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Lebanon Springs, New York Post Office Records, 1893-1895

1 Vol.
Abstract Or Scope
This collection contains a late 19th century account book for the Lebanon Springs, New York Post Office.
1 result

United Association of Journeymen And Apprentices of The Plumbing And Pipe Fitting Industry of The United States and Canada Local 105 Records, 1893-1972

1.6 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
United Association of Journeymen and Apprentices of the Plumbing and PipeFitting Industry of the United States and Canada, Local 105 Records document the regular business of this chapterof the union, including meetings, financial reports, grievance reports, and membership.
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United Association of Journeymen And Apprentices of The Plumbing And Pipe Fitting Industry of The United States and Canada Local 105 Records, 1893-1972 1.6 cubic ft.

Fulton County Typographical Union No. 268 Records, 1894-1973

1.25 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
The Fulton County Typographical Union No. 268 records document the workings of this union, primarily, in the form of minutes, from 1894-1973.
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Socialist Party of The United States of America Dover, New Hampshire Local Records, 1894-1923

0.20 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
The Socialist Party of the United States of America Dover, New Hampshire Local Records contain records that document the range of activities of the Local. Records include correspondence that highlight the contacts of the local and its place within the broader Socialist Party movement in the United States.
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Socialist Party of The United States of America Dover, New Hampshire Local Records, 1894-1923 0.20 cubic ft.

Patricia Stocking Brown Papers, 1895-2003, bulk 1981-1999

7.39 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
This collection documents Siena College professor Dr. Patricia Stocking Brown's (1942-2004) research and scholarship in biology as well as her breast cancer advocacy, research, and education work.
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Historical Research, 1895-2002 6.01 cubic ft.

Patricia Stocking Brown Papers, 1895-2003, bulk 1981-1999 7.39 cubic ft.

Greta Hartwig Manschinger and Kurt Manschinger (Ashley Vernon) Papers, 1896-1986

15.72 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
This collection contains correspondence, manuscripts, opera librettos, songs, short stories, novels, sketches, and critical reviews. It also has personal family papers of Kurt (Ashley Vernon) and Greta Hartwig Manschinger, paintings and writings by and other records from Greta's sister Mela Hartwig and her husband Robert Spira, audio recordings, scores, and sheet music, as well as audio recordings of performances.
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Biographical, 1896-1971 2.58 cubic ft.

Greta Hartwig Manschinger and Kurt Manschinger (Ashley Vernon) Papers, 1896-1986 15.72 cubic ft.

Nahum H. Lewis Papers, 1896-2003

0.5 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
The collection documents the Jewish community in New York's Capital Region and the creation of the Albany Jewish Community Center.
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Nahum H. Lewis Papers, 1896-2003 0.5 cubic ft.

Andrew Lang Papers, 1898-1912

1 Vol.
Abstract Or Scope
Andrew Lang was an English writer and folklorist. This collection, which was assembled by an unknown compiler, contains a scrapbook that includes printed materials and clippings pertaining to the life and work of Lang.
1 result

Andrew Lang Papers, 1898-1912 1 Vol.

Helen Quirini Papers, 1898-2010

50.89 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
This collection documents the life, work and activism of Helen Quirini of Schenectady, New York. The collection represents Quirini's numerous activities and interests including her early work owning a local market with her brother, her 39 year employment for General Electric, her activism in unions during her employment and retirement, as well as her charitable activities where she pursued civil, housing, pension, women's and senior citizen's rights.
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YWCA, 1898-2009, Undated 3.24 cubic ft.

Helen Quirini Papers, 1898-2010 50.89 cubic ft.

Pine Hills Fortnightly Club Records, 1898-2003

2.5 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
The Pine Hills Fortnightly Club was founded by Miss Mary M. Shaw in 1898 as a woman's literary and social club. According to the Club's earliest Constitution, "Its object shall be the study of history, literature and art and the literary and social entertainment of its members."
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Constitutions and By-laws, 1898-1991 0.1 cubic ft.

Pine Hills Fortnightly Club Records, 1898-2003 2.5 cubic ft.

Kappa Delta Sorority Records, 1899-2001, Undated

7.1 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
The Kappa Delta Sorority Records contain documents related to the formation, activities and alumnae of the Kappa Delta Sorority at the University at Albany.
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Administrative and Subject Files, 1899-2001, Undated

Kappa Delta Sorority Records, 1899-2001, Undated 7.1 cubic ft.

Mary Louise Fornachon Papers, 1899-1920

0.33 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
This collection is made up of notebooks kept by Marie Louise Fornachon while she was enrolled at the New York State Normal College at Albany.
1 result

Mary Louise Fornachon Papers, 1899-1920 0.33 cubic ft.

