The Executive Board Files contain the meeting minutes of the Board of Directors (1968, 1979-1985) and the Executive Committee (1984-1986) include correspondence with the NUL, personnel matters, and correspondence with Albany, New York Mayor Thomas Whalen III and NUL President John E. Jacob. They were maintained as a record of the activities of the Albany Urban League in its affiliation with the National Urban League and as a community based organization in the Capitol District. The Executive Director's Reports served as monthly overviews of the day-to-day operations of the Albany Urban League. The smallest of the series' the Executive Board Files are incomplete. The Urban League of Northeastern New York began in 1966 but gaps in the series leave the 1960s and 1970s largely undocumented. Executive Board Files produced after 1987 are in the possession of the Urban League of Northeastern New Yorke.