d. Dedication of School 26. Buffalo, N.Y. - Sunday Afternoon, 01/25/1953 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Frank C. Moore Papers, 1881-1978Speeches, 1934-1969Speeches
a. Speech - Chicago, Illinois. National Association of Home Builders Annual Conv. & Exposition, 01/25/1956 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Frank C. Moore Papers, 1881-1978Speeches, 1934-1969Speeches
b. Municipal Section, N.Y.S. Bar Assn., Commodore Hotel. New York City, 01/25/1962 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Frank C. Moore Papers, 1881-1978Speeches, 1934-1969Speeches
Memo to Faculty, Dr. Webb Fiser, Dean Edgar Flinton from R. Myren, re Curriculum Committee, School of Criminal Justice, 01/25/1968 Box 1 (1-Dean's Historical Day Files), Folder 324 Bookmark Collection Context University Archives School of Criminal Justice Records, 1963-1988Dean's Historical Day Files, 1963 April-1971 JuneDay Files, 1967 September-1968 March
c. N.Y.S. Bar Assn. - Hotel Roosevelt, 01/26/1961 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Frank C. Moore Papers, 1881-1978Speeches, 1934-1969Speeches
b. Speech Syracuse, N.Y. - "Grade A Local Government" NYS Central Org. of Coop. Fire Ins. Co., 01/27/1948 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Frank C. Moore Papers, 1881-1978Speeches, 1934-1969Speeches
c. Speech New York, N.Y. - "State Local Fiscal Relationships" before Municipal League Law Section, 01/27/1949 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Frank C. Moore Papers, 1881-1978Speeches, 1934-1969Speeches
b. Speech - New York City. N.Y. Chap. Of the American Society for Public Admn. - Dinner - Hunter College, 01/27/1954 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Frank C. Moore Papers, 1881-1978Speeches, 1934-1969Speeches
a. Commencement, NYC Community College. Brooklyn, N.Y., 01/27/1955 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Frank C. Moore Papers, 1881-1978Speeches, 1934-1969Speeches
b. Speech - New York City. N.Y.S. Bar Assn. - Municipal Section "Trends In local Government", 01/27/1955 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Frank C. Moore Papers, 1881-1978Speeches, 1934-1969Speeches
b. Speech - N.Y.C. New York State Bar Association, 01/27/1956 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Frank C. Moore Papers, 1881-1978Speeches, 1934-1969Speeches
f. Speech - Troy, N.Y., 01/28/1947 Bookmark Abstract Or Scope Delivered at Rally for Re-election of Mayor John J. Ahern. view more view less Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Frank C. Moore Papers, 1881-1978Speeches, 1934-1969Speeches
f. Youth Day at State Grange Methodist Church - Saratoga Springs, 01/28/1952 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Frank C. Moore Papers, 1881-1978Speeches, 1934-1969Speeches
c. Speech - Troy, N.Y. Third Dist. Veterans of Foreign Wars. Hendrick Hudson Hotel - Dinner, 01/28/1954 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Frank C. Moore Papers, 1881-1978Speeches, 1934-1969Speeches
Municipal Section, NYS Bar Assn., Annual Meeting, Hotel Commodore, New York City, 01/28/1960 Box 50 (10-Speeches), Folder 3 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Frank C. Moore Papers, 1881-1978Speeches, 1934-1969Speeches
e. N.Y.S. Bar Assn. Municipal Law Sect. Bar Building, Thursday A.M., 01/29/1953 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Frank C. Moore Papers, 1881-1978Speeches, 1934-1969Speeches
a. N.Y.C. Municipal Law Section, Belmont Plaza, 01/29/1959 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Frank C. Moore Papers, 1881-1978Speeches, 1934-1969Speeches
Memo to Faculty, Dr. Webb Fiser, Dean Edgar Flinton from R. A. Myren, re School Executive Committee, 01/29/1968 Box 1 (1-Dean's Historical Day Files), Folder 325 Bookmark Collection Context University Archives School of Criminal Justice Records, 1963-1988Dean's Historical Day Files, 1963 April-1971 JuneDay Files, 1967 September-1968 March
b. Notes Albany, N.Y. - N.Y. State County Highway Superintendents Association, 01/30/1947 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Frank C. Moore Papers, 1881-1978Speeches, 1934-1969Speeches
