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Albert (Leser) Lestoque Papers, 1862-1963, bulk 1899-1960

15 cubic ft.
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Records from legal battles and restitution claims of Albert (Leser) Lestoque and his two siblings, for family properties in the Plittersdorf section of Bonn, Germany. Also contains manuscripts and published versions of Lestoque's writings, including the manuscripts from lecture engagements, and materials from organizations as Citizens for Victory, the International Committee for the Study of European Questions and the German American Writers' Association (GAWA).

Karl Pribram Papers, 1877-1973

10 cubic ft.
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Karl Pribram was an emigre economist from Austria and an expert on economic thought and policymaking. The Pribram Papers include diaries, documents, correspondence, manuscripts, notes and Pribram's publications.

Hans Speier Papers, 1922-1989

16.5 cubic ft.
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The Hans Speier Papers primarily focus on Speier's career in the U.S. after his emigration. The collection includes biographical materials, including family documents and correspondence; autobiographical writings, manuscripts and typescripts; The RAND Corporation materials; typescripts by other authors, Nazi propaganda; anti-Nazi propaganda; Allied Forces Intelligence reports and memoranda; notes and materials on various topics; and political pamphlets.

Adolph Lowe Papers, 1915-1996

5 cubic ft.
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Biographical material includes biographies; personal papers from teaching at the University of Kiel, 1926–31 and University of Manchester, 1933–40; papers from Lowe's 80th birthday (1973); Veblen–Commons Award, 1979; interview with Die Zeit, 1988; correspondence, 1928–91; writings by Lowe, including lectures, speeches, published and unpublished works. Lowe was one of the founders of the New School for Social Research comprised mostly of the German intellectual Émigrés to the USA prior to WWII.

Fritz Neugass Papers, 1913-1979

60 cubic ft.
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The collection documents the professional life of photographer and journalist Fritz Neugass. The Neugass Papers include published writings, typescripts, clippings, research materials, photographs by Neugass, photographs by others, correspondence, and auction catalogs.
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Erich Hula Papers, 1900-1986

22 cubic ft.
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A substantial portion of the Erich Hula Papers consists of his writings, both in typescript and published form. This includes his contributions to newspapers and journals as well as extensive notes from his research and for courses taught. The collection also contains correspondence files and biographical documents, and a large collection of reprints (and some typescripts) sent to and collected by Hula of colleagues and other scholars.

Vincent J. Schaefer Papers, 1891-1993

135 cubic ft.
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The Vincent J. Schaefer Papers represent the professional accomplishments and personal interests of the scientist who discovered cloud seeding. Schaefer spent more than 20 years with General Electric in Schenectady, New York, working his way up from apprentice, to research assistant, to research associate. In those years he was mentored by Irving Langmuir, Nobel Prize winner in chemistry. The work Schaefer did at General Electric laid the foundation for further success as he became director of research for the Munitalp Foundation, began a highly successful summer science program for high school students, acted as an independent consultant, and founded the Atmospheric Sciences Research Center at the State University of New York at Albany. This collection contains research data, notes, correspondence, publications, and photographs that showcase Schaefer's long, industrious scientific career as well as highlighting his many hobbies in local history and environmentalism.

Henry M. Pachter (Heinz Paechter) Papers, 1907-1987

8.49 cubic ft.
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The collection contains Pachter's writings in history, economics, current events, the social sciences and other topics. The bulk of the collection consists of Pachter's published essayistic writings, both for journals (including numerous articles for Dissent) and for newspapers.
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Hans Natonek Papers, 1918-1964

3.25 cubic ft.
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The Hans Natonek Papers contain drafts of his novels, short stories and poems, and correspondence with family and publishers. The bulk of the literary works in this collection, though undated, stem from the period after Natonek fled to the United States, mainly after he moved to Arizona in 1943.