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New York State Normal School Student Portraits Collection, 1874-1889

.9 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
This collection sholds several photo albums of students and faculty that were created by members of the State Normal School.
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Cornelius Robbins Papers, 1979-2006

1 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
A long-time administrator at two-year and four-year colleges throughout the Northeast, Robbins was employed from 1992 through 2008 as a professor in the Department of Educational Administration at the State University