Fritz Neugass Papers, 1913-1979

60 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
The collection documents the professional life of photographer and journalist Fritz Neugass. The Neugass Papers include published writings, typescripts, clippings, research materials, photographs by Neugass, photographs by others, correspondence, and auction catalogs.
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Documents and biographical materials, 1899-1979

International Brotherhood of Painters and Allied Trades of the United States and Canada, Local 201 Records, 1900-1982

2.0 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
The collection documents the history of the unions that formed Painters and Allied Trades Local 201, including Local 12 of Troy, Local 62 of Schenectady, and Local 201 of Albany.
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Yearbook Collection, 1900-2014

6.93 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
This collection is made up of the published yearbooks of the New York State Normal College, the New York State College for Teachers, and the State University of New York at Albany.
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Neon, 1900 105 vol. Volume 1

Yearbook Collection, 1900-2014 6.93 cubic ft.

Office of the Registrar Records, 1900-2016

57.33 cubic ft. 8 Digital Files
Abstract Or Scope
Contains student transcripts and the official schedule of classes and academic calendar.
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Transcripts, 1900-1917 1 cubic ft.

Office of the Registrar Records, 1900-2016 57.33 cubic ft. 8 Digital Files

Transcripts, 1918-1955 14 cubic ft.

Emil Lederer Papers, 1901-1971

1.0 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
The collection consists of the papers of Emil Lederer, his wife Gertrud von Eckardt, and his step-daughter, Ursula von Eckardt.
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Emil Lederer Papers, 1901-1971 1.0 cubic ft.

Joachim Maass Papers, 1901-1972

2.5 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
The collection contains correspondence, manuscript materials and lecture notes.
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Published materials, biographical materials, 1901-1969

Joachim Maass Papers, 1901-1972 2.5 cubic ft.

Felix and Elisabeth Hirsch Papers, 1902-1980

3.24 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
The collection contains biographical and professional materials of Felix Hirsch, librarian and professor of history, as well as a small amount of matrials of his wife Elizabeth F. Hirsch, a specialist in Renaissance philosophy.
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Felix and Elisabeth Hirsch Papers, 1902-1980 3.24 cubic ft.

Adelphoi Literary Society Records, 1902-1931

0.33 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
A social fraternity for High School students attending the Milne School, the training school attached to the New York State College for Teachers.
3 results

Adelphoi Literary Society Records, 1902-1931 0.33 cubic ft.

Delmar Progress Club Records, 1902-2021

15.61 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
The Delmar Progress Club Records document the day-to-day operations and communitiy activities of this Bethlehem-N.Y. based organization founded in 1901.
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Administrative, 1902-2020 5.34 cubic ft.

Delmar Progress Club Records, 1902-2021 15.61 cubic ft.

Publications, 1904-2019 1.0 cubic ft.

Hans Staudinger Papers, 1928-1980

31.5 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
Staudinger was a Social Democratic Party member of the Reichstag until his removal by the Nazis in 1933; he was professor of economics at the University in Exile from 1934 and dean of the graduate faculty of the New School for Social Research at various times between 1941 and 1960. The collection contains articles, books, diplomas, passports, photographs, scrapbooks, Festscrifen, and memorabilia of Hans Staudinger and members of his family. It also contains correspondence; handwritten and typed drafts of lecture notes, speeches, and addresses; teaching and research materials; and publications by Hans Staudinger and members of the New School for Social Research. The concentration of material is in the period of 1940 through 1960, with early biographical material dating from 1907 and some items dating through 1980.
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Hans Staudinger Papers, 1928-1980 31.5 cubic ft.

Eugen Spiro Papers, 1940-1972

3 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
German-Jewish painter interned in the French concentration camp at Gurs, painted portraits of Thomas Mann, Albert Einstein, and other notables. The collection includes correspondence, photographs of Spiro's artwork, and exhibit catalogues.
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Correspondence, 1903-1913, 1941-1985

Alfred Werner Papers, 1903-1979

23 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
The Alfred Werner Papers contain typescripts of his writings on artists and art topics, as well as a small amount of correspondence, student papers, notes and research materials used for his writing. Werner's main focus was on Jewish art and artists.
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Alfred Werner Papers, 1903-1979 23 cubic ft.

Student Handbook Collection, 1904-1995

1.16 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
Collection is made up of the student handbooks issued by the student association.
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Student Handbook Collection, 1904-1995 1.16 cubic ft.

