Search Results

Fred R. Brown Papers, 1882-1966

8 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
Methodist missionary and science teacher in the Kiansi Province of China from 1910 to 1931. He and his wife, a fellow missionary, later settled in DeWitt, New York.
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Erwin Bodky Papers, 1897-1958

6 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
The Bodky Papers include biographical materials, letters, musical programs, reviews, extensive manuscripts, arrangements, and printed material. Bodky studied piano with Ferrucio Busoni and composition with Richard Strauss and performed widely on harpsichord and piano. He left Germany and lived in the Netherlands, 1933–1938, and the United States from 1938 until his death. He was a professor of music at Brandeis University.
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Troy and Rutland Rail Road Company Records, 1814-1919

1.8 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
The Troy & Rutland Rail Road Company Records contain legal and financial papers, board member correspondence, as well as voting certificates, ballot slips, & engineering drawings.
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Erich von Kahler Papers, 1905-1977

13 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
This collection contains diaries, 1906-1913; correspondence; corrected manuscripts of literary works by Hermann Broch, Golo Mann, and others, 1945-1970; lecture notes on philosophy of history; and contemporary politics for lectures given in Germany and the United States.
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Roy C. Bates (Kurt Bauchwitz) Papers, 1890-2006

19 cubic ft. 1 Digital Files
Abstract Or Scope
This collection documents the literary and legal careers of Roy C. Bates (Kurt Bauchwitz). The materials cover his early years in Germany (1890-1938), the years of flight from Hitler's Germany via Japan to the United States (1938-1941), and his U.S. years (1941-1974).
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Albert (Leser) Lestoque Papers, 1862-1963, bulk 1899-1960

15 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
Records from legal battles and restitution claims of Albert (Leser) Lestoque and his two siblings, for family properties in the Plittersdorf section of Bonn, Germany. Also contains manuscripts and published versions of Lestoque's writings, including the manuscripts from lecture engagements, and materials from organizations as Citizens for Victory, the International Committee for the Study of European Questions and the German American Writers' Association (GAWA).

Atlantic States Legal Foundation Records, 1966-2009

179.74 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
The Atlantic States Legal Foundation Records document the environmental not-for-profit organization's pollution reduction and environmental remediation projects and cases throughout the United States and territories.
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Subject Files, Undated, bulk 1968-2004

Projects, Undated, bulk 1967-2009 118.92 cubic ft.

Publications, Undated, bulk 1966-2009

Lawrence S. Wittner Papers, 1977-2020

3.16 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
The Lawrence S. Wittner Papers document Dr. Wittner's activism in politics and his work with United University Professions, the Albany County Central Federation of Labor, the Solidarity Committee of the Capital District, the Albany Chapter of Democratic Socialists of America, Upper Hudson Peace Action, and various other social justice and peace organizations in the Capital Region.
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BirthNet Records, 1994-2020

5.42 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
This collection documents the founding and day-to-day activities of BirthNet, a birth justice organization located in the Capital District of New York.
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