e. Speech Albany, N.Y. - 36th Annual Meeting and Conference of N.Y.S. County Highway Superintendents Association, 01/30/1947 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Frank C. Moore Papers, 1881-1978Speeches, 1934-1969Speeches
b. Speech - Municipal Law Section, N.Y.S. Bar Assn. - Hotel Commodore, N.Y.C., 01/30/1958 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Frank C. Moore Papers, 1881-1978Speeches, 1934-1969Speeches
Memo to R.A. Myren from Webb Fiser, re approval to hire 3 new people under the 1968-69 budget, 01/30/1968 Box 1 (1-Dean's Historical Day Files), Folder 326 Bookmark Collection Context University Archives School of Criminal Justice Records, 1963-1988Dean's Historical Day Files, 1963 April-1971 JuneDay Files, 1967 September-1968 March
b. AEX, Robert Testimonial Dinner Rochester - Elks Clun, 01/31/1952 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Frank C. Moore Papers, 1881-1978Speeches, 1934-1969Speeches
d. Speech Albany, N.Y. - "Postwar Finance" County Officer Association, 02/01/1945 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Frank C. Moore Papers, 1881-1978Speeches, 1934-1969Speeches
f. Speech Albany, N.Y. - County Officers' Association, 02/01/1945 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Frank C. Moore Papers, 1881-1978Speeches, 1934-1969Speeches
FELLOWSHIPS AND ASSISTANTS, School of Graduate Studies, 02/01/1967 Box 1 (1-Dean's Historical Day Files), Folder 253 Bookmark Collection Context University Archives School of Criminal Justice Records, 1963-1988Dean's Historical Day Files, 1963 April-1971 JuneDay Files, 1966 November-1967 August
Memo to Dr. Webb Fiser from R. Myren, re Summer Salaries, 02/01/1968 Box 1 (1-Dean's Historical Day Files), Folder 329 Bookmark Collection Context University Archives School of Criminal Justice Records, 1963-1988Dean's Historical Day Files, 1963 April-1971 JuneDay Files, 1967 September-1968 March
Letter to E. Lumbard from Leonard E. Reisman, re Forum "The Citizen and the Policeman: Review Boards and Other Procedures", 02/02/1965 Box 1 (1-Dean's Historical Day Files), Folder 85 Bookmark Collection Context University Archives School of Criminal Justice Records, 1963-1988Dean's Historical Day Files, 1963 April-1971 JuneDay Files, 1964 December-1965 June
First Meeting of Committee of Three, Tentative Plans - RAM, 02/03/1967 Box 1 (1-Dean's Historical Day Files), Folder 246 Bookmark Collection Context University Archives School of Criminal Justice Records, 1963-1988Dean's Historical Day Files, 1963 April-1971 JuneDay Files, 1966 November-1967 August
Memo to faculty from V. O'Leary, re Curriculum Revisions, 02/03/1970 Box 1 (1-Dean's Historical Day Files), Folder 488 Bookmark Collection Context University Archives School of Criminal Justice Records, 1963-1988Dean's Historical Day Files, 1963 April-1971 JuneDay Files, 1970 February-1970 September
f. Association of Towns Ann. Dinner. Hotel Statler, N.Y.S., 02/04/1953 2 copies Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Frank C. Moore Papers, 1881-1978Speeches, 1934-1969Speeches
c. University of Buffalo Conference on Local Gov. Buffalo Athletic Club - Road Map For Local Gov. Lawyers, 02/05/1952 8 copies Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Frank C. Moore Papers, 1881-1978Speeches, 1934-1969Speeches
News Release from Ford Foundation, 02/05/1969 Box 1 (1-Dean's Historical Day Files), Folder 410 Bookmark Collection Context University Archives School of Criminal Justice Records, 1963-1988Dean's Historical Day Files, 1963 April-1971 JuneDay Files, 1968 November-1969 August
Letter to E. Lumbard from R. Myren, with News and Notes for Feb. 1970, 02/05/1970 Box 1 (1-Dean's Historical Day Files), Folder 489 Bookmark Collection Context University Archives School of Criminal Justice Records, 1963-1988Dean's Historical Day Files, 1963 April-1971 JuneDay Files, 1970 February-1970 September