E. Melton Miller Papers, 1904-1910

1 Vol.
Abstract Or Scope
Journal kept in 1904 describing a trip in 1901 to Ecuador by E. Melton Miller of Plymouth, Massachusetts.
1 result

E. Melton Miller Papers, 1904-1910 1 Vol.

Albany, New York Jewish Community Collection, 1905-1990

2.03 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
The Jewish Community of the Albany, New York area is featured in the Collection which was brought together to show community involvement in the region by the Greater Albany Jewish Federation and the University Libraries of the University at Albany, SUNY. This collection contains photographs, meeting minutes, commemoration papers, local area newspapers, academic articles, community reports, and a prayer book.
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Albany, New York Jewish Community Collection, 1905-1990 2.03 cubic ft.

Subject Files, 1905-1990, Undated 1.43 cubic ft.

Erich von Kahler Papers, 1905-1977

13 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
This collection contains diaries, 1906-1913; correspondence; corrected manuscripts of literary works by Hermann Broch, Golo Mann, and others, 1945-1970; lecture notes on philosophy of history; and contemporary politics for lectures given in Germany and the United States.
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Virginians for Alternatives to the Death Penalty Records, 1937-2008

16.65 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
This collection contains materials used by Virginians for Alternatives to the Death Penalty (VADP) in its efforts to end capital punishment in Virginia.
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Subject Files, 1937-2007 6.05 cubic ft.

Campus Construction Collection, 1951-1987

1.5 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
This collection contains planning documents used in the development and construction of the University at Albany, SUNY's Uptown campus.

Rhoda Fox Graves Papers, 1906-1948

14.03 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
This collection documents Rhoda Fox Graves' service in the New York State Assembly and Senate. It also contains some personal materials from her life.
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Assembly Files, 1906-1932 3.4 cubic ft.

Rhoda Fox Graves Papers, 1906-1948 14.03 cubic ft.

Subject Files, 1911-1948 2.79 cubic ft.

Thomas O. Brandt Papers, 1906-1971

2.0 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
This collection contains biographical materials, correspondence with publishers, 1958-1966, hand-corrected manuscripts of published and unpublished novels including "Stern in Nebel,"which concerns the 1933-1938 period), short stories, essays, literary criticism, children's literature, and poetry, 1947-68, and offprints of journal, magazine, and newspaper articles.
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Biographical Material, 1906-1968 2 folders

Thomas O. Brandt Papers, 1906-1971 2.0 cubic ft.

Hans Simons Papers, 1906-1968

0.5 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
The papers of the German-born Political Science professor who emigrated to America in 1935, and became professor and president of the New School.
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Hans Simons Papers, 1906-1968 0.5 cubic ft.

Max Dietze Papers, 1907

0.1 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
Includes manuscript writings on the life and works of Johann W. von Goethe (1749-1832) by Max Dietze.
1 result

Max Dietze Papers, 1907 0.1 cubic ft.

Henry M. Pachter (Heinz Paechter) Papers, 1907-1987

8.49 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
The collection contains Pachter's writings in history, economics, current events, the social sciences and other topics. The bulk of the collection consists of Pachter's published essayistic writings, both for journals (including numerous articles for Dissent) and for newspapers.
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Biographical and Autobiographical Materials, 1907-1980, Undated

Henry M. Pachter (Heinz Paechter) Papers, 1907-1987 8.49 cubic ft.

Harold Rubin Papers, 1958-2004

7.0 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
Subject files largely consisting of retained records of local organizations dedicated to preserving Albany, New York historic neighborhoods and architecture as well as the Pine Bush.
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Harold Rubin Papers, 1958-2004 7.0 cubic ft.

Victor L. Streib Papers, 1908-2012, Undated, bulk 1978-2007

22.8 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
The Victor Streib Papers contain research materials and legal case files on the death penalty in the United States with a focus on how it has been applied to women and juveniles.
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Reference Materials, 1908-2012, Undated 3.8 cubic ft.

Victor L. Streib Papers, 1908-2012, Undated, bulk 1978-2007 22.8 cubic ft.

