Search Results

Michael Mello Papers, 1800-2008, bulk 1970-2004

42.2 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
Michael A. Mello (1957-2008) was an internationally recognized authority on the death penalty and capital punishment issues. He was a lawyer, professor, and author. Michael Mello served as counsel or informal advisor to many significant cases, including Joseph Robert Crazy Joe Spaziano, Theodore Kaczynski, Theodore Bundy, Rolando Cruz, Alvin Ford, Stephen Todd Booker, and Robert Straight.
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Johannes Crounse Papers, 1796

1 Vol.
Abstract Or Scope
This collection consists of a manuscript including treatments for ailments of horses, written in German, from a farmer living west of Albany, New York in the late 18th century.
1 result

Johannes Crounse Papers, 1796 1 Vol.

John Dean Dickinson Papers, 1796-1834

1 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
This collection contains letters, deeds, and retained copies of legal documents kept by John Dean Dickinson as an attorney and landowner in Lansingburg and Troy, New York in the late 18th and early 19th centuries. Dickinson served in the New York State Assembly and the United States Congress.
1 result

John Dean Dickinson Papers, 1796-1834 1 cubic ft.

Ezra Williams Papers, 1798-1804

1 Vol.
Abstract Or Scope
Collection includes financial records kept by a merchant seaman from East Hartford, Connecticut, who served on schooners trading with the West Indies and Spain.
1 result

Ezra Williams Papers, 1798-1804 1 Vol.

American Society for Public Administration (ASPA), Empire State Capital Area Chapter Records, 1952-1989

9.5 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
Founded to encorage and advance training and professionalism in public administration for New York State
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Severyn Bruyn Papers, 1800

1 Vol.
Abstract Or Scope
This collection is a notebook from a student reading law in 1800.
1 result

Severyn Bruyn Papers, 1800 1 Vol.

Israel Thompson Papers, 1800-1810

1 Vol.
Abstract Or Scope
Day book kept by the proprietor of a general store in Stonington, Vermont.
1 result

Israel Thompson Papers, 1800-1810 1 Vol.

Southern Coalition on Jails and Prisons Records, 1970-1992

10.5 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
Organized in 1974, the Southern Coalition on Jails and Prisons was formed to promote greater awareness of the problems of prisons and corrections, improve communication between the prison population and the outside world, and advocate for alternatives to the death penalty.
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Subject Files, 1970-1990, Undated 2.25 cubic ft.

John Fane, Lord Privy Seal Papers, 1801-1808

9 Vol.
Abstract Or Scope
John Fane, tenth earl of Westmorland, was a British Tory politician who served as Lord Privy Seal of Great Britain. This collection contains documents for inventions that were submitted to Fane while he was Lord Privy Seal.
1 result

John Fane, Lord Privy Seal Papers, 1801-1808 9 Vol.

Hawley Saddle and Harness Shop Records, 1803-1846

2 Vol.
Abstract Or Scope
This collection consist of records from the proprietors of a saddle and harness making shop in Paris, New York.
1 result

David M. Clark Papers, 1804-1812

1 Vol.
Abstract Or Scope
This collection contains an account book kept by a saddle and harness maker in Hillsboro County, New Hampshire the early 19th century.
1 result

David M. Clark Papers, 1804-1812 1 Vol.

Richard Woodhull Papers, 1806-1819

1 Vol.
Abstract Or Scope
Account book kept by Nathan H. White in the vicinity of Newburgh, New York.
1 result

Richard Woodhull Papers, 1806-1819 1 Vol.

John G. Hurtin Papers, 1806-1821

1 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
This collections contains legal and administrative materials from the early 19th century from Orange County, New York.
1 result

John G. Hurtin Papers, 1806-1821 1 cubic ft.

Phoenix Insurance Company of New York Records, 1807-1838

1 Vol.
Abstract Or Scope
This collection includes minutes of board meetings, lists of stockholders, inventory of property, and other records of a New York City company specializing in maritime insurance.
1 result

Phoenix Insurance Company of New York Records, 1807-1838 1 Vol.

James Colfax Papers, 1808-1813

1 Vol.
Abstract Or Scope
This collection includes shipping and related records from a dock operator in New York City in the early 19th century.
1 result

James Colfax Papers, 1808-1813 1 Vol.

Thomas De Grey Papers, 1809-1813

1 Vol.
Abstract Or Scope
Thomas de Grey, Baron Waslingham was the Archdeacon of Winchester. This collection contains a record book of day laborers' compensation and services on the Merton estate in Norfolk, England in the early 19th century.
1 result

Thomas De Grey Papers, 1809-1813 1 Vol.

Abraham Bell and Son Collection, 1809-1917

22 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
The collection consists of 157 volumes of business books and three boxes of financial materials, correspondence, books, scrapbooks and diaries relating to the Bell Family and the Abraham Bell and Son Company.
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Abraham Bell and Son Collection, 1809-1917 22 cubic ft.

