The Alfred Werner Papers contain typescripts of his writings on artists and art topics, as well as a small amount of correspondence, student papers, notes and research materials used for his writing. Werner's main focus was on Jewish art and artists.
The collection consists chiefly of administrative paper records from the University at Albany's Allen Collegiate Center, operational from 1972-1976. The experimental center combined the senior year of high school with the freshman year of college so that students could earn a bachelor's degree in three years.
The Bernard C. Smith Papers document the first four years of Smith's service as a New York State Senator. While Smith is most well known for his work in conservation, these papers from his early Senate career contain significant materials on the issues of abortion, education (especially for mentally handicapped children), medical treatment and penal codes and laws.
The Campus Unrest Collection documents volatile events during the late 1960s and the early 1970s that occurred not only at the State University Of New York at Albany, but at other Universities as well.
The Capital Defender Office (1995-2008) (CDO) was established as part of New York States 1995 death penalty legislation which took effect on September 1, 1995. Under the new law, the State expanded the crime of first degree murder and introduced two new penalties, death and life in prison without possibility of parole, for those convicted. Working from offices in Albany, New York City, and Rochester, the CDO sought to ensure that defendants being tried by the State, who could not afford representation, receive skilled counsel in capital cases. The CDO closed its Rochester office in 2005, and, as no state death penalty cases remain, the Albany and New York City offices in 2008. This collection consists of news clips (filed by subject), subject files, bound records of appeal in the cases of the People v. Cahill, Harris, LaValle, Mateo, McCoy, and Taylor, notebooks with appellate briefs, New York county court papers arranged by county, government studies, reports and debates on capital punishment, annual reports, and a small number of VHS tapes recording court proceedings. There are defendant case files, some with correspondence, court papers, and news clips and others with just news clips.
This collection documents the day-to-day activities of the Center for Law and Justice in Albany, New York, founded by its Executive Director Dr. Alice P. Green in 1985.
The records of Citizens' Environmental Coalition (CEC) document its research and activism, from its infancy as part of the New York Environmental Institute, through its independent chartering in 1991, and continuing into the new millennium.