Reinhard Bendix Papers, 1929-1998

13.67 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
The bulk of the collection consists of Bendix' writings and the materials used by him for research purposes as well as for his courses in political and social sciences. This includes a large volume of materials on Max Weber, social stratification, power and authority, bureaucracy, industrialization and large-scale organizations. Bendix' files contain correspondence dealing with his career at the University of California, Berkeley and include materials pertaining to controversies at the university and within the Department of Sociology, as well as student issues and recommendations. Also present in the collection are a number of files dealing with individuals and issues connected with both the American Sociological Association and the International Sociological Association.
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Autobiographical and Biographical Materials, 1929-1998

Monographs on Pedegogy, Literature, and Science Collection., 1908-1909

2 Vol.
Abstract Or Scope
Collection is made up of the publication Monographs on Pedagogy, Literature, and Science.
3 results

Woman's Club of Albany Records, 1908, 1910-2010

23.64 cubic ft. 1 Digital Files
Abstract Or Scope
The Woman's Club of Albany Records document the day-to-day operations of the first 100 years of this community organization founded in 1910.
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Woman's Club of Albany Records, 1908, 1910-2010 23.64 cubic ft. 1 Digital Files

Subject Files, 1908-2009 2.93 cubic ft.

Alfred C. Oppler Papers, 1908-1982

2.75 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
The collection includes a diary, 1950; correspondence, 1942–1981; and manuscripts of books (including "Prussian Bureaucracy and National Socialism"), lectures, and reports, 1947–1959. As a civilian employee of the U.S. Army from 1946 to 1952, Oppler was the principal architect of legal and judicial reforms in occupied Japan.
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Alfred C. Oppler Papers, 1908-1982 2.75 cubic ft.

Harvard University, 1940-1944 0.60 cubic ft.

Albany Allied Printing Trades Council Records, 1908-1990

0.33 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
The Albany Allied Printing Trades Council Collection contains meeting minutes of the Council dating from 1908-1990.
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Minutes, 1912-1913 Box 1 (Albany Allied Printing Trades Council Records), Folder 3

E.C.M. Rand Papers, 1909

1 Vol.
Abstract Or Scope
This collection contains a report on Investigation of Books and Records of the Delaware and Hudson Canal Company from 1870 to 1899, inclusive showing value to it of the leases of the Albany & Susquehanna and Rensselaer & Saratoga Railroads. This collection also contains a 510-page typescript report, including a 22-page subject index and numerous manuscript corrections and emendations. E.C.M. Rand was a New York City attorney and authority on the railroad business.
1 result

E.C.M. Rand Papers, 1909 1 Vol.

International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local 166 Records, 1909-1980

2 Reels
Abstract Or Scope
Inactive records of IBEW Local 166, based in the Capital District. Shops were located at General Electric and WTEN Channel 10
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Max Knight Papers, 1909-1993

4 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
The bul of the collection consists of the writings of the co-authors Max Knight (Max Eugen Kühnel) and Joseph Fabry (Joseph Epstein), who wrote and published jointly from 1933 to 1993 under the pseudonym of Peter Fabrizius.
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Autobiographical and biographical materials, 1909-1991

Max Knight Papers, 1909-1993 4 cubic ft.

Margarete Kollisch Papers, 1910-1979

0.3 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
The collection contains published and draft writings of Margarete Kollisch, and correspondence with Dr. Albert Einstein and other notables.
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Margarete Kollisch Papers, 1910-1979 0.3 cubic ft.

Rufus Edward Miles, Jr. Papers, 1934-1985

8 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
Miles served fifteen years as a top level administrator at the Federal Security Agency and the Department of Health Education and Welfare.
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Autobiographical and Biographical Information, 1910-1964

Joseph E. Persico Papers, 1910-2003

18.54 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
The papers of Joseph Persico focus on his careers as a full-time author and as a political speechwriter for New York State Commissioner of Health, Hollis Ingraham, and New York State Governor, Nelson Rockefeller.
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New York State Government Career, 1910-1981 9.8 cubic ft.

Joseph E. Persico Papers, 1910-2003 18.54 cubic ft.

Associated Industries of New York State/Business Council of New York State Records, 1996 December 19 - 2017 March 27

10.02 cubic ft. 365 captures
Abstract Or Scope
The Associated Industries of New York State/ Business Council of New York State Records contains documents which were created during the group's 66 years of business. Among the contents are files on the group's former directors, correspondence and legal council records. The records of the association also contain some publications from other sources.
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The Edward E. Potter Club and Alumni Association Records, 1911-2014

3.0 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
The Edward E. Potter Club And Alumni Association Records includes documents and objects related to the finances, activities, and history of the Club and subsequent Alumni Association. Materials related to the Edward E. Potter Club include financial settlements, photographs, correspondence, and meeting minutes. Materials related to the Alumni Association include Alumni addresses, memorabilia, and a newsletter. Objects in this collection include mugs, a blanket, stamp, letter opener, compact makeup, and ledger books.
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The Edward E. Potter Club and Alumni Association Records, 1911-2014 3.0 cubic ft.