Pierson Day Papers, 1810-1816

1 Vol.
Abstract Or Scope
This collection includes a diary and business records kept by an early 19th century farmer and rural laborer in Passaic County, New Jersey.
1 result

Pierson Day Papers, 1810-1816 1 Vol.

Ebenezer Fitch Papers, 1812-1846

1 Vol.
Abstract Or Scope
Ebenezer Fitch was a justice of peace in Oneida, New York. This collection contains a docket of cases he handled, personal items, and manuscripts.
1 result

Ebenezer Fitch Papers, 1812-1846 1 Vol.

Troy and Rutland Rail Road Company Records, 1814-1919

1.8 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
The Troy & Rutland Rail Road Company Records contain legal and financial papers, board member correspondence, as well as voting certificates, ballot slips, & engineering drawings.
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Troy and Rutland Rail Road Company Records, 1814-1919 1.8 cubic ft.

Norman Studer Papers, 1817-2012

18.84 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
The Norman Studer Papers document his career as both an educator and ardent Catskill folklorist. The collection includes significant material relating to his work as director of the Downtown Community School in New York City and Camp Woodland in the Catskills.
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Subject Files, 1817-1999, Undated 3.62 cubic ft.

Norman Studer Papers, 1817-2012 18.84 cubic ft.

Mark Woodbury Papers, 1818-1843

1 Vol.
Abstract Or Scope
Mark Woodbury was a proprietor of a general store in Antrim, New Hampshire. This collection contains his account book for the store.
1 result

Mark Woodbury Papers, 1818-1843 1 Vol.

Armstrong-Dunn Collection, 1819-1886, Undated

.2 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
This collection contains 19th century correspondence and financial records created by the Armstrong and Dunn families of Johnsburg in Warren County, New York. There is more material from the Dunn family than that of the Armstrongs, especially from John Dunn.
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Armstrong-Dunn Collection, 1819-1886, Undated .2 cubic ft.

Ancient and Honourable Company of Fellmongers Records, 1820-1859

1 Vol.
Abstract Or Scope
The Ancient and Honourable Company of Fellmangers was a trade guild located in Richmond, Yorkshire, England. This collection includes the Company's minutes of annual meetings, membership lists, and financial accounts.
1 result

Ancient and Honourable Company of Fellmongers Records, 1820-1859 1 Vol.

Saltus and Company Records, 1825-1835

2 Vol.
Abstract Or Scope
Day book kept by a New York City firm selling varieties of iron and steel bars; nails, hoops, and other iron products; and coal and salt to customers around New York State. Includes many entries for Delaware and Hudson Canal Company, the Troy Iron and Nail Factory, and companies in Albany and Syracuse.
1 result

Saltus and Company Records, 1825-1835 2 Vol.

Abraham Hathaway Papers, 1825-1870

1 Vol.
Abstract Or Scope
This collection contains the account book of a 19th century shoemaker and leather dealer near Taunton, Massachusetts.
1 result

Abraham Hathaway Papers, 1825-1870 1 Vol.

Center for Community Studies Records, 1946-1976

14.2 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
Created in 1950 in part to study education in school districts. The Center's mission was to identify the research factors that aid in constructing and maintaining strong democratic communities and to promote such factors through education.
Top 3 results view all 593

Activities and Programs, 1825-1976 12 cubic ft.

Thayer, Littlejohn and Company Shipping Records, 1827

1 Vol.
Abstract Or Scope
Records goods received from the firm of Thayer, Littlejohn and Company in Albany, New York, for shipping aboard Erie Canal boats. The volume bears the stationer's label "Packard & Van Benthuysen, Printers and Blank Book-Binders."
1 result

Thayer, Littlejohn and Company Shipping Records, 1827 1 Vol.

Thomas D. Coloney Papers, 1827-1852

1 Vol.
Abstract Or Scope
This collection contains the account book of a mid-19th century farmer in Farmington, Connecticut.
1 result

Thomas D. Coloney Papers, 1827-1852 1 Vol.

NAACP Albany (New York) Branch Records, 1965-1988

3.2 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
Collection of records and materials that document the day-to-day activities of the Albany branch of the NAACP, mainly from the mid-1960s to the mid-1980s.
Top 3 results view all 77

Newspaper Clippings, 1965-1987 .4 cubic ft.

William Eden Papers, 1828

2.65 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
This collection includes a journal of a journey through North America in 1828.
1 result

William Eden Papers, 1828 2.65 cubic ft.

Berlin and East Sudbury Stage Company Records, 1828-1832

1 Vol.
Abstract Or Scope
19th century accounting records for a Vermont stage company.
1 result

Jonah C. Boynton Papers, 1828-1836

1 Vol.
Abstract Or Scope
This collection cosists of a daybook from a 19th century Albany bookbinder.
1 result

Jonah C. Boynton Papers, 1828-1836 1 Vol.

