"Zusammenarbeit von Jugendamt und Polizeibehörden", (1932) Box 34 (3.2.1-German articles), Folder 230 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Walter A. Friedländer (Friedlaender) Papers, 1914-1984Manuscripts/typescripts by Walter A. Friedländer, 1931-1984Manuscripts of journal articlesGerman articles, Undated
"Zusammenarbeit von Jugendamt und Polizeibehörden", (1932) Box 35 (4-Publications by Walter A. ), Folder 44 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Walter A. Friedländer (Friedlaender) Papers, 1914-1984Publications by Walter A. Friedländer, 1926-1979Journal articles
"Zur Wissenschaftslehre", (1903) Box 54 (8-Series 8 - Fritz Graebner Collection), Folder 7 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Paul Leser Papers, 1850-1984Series 8 - Fritz Graebner Collection, 1909-1980Publications by Fritz Graebner
Zur Verteidigung der Einheit der deutschen Kultur (n.d.)., Undated Box 48, Folder 73 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Karl O. Paetel Papers, 1904-1984Pamphlet Collection, 1904-1974Miscellaneous topics, 1904-1974
Zurukzoglu, St, Undated Box 3 (4-Publications by Others), Folder 65 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Julius V. Wyler Papers, 1903-1959Publications by Others, Undated
"ZurTheorie der Bildenden Kunst", Undated Box 1 (Ludwig Bachhofer Papers ), Folder 19 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Ludwig Bachhofer Papers, 1922-1968
"Zur Strukturanalyse des menschlichen Geistes", 1933 April 16-1933 May 25 Box 4 (3-Published and Unpublished Writings of Reinhard Ben), Folder 8 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Reinhard Bendix Papers, 1929-1998Published and Unpublished Writings of Reinhard Bendix, 1930-1991Early writings in German, 1930-1938
"Zur Strafrechtsreform". Clipping, unsigned, 1927 March 31 Box 5 (4.2.1-Clippings and offprints of early articles), Folder 3 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Albert (Leser) Lestoque Papers, 1862-1963, bulk 1899-1960Writings of Albert Lestoque, 1909-1960Essayistic writings, UndatedClippings and offprints of early articles, Undated
Zur Steuer der Wahrheit: Was war die deutsche Jugendbewegung? (1955)., 1955 Box 17, Folder 60 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Karl O. Paetel Papers, 1904-1984Publications of Karl O. Paetel, 1927-1972Essayistic Publications, 1927-1972
"Zur Statistik der Arbeitslöhne im Steinkohlenbergbau", 1929 July 11 Box 6 (6-Publications of Karl Pribram), Folder 24 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Karl Pribram Papers, 1877-1973Publications of Karl Pribram, 1904-1951Large format publications, 1914-1937
"Zur Soziologie des Staatsstreichs (Randbemerkungen zum 20. Juli 1944)." T. with h. corr. 34p., Undated Box 13, Folder 33 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Karl O. Paetel Papers, 1904-1984Manuscripts by Paetel, ca. 1940-1982Manuscripts of Poetry, Short Stories, Essays, Undated
Zur Soziologie der deutschen Jugend (1958)., 1958 Box 17, Folder 60 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Karl O. Paetel Papers, 1904-1984Publications of Karl O. Paetel, 1927-1972Essayistic Publications, 1927-1972
"Zur Soziologie der bürgerlichen Intelligenz in Deutschland", 1929 Box 7 (4.2.3-Essayistic writings, arranged chronologically), Folder 54 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Hans Speier Papers, 1922-1989Manuscripts and typescripts, ca. 1920-1987Typescripts and manuscripts of early unpublished poems and short stories, published and unpublished essayistic writings, 1920-1987Essayistic writings, arranged chronologically, Undated
"Zur Situation des deutschen Auslandskorrespondenten." T. with h. corr. 2p., Undated Box 13, Folder 32 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Karl O. Paetel Papers, 1904-1984Manuscripts by Paetel, ca. 1940-1982Manuscripts of Poetry, Short Stories, Essays, Undated
"Zur Reform der Fürsorge-Erziehung" Box 34 (3.2.1-German articles), Folder 229 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Walter A. Friedländer (Friedlaender) Papers, 1914-1984Manuscripts/typescripts by Walter A. Friedländer, 1931-1984Manuscripts of journal articlesGerman articles, Undated
Zur Psychologie des Neo-Nationalsozialismus (1946)., 1946 Box 17, Folder 60 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Karl O. Paetel Papers, 1904-1984Publications of Karl O. Paetel, 1927-1972Essayistic Publications, 1927-1972
"Zur Psychologie des deutschen Offizierskorps." T. with h. corr. 14p., 11p., Undated Box 13, Folder 32 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Karl O. Paetel Papers, 1904-1984Manuscripts by Paetel, ca. 1940-1982Manuscripts of Poetry, Short Stories, Essays, Undated
"Zur Psychologie des amerikanischen Kriminalromane." T.cc. with h. corr., incomplete. 2p., Undated Box 13, Folder 32 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Karl O. Paetel Papers, 1904-1984Manuscripts by Paetel, ca. 1940-1982Manuscripts of Poetry, Short Stories, Essays, Undated
Zur Politik deutscher Sozialisten. Politische Kundgebungen und programmatische Richtlinien der Union deutscher sozialistischer Organisationen in Grossbritannien (Nov. 1945)., 1945 November Box 48, Folder 72 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Karl O. Paetel Papers, 1904-1984Pamphlet Collection, 1904-1974Miscellaneous topics, 1904-1974
. "Zur Politik des 'Dritten Reiches'" (1954)., 1954 Box 17, Folder 60 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Karl O. Paetel Papers, 1904-1984Publications of Karl O. Paetel, 1927-1972Essayistic Publications, 1927-1972