Registrations Presidents Meeting, 02/05/1990 Box 4 (13-Accounting Files), Folder 18 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Association of Colleges and Universities of the State of New York (ACUSNY) Records, 1938-1992Accounting Files, 1973, 1975-1992
President's Meeting, 02/05/1991 Box 3 (2-Rensselaerville Summer Retreats/President's Planni), Folder 6 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Association of Colleges and Universities of the State of New York (ACUSNY) Records, 1938-1992Rensselaerville Summer Retreats/President's Planning Retreat, 1971-1991
a. Memorial Services for Assn. of Fire District Officers - Hotel Buffalo, Buffalo, N.Y., 02/06/1961 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Frank C. Moore Papers, 1881-1978Speeches, 1934-1969Speeches
Letter to Dr. Harry Porter from Allan A. Kuusisto, 02/06/1968 Box 1 (1-Dean's Historical Day Files), Folder 330 Bookmark Collection Context University Archives School of Criminal Justice Records, 1963-1988Dean's Historical Day Files, 1963 April-1971 JuneDay Files, 1967 September-1968 March
Letter to Carl Vergari from R. Myren, 02/06/1969 Box 1 (1-Dean's Historical Day Files), Folder 411 Bookmark Collection Context University Archives School of Criminal Justice Records, 1963-1988Dean's Historical Day Files, 1963 April-1971 JuneDay Files, 1968 November-1969 August
Memo to faculty, Mrs. Farrington, Dr. Chappel, A. Pasciuto, student association, from R. Myren, re Faculty Meeting Agenda 2/19/1969, 02/06/1969 Box 1 (1-Dean's Historical Day Files), Folder 412 Bookmark Collection Context University Archives School of Criminal Justice Records, 1963-1988Dean's Historical Day Files, 1963 April-1971 JuneDay Files, 1968 November-1969 August
Letter to Dean W. David Curtiss from Christoph H. Schmidt, 02/07/1964 Box 1 (1-Dean's Historical Day Files), Folder 36 Bookmark Collection Context University Archives School of Criminal Justice Records, 1963-1988Dean's Historical Day Files, 1963 April-1971 JuneDay Files, 1964 January-1964 December
Memo to faculty from R. Myren, re special faculty meeting, 02/07/1969 Box 1 (1-Dean's Historical Day Files), Folder 413 Bookmark Collection Context University Archives School of Criminal Justice Records, 1963-1988Dean's Historical Day Files, 1963 April-1971 JuneDay Files, 1968 November-1969 August
d. Speech - New York City. Association of Towns - Annual Meeting, 02/08/1954 3 copies Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Frank C. Moore Papers, 1881-1978Speeches, 1934-1969Speeches
c. Speech - Buffalo, N.Y. Association of Towns Annual Meeting. Hotel Statler, 02/08/1955 4 copies Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Frank C. Moore Papers, 1881-1978Speeches, 1934-1969Speeches
a. Town Association Annual Meeting, Hotel Commodore, NYC, 02/08/1960 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Frank C. Moore Papers, 1881-1978Speeches, 1934-1969Speeches
Administrative Committee Minutes of the RFC, 02/08/1960-11/23/1964 3 folders Box 7 (8-Materials Relating to the Religious Freedom Commit), Folder 4-6 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Eugene P. Link Papers, 1907-1993Materials Relating to the Religious Freedom Committee (RFC), 1954-1964
Letter to L. Radzinowicz from E. Lumbard, 02/08/1967 Box 1 (1-Dean's Historical Day Files), Folder 247 Bookmark Collection Context University Archives School of Criminal Justice Records, 1963-1988Dean's Historical Day Files, 1963 April-1971 JuneDay Files, 1966 November-1967 August
Letter to R. Myren from E. Lumbard, re Advisory Committee Members, 02/08/1967 Box 1 (1-Dean's Historical Day Files), Folder 248 Bookmark Collection Context University Archives School of Criminal Justice Records, 1963-1988Dean's Historical Day Files, 1963 April-1971 JuneDay Files, 1966 November-1967 August
d. Speech Syracuse, N.Y. - Notes opening of Syracuse Governmental Research Bureau, 02/09/1948 2 copies Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Frank C. Moore Papers, 1881-1978Speeches, 1934-1969Speeches
b. New York, N.Y. Association of Towns Commodore Hotel, 02/09/1959 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Frank C. Moore Papers, 1881-1978Speeches, 1934-1969Speeches