Bernard Vonnegut Papers, 1828-1997

39.04 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
The Bernard Vonnegut Papers document Vonnegut's career as a researcher in the field of atmospheric science with a focus on his time at GE, Arthur Little, and the State University of New York at Albany. The collection includes technical memoranda, research, data, inventions and patent forms, equipment specifications, drawings, figures, handwritten notes, manuscripts, reports, correspondence, publicity materials, course materials, news clippings, photographs, memorabilia, and audio/video materials
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Bernard Vonnegut Papers, 1828-1997 39.04 cubic ft.

General Science Research and Inventions, 1828-1997, Undated 3.22 cubic ft.

William Titus Papers, 1828-1914

0.20 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
The William Titus Papers contains a wide range of activities generally focusing on Titus' personal businesses including land ownership and his representation of clients before the US War Department's Pension Office. The collection also contains personal correspondence as well as some records from his role as warden of the Auburn Prison.
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William Titus Papers, 1828-1914 0.20 cubic ft.

New York Canals Collection, 1828-1883

.17 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
Collection contains a variety of 19th century materials related to several New York State canals.
1 result

New York Canals Collection, 1828-1883 .17 cubic ft.

Faculty Reference Collection, 1845-present

42.25 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
Reference file of former and current UAlbany faculty members.
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Charles Fisher Papers, 1831-1841

1 Vol.
Abstract Or Scope
This collection contains tax assessments and petitions pertaining to School District No. 6 of Cumberland, Rhode Island.
1 result

Charles Fisher Papers, 1831-1841 1 Vol.

Edward H. Benedict Papers, 1832-1853

1 Vol.
Abstract Or Scope
This is a one volume collection kept by a textile dyer in Woodbury, Litchfield County, Connecticut.
1 result

Edward H. Benedict Papers, 1832-1853 1 Vol.

George and Charles Meriam Papers, 1833-1863

68 Vol.
Abstract Or Scope
Letters, publisher's catalogs, book dealers' announcements, and stationer's circulars received by mid-19th century booksellers in Springfield, Massachusetts.
1 result

George and Charles Meriam Papers, 1833-1863 68 Vol.

Muzzey General Store Records, 1833-1903

3 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
Includes 32 volumes of day books and ledgers kept by J. A. Muzzey for his general store in Jamaica, Vermont.
1 result

Muzzey General Store Records, 1833-1903 3 cubic ft.

Gilbert Bostwick Papers, 1834-1848

1 Vol.
Abstract Or Scope
An account book from a Port Henry, New York farmer and businessman.
1 result

Gilbert Bostwick Papers, 1834-1848 1 Vol.

Jesse Eddy Papers, 1834-1859

1 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
This collection contains the account book of a late 19th century wagon maker from Rhode Island.
1 result

Jesse Eddy Papers, 1834-1859 1 cubic ft.

Hugo A. Bedau Papers, 1954-2005

36 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
Hugo A. Bedau (Ph.D., Harvard, 1961) was a commentator, scholar, and activist for the abolition of capital punishment. He was a prominent spokesperson in the abolitionist movement and well-known for his scholarship and writing concerning the death penalty and the challenge to separate logical arguments from moral arguments.

Charles K. Gardner Papers, 1835-1860

35 Vol.
Abstract Or Scope
This collection contains correspondence of Charles K. Gardner invlolving a dispute over land, taxes, and railroad damages in Black Rock, Erie Canal, New York.
1 result

Charles K. Gardner Papers, 1835-1860 35 Vol.

Kendall and Hamlin School District No. 8 Records, 1838-1920

1 Vol.
Abstract Or Scope
Includes board minutes and reports for the Kendall and Hamlin School District No. 8, located in the area of Morton, Monroe County, New York.
1 result

Julius V. Wyler Papers, 1903-1959

7 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
The Julius V. Wyler Papers consist of correspondence, publications by Wyler and other economists (in German and in English), and course and lecture notes from his years of teaching at the New School for Social Research in New York.
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Daniel Tomlinson Papers, 1842

1 Vol.
Abstract Or Scope
Day book kept by the proprietor of a general store.
1 result

Daniel Tomlinson Papers, 1842 1 Vol.

Oseola (Ship) Records, 1842-1843

1 Vol.
Abstract Or Scope
Log book kept by Arthur Child, master of the Oseola merchant ship, on voyages between New Orleans, Liverpool, and Le Havre.
1 result

Oseola (Ship) Records, 1842-1843 1 Vol.

Vivian C. Hopkins Papers, 1842-1980, bulk 1930-1978

23.5 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
This collection consists of the papers of Dr. Vivian Constance Hopkins, documenting both her career in academia and her personal correspondence.
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Personal and Family Papers, 1842-1978, bulk 1930-1970 11 cubic ft.

Vivian C. Hopkins Papers, 1842-1980, bulk 1930-1978 23.5 cubic ft.

Albany Gravel Company, 1920-1980 0.75 cubic ft.