Search Results

Student Handbook Collection, 1904-1995

1.16 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
Collection is made up of the student handbooks issued by the student association.
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Autograph Book Collection, 1857-1890

0.75 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
Collection is made up of autograph books from the New York State Normal School.
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Edward S. LeComte Papers, 1940-2003

6 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
Contains the papers of Edward S. LeComte, who served as a professor of English at the University at Albany from 1964 until his retirement in 1981. Materials in this collection include personal correspondence, course planning materials, publications and administrative documents from the Department of English, newsxpaper clippings, manuscripts of LeComte's writing, and communications with publishers.
1 result

Edward S. LeComte Papers, 1940-2003 6 cubic ft.

Cornelius Robbins Papers, 1979-2006

1 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
A long-time administrator at two-year and four-year colleges throughout the Northeast, Robbins was employed from 1992 through 2008 as a professor in the Department of Educational Administration at the State University of New York at Albany.
1 result

Cornelius Robbins Papers, 1979-2006 1 cubic ft.

Strategic Plans Collection, 2010 October

0.17 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
An artificial colelction of the university's stratigic plans which domument the major policy directions set forth by the university administration.

Judith Langer Papers, 1970-2010

3 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
Office papers of education and literacy scholar Judith Langer who directed the Center on English Learning and Achievement (CELA).
1 result

Judith Langer Papers, 1970-2010 3 cubic ft.

Digital Media Department Records, 1921-2016

12 GB 31.66 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
This collection consists of both physical photographic materials and digital photography created by the campus photographer that documents the University at Albany, SUNY.
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Video Materials, 1973-1998 1.66 cubic ft.

Photographic Materials, 1921-2001 25 cubic ft.

Marie Deans Papers, 1957-2015

4.36 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
This collection documents the death penalty abolitionist work of Marie McFadden Deans. A smaller amount of personal materials, such as Deans' poetry and writing, also is included.
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University Update Collection, 1952-2006

6.2 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
This collection consists of the University Update publication, as well as its predecessor publications produced by the same office.
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Campus Courier, 1966-1969

Faculty-Student Association Records, 1952-1976

4.0 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
The Faculty-Student Association Records document the day-to-day operations of this non-profit organization which provided ancillary services to the university community.
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Office of Construction Manager Collection, 1950-1980

46.19 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
This collection is made up of a variety of materials related to the construction of the UAlbany Uptown campus, Brubacher Hall, and the President's House.
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Dormitory 1, 1964-1966 10.0 cubic ft. 209 Rolls Roll 1, Roll 2, Roll 3, Roll 4, Roll 5, Roll 6, Roll 7, Roll 8, Roll 9, Roll 10, Roll 11, Roll 12, Roll 13, Roll 14, Roll 15, Roll 16, Roll 17, Roll 18, Roll 19, Roll 20, Roll 21, Roll 22, Roll 23, Roll 24, Roll 25, Roll 26, Roll 27, Roll 28, Roll 29, Roll 30, Roll 31, Roll 32, Roll 33, Roll 34, Roll 35, Roll 36, Roll 37, Roll 38, Roll 39, Roll 40, Roll 41, Roll 42, Roll 43, Roll 44, Roll 45, Roll 46, Roll 47, Roll 48, Roll 49, Roll 50

Dormitory 2, 1970-1971 2.0 cubic ft. 312 Rolls

Dormitory 3, 1966-1971 7.0 cubic ft. 274 Rolls

Downtown Campus Coordinator, 1973-1976

0.4 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
The Downtown Campus Coordinator Collection is made up of materials created by former Coordinator Mildred Cunningham. The materials detail the various changes made from 1973 to 1976 such as the rehabilitation of buildings for classrooms, curriculum changes, and restoration of pieces like the Hawley Library murals.
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Office of Human Resources Management Records, 1947-2017

3.53 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
This collection contains salary schedules and rosters, personnel policy and procedure documentation, and other records pertaining to the Office of Human Resources Management and its predecessor bodies.
3 results

Administrative Records, 1947-1985 3.53 cubic ft.

Office of Human Resources Management Records, 1947-2017 3.53 cubic ft.

United Way-State Employee Federated Appeal Committee, Records, 1966-1986

0.33 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
This collection contains materials documenting the fundraising efforts by University at Albany faculty and staff to support the United Way and Red Cross.
1 result

New York State Normal College Executive Committee Records, 1844 June-1909 September

0.48 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
This collection holds the meeting minutes of the executive committe of the State Normal school who were appointed by the Board of Regents to run the administration of the school.
1 result

Office of Equipment Management Records, 1963-1972

5.33 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
This collection consists of inactive records from the Office of Equipment Management (formerly the Equipment Office), which is responsible for overseeing equipment purchases and inventory management at the University.
1 result

Office of Equipment Management Records, 1963-1972 5.33 cubic ft.

University Auxiliary Services Records, 1976-1985

0.4 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
Contains inactive records of University Auxiliary Services (which succeeded the Faculty-Student Association in 1976), including annual and monthly financial reports, meeting minutes, and ephemera.
1 result

University Auxiliary Services Records, 1976-1985 0.4 cubic ft.

Office of the Vice President for Management and Planning Records, 1965-1978

4 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
Contains the records of the Office of the Vice President for Management and Planning, which oversaw budget, personnel, facilities, security, and other campus services from 1966 until 1977 when the position became the Vice President for Finance and Business.
1 result

Office of the Vice President for Management and Planning Records, 1965-1978 4 cubic ft.

University Bookstore Records, 1964-1984

0.2 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
Contains records from the University Bookstore, including board meeting minutes, newsletters, and reports.
1 result

University Bookstore Records, 1964-1984 0.2 cubic ft.

Office of Internal Audit Records, 1971-1981

0.33 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
This is an artificial collection of materials, gathered from several offices, relating to the Office of Internal Audit.
1 result

Office of Internal Audit Records, 1971-1981 0.33 cubic ft.

Division of Finance and Business Records, 1972-2000

4 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
Contains the records of the Division of Finance and Business, which preceded the current Division of Finance and Administration. It was overseen by the Vice President of Finance and Business and was responsible for many administrative functions at the University: budget and accounting, personnel, facilities, security, and internal audit.
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Commencement Videos Collection, 1981-2005

5.0 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
The Commencement Videos Collection contain video footage of winter and spring commencement ceremonies at the University at Albany between 1981-2005.
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Deans' And Directors' Meetings Records, 1967-1981

1.0 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
Records of informal meetings attended by deans of academic schools and directors of university facilities.
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Center for Technology and Government, 1994-2013

0.33 cubic ft. 19 Digital Files
Abstract Or Scope
Records of university-sponsored applied research center that examines and aids the adoption of technological innovation in government.
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Office of Summer Sessions, 1919-1975

1.4 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
Contains the records of the Office of Summer Sessions (currently known as the Office of General Studies and Summer Sessions), including annual reports, budget materials, and enrollment data.
1 result

Office of Summer Sessions, 1919-1975 1.4 cubic ft.

Accent on Research Collection, 1972-1997

1 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
This collection is made up of the Accent on Research newsletter, a university publication focused on faculty research.
1 result

Accent on Research Collection, 1972-1997 1 cubic ft.

School of Criminal Justice Records, 1963-1988

14 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
The files of the School of Criminal Justice consist primarily of records kept by Deans Richard Myren 1966-1976, and Donald Newman, 1977-84. They document the organization and formation of the School, particularly during the critical years of development (1963-1969).

Center for Community Studies Records, 1946-1976

14.2 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
Created in 1950 in part to study education in school districts. The Center's mission was to identify the research factors that aid in constructing and maintaining strong democratic communities and to promote such factors through education.
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School of Education Records, 1927-1988

9.34 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
The School of Education has its origins as the academic unit of the State Normal School in 1844. It remained a core part of the curriculum of the State College for Teachers (1914-1959) and continued after the 1960s as an academic school within a large public research university.
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School of Business Records, 1937-2003

14.17 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
Contains inactive records from the School of Business, including: planning documentation, reports and budgets, MBA proposals, and faculty meeting minutes.
1 result

School of Business Records, 1937-2003 14.17 cubic ft.

Two-Year College Development Center, 1969-1991

2 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
Contains records from the Two-Year College Development Center (later referred to as the Two-Year College Student Development Center, and subsequently renamed the Center for Innovation and Career Development). The collection contains annual reports, workshop and conference materials, and educational materials.
1 result

Two-Year College Development Center, 1969-1991 2 cubic ft.

