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Kappa Delta Sorority Records, 1899-2001, Undated

7.1 cubic ft.
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The Kappa Delta Sorority Records contain documents related to the formation, activities and alumnae of the Kappa Delta Sorority at the University at Albany.

University at Albany, SUNY Alumni Association Records, 1851-2011

60.08 cubic ft. 0 captures
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The State University of New York at Albany Alumni Association Records document the day-to-day operations of the Alumni Association from the 1850s to the early 21st Century.
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Thomas Nattell Papers, 1956-2002

12.1 cubic ft.
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The Thomas Nattell papers document the life of a mental health worker and political activist active during the 1980s and 1990s in Albany, New York. He created and participated in organizations like the Albany Peace and Energy Council (APEC) and the Three Guys From Albany poetry troupe. He also acted as promoter and event coordinator for movie showings, poetry open mics and an annual 24-hour poetry reading alongside a coinciding international postcard art event. Nattell used poetry and other arts to advance world peace, anti-nuclear power and proliferation, and environmental issues. This collection contains videos of events, photographs, scrapbooks full of art and poetry mailed from around the world to Nattell, subject files with research on topics related to his professional work as well as his activism, poetry, correspondence, and clippings.
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Division for Research Records, 1974-2013

42.88 cubic ft.
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This collection contains records from the Office of the Vice President for Research and Dean of Graduate Studies, which oversaw research and graduate education at the University between 1971 and 1998.

National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty Records, 1972-2006, Undated, bulk 1981-2006

27.55 cubic ft.
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Since 1976 the National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty has been working to educate the public about the failings and inconsistencies of capital punishment in the United States. Founded after the Gregg v. Georgia Supreme Court decision in 1976, the NCADP has emerged as one of the more influential national anti-death penalty organizations. The collection contains the group's internal case files, administrative material, publications, petitions, photographic materials, video tapes, and audio cassettes.

New York State Conference of Local Mental Hygiene Directors Records, 1950-2009

36.5 cubic ft.
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The records of the New York State Conference of Local Mental Hygiene Directors trace the development of mental healthcare throughout the state from the early 1950s through the beginning of the twenty-first century. Established in the mid-1970s, the Conference's records include correspondence, memos, meeting minutes, reports, and manuals that chronicle the efforts of mental health professionals as they encourage local, county, and state agencies to provide quality, affordable services for persons living with mental illness, chemical dependency, and/or developmental disability.
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Max Barth Papers, 1916-1962

0.25 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
Collection contains photocopies of hand–corrected typescripts of poetry and offprints of articles from poet and journalist Max Barth.
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Department of Athletics Records, 1940-2014

95.22 cubic ft.
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Records of the University at Albany Athletics Department, including administrative records, photographs, and other memorobilia.

Sigma Pi Phi, Beta Psi Boulé Records, 1982-2023

14.47 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
The Sigma Pi Phi, Beta Psi Boulé Records document the history and day-to-day operations of the Beta Psi Boulé. A professional fraternity, Sigma Pi Phi was founded on May 15, 1904 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and its members are distinguished African American men with college and graduate degrees. Beta Psi is the fraternity's 69th Boulé founded on May 5, 1984 in the Capital District of New York.

John H. E. Fried Papers, 1911-1990

40 cubic ft.
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The John H. E. Fried Papers consist of his professional correspondence, copies of his published and unpublished writings (manuscripts, typescripts, reprints and books), texts of numerous speeches and lectures (published and unpublished), personal documents, teaching materials, as well as Fried's research collections on topics relating to global human rights problems and remedies.

Helen Quirini Papers, 1898-2010

50.89 cubic ft.
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This collection documents the life, work and activism of Helen Quirini of Schenectady, New York. The collection represents Quirini's numerous activities and interests including her early work owning a local market with her brother, her 39 year employment for General Electric, her activism in unions during her employment and retirement, as well as her charitable activities where she pursued civil, housing, pension, women's and senior citizen's rights.
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Commencement Videos Collection, 1981-2005

5.0 cubic ft.
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The Commencement Videos Collection contain video footage of winter and spring commencement ceremonies at the University at Albany between 1981-2005.
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Vincent J. Schaefer Papers, 1891-1993

135 cubic ft.
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The Vincent J. Schaefer Papers represent the professional accomplishments and personal interests of the scientist who discovered cloud seeding. Schaefer spent more than 20 years with General Electric in Schenectady, New York, working his way up from apprentice, to research assistant, to research associate. In those years he was mentored by Irving Langmuir, Nobel Prize winner in chemistry. The work Schaefer did at General Electric laid the foundation for further success as he became director of research for the Munitalp Foundation, began a highly successful summer science program for high school students, acted as an independent consultant, and founded the Atmospheric Sciences Research Center at the State University of New York at Albany. This collection contains research data, notes, correspondence, publications, and photographs that showcase Schaefer's long, industrious scientific career as well as highlighting his many hobbies in local history and environmentalism.

Joseph Walders Papers, 1949-1977

6.98 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
This collection contains television and film scripts, movie posters, still photographs, lobby cards, and pressbooks collected by Joseph Walders.
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Citizen Action of New York Records, 1983-2008

11.1 cubic ft.
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This collection contains the records Citizen Action of New York. Citizen Action of New York is a grassroots membership organization that fights for social, racial, economic, and enviornmental justice. Working closely with New York State politicans, community organizers, and activists, Citizen Action members hope to end the oppression of marginalized groups.

James Joseph Delaney Papers, 1950-1978

11.65 cubic ft.
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The James Joseph Delaney Papers, 1950-1978, document Delaney's extensive tenure in Congress. Elected in November 1948, Delaney remained in Congress until his retirement in December 1978. Delaney served as Congressman from Queens, New York and his three decades in Washington are distinguished by consecutive elections to chairman of the House Rules Committee and the addition of the 1958 Delaney Clause to the 1938 Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act.

Saratoga Springs Open Space Project Records, 1970-2003

10.68 cubic ft.
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The Saratoga Springs Open Space Project worked for the preservation of open space in Saratoga Springs. It supported the creation of nature trails, scenic walkways, and biking paths as well as vigorously opposed sprawl and loss of open space by organizing opposition to unsustainable development. In addition, the organization coordinated several programs aimed at aiding the development of Saratoga Springs and maintained a special interest in the development of the downtown area. The collection includes administrative files, grant files, material related to programs and issues, documentation of trails, and subject files.

State University of New York Board of Trustees Records, 1948-2001

7.22 cubic ft.
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State University of New York (SUNY) Board of Trustees Records document the activities of public higher education campuses across New York State, during the later half of the twentieth century.

David Baldus Papers, 1965-2011

192.3 cubic ft.
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The David C. Baldus Papers document the distinguished legal research career of David C. Baldus, which includes the most sophisticated challenges to capital punishment in the United States since the reinstatement of the Death Penalty in 1976. Included is material from the Georgia Charging & Sentencing Study, which was used as evidence in the McCleskey v. Kemp (1987) decision. Similar studies involving capital sentencing in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and the U.S. Military are also detailed, as is Baldus's formal reports to the supreme courts of a number of other states. Also present is material documenting Baldus's long career as the Joseph B. Tye Professor of Law at the University of Iowa Law School. This includes teaching material, presentations, publications, and material documenting faculty service.
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