. Campbell's tenure as a New York State Assemblyman from 1951-1968.
The Ernest Curto Papers document Curto's service in the New York State Assembly, as a representative of Niagara County (N.Y.), where he served from 1946-1964. The collection includes correspondence, subject files, and legislation from his tenure.
The Ernest I. Hatfield Papers document Hatfield's service in the New York State Senate, where he served from 1948-1964, and the years immediately following. The collection includes correspondence, scrapbooks of newspaper clippings, speeches, and bills he introduced.
The Frank J. Becker Papers document Becker's service in the U.S Congress, as a representative of Nassau County (N.Y.), where he served from 1953-1964. The collection includes correspondence, subject files, and legislation from his tenure.
The Frederic S. Berman Papers predominantly document his service in the New York State Senate through correspondence, newsclippings, bills, research material and campaign literature. In addition, there are files pertaining to his post-Senatorial career as the Commissioner of the New York City Rent and Housing Department and as a New York City Criminal Court Judge.
The Henry Curran Papers contain materials from Curran's decade of service in the New York State Senate from 1961-1968. The collection includes committee work, sponsored legislation, correspondence, reports, and news clippings from his tenure.