Department of Curriculum and Instruction Records, 1962-1974

2 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
Contains records from the Department of Curriculum and Instruction, primarily planning documents for various special institutes and programs.
1 result

Career Education Institute Records, 1974-1976

2 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
Contains the records of the Career Education Institute, which was a professional development program that ran from 1974-1976 for secondary school teachers in the Capital District aimed at helping integrate career education into secondary school curricula. The collection consists of administrative correspondence, financial documents, and informational materials from the program.
1 result

Career Education Institute Records, 1974-1976 2 cubic ft.

Center for Curriculum Research and Service Records, 1963-1970

0.66 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
Includes publications from the Center for Curriculum Research and Service, which provided laboratory experience for the development and application of curricula for undergraduate and graduate students.
1 result

Center for Curriculum Research and Service Records, 1963-1970 0.66 cubic ft.

Department of Reading Records, 1962-1978

1 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
Contains records from the Department of Reading, including instructional materials, faculty publications, and coursework.
1 result

Department of Reading Records, 1962-1978 1 cubic ft.

General Reference Collection, 1828-2015

33 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
A reference collection created by archivists that includes clippings, copies of official records, publications that document the University, students, alumni, and members of the faculty.
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University Publications Collection, 1921-2017, 1921-2017

10 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
This collection is made up of various pubilcations from the University at Albany, and groups within the institution.
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Faculty Handbooks Collection, 1948-1994

0.8 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
This collection is made up of faculty handbooks for professors at the University of Albany.
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University Calendars Collection, 1989-1994

0.17 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
This collection is made up of copies of the University at Albany Calendar.
1 result

University Calendars Collection, 1989-1994 0.17 cubic ft.

Newspaper Clippings Reference Collection, 1945-2002

9.6 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
An artificial collection containing newspaper clippings covering a variety of University-related subjects collected by the University Archives.
1 result

Newspaper Clippings Reference Collection, 1945-2002 9.6 cubic ft.

System Dynamic Society Records, 1978-2016

5.85 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
Adminsrative records of the System Dynamic Society, a professional organization of academics devoted to furthering research into system dynamics and systems thinking. The Society holds an annual international conference, and the administration of the group was based at UAlbany until 2018.

Center for International Education and Global Strategy Records, 1941 - 2017 May 17

19.36 cubic ft. 28 captures
Abstract Or Scope
The collection consists of inactive records from the University at Albany's Center for International Education and Global Strategy and its predecessor offices.
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Department of Theatre Records, 1948-1984

7.167 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
Originally the Department of Speech and Dramatic Art, it encompassed the disciplines of Dramatic Art; Rhetoric and Public Address; Radio, Television and Film; and Speech Pathology and Audiology. The Department is responsible for the operation of the State University Theatre, is closely affiliated with the Northeastern New York Speech Center, and is the sponsor of a number of course-related student organizations
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Department of Slavic and Germanic Languages and Literature Records, bulk 1970/1984

3.0 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
Contains departmental copies of German dissertations submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.
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Department of Hispanic and Italian Studies Records, 1974-1985

0.66 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
This collection contains adminstrative memoranda, correspondence with students, course materials, and other adminstrative records from the Department of Hispanic and Italian Studies, primarily dated from 1970-1986.
1 result

Department of Hispanic and Italian Studies Records, 1974-1985 0.66 cubic ft.

Department of Judaic Studies Records, 1972-1987

12.6 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
Contains records from the Department of Judaic Studies, which was formed in 1970. Consists primarily of multimedia instructional materials.
1 result

Department of Judaic Studies Records, 1972-1987 12.6 cubic ft.

Department of Music Records, 1923-1988

2.8 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
This collection contains records and ephemera from the Department of Music.
1 result

Department of Music Records, 1923-1988 2.8 cubic ft.

Center for Inter-American Studies Records, 1962-1976

2.33 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
Contains records from the Center of Inter-American Studies, which sponsored interdisciplinary language and cultural studies program relating to Latin America.
1 result

Center for Inter-American Studies Records, 1962-1976 2.33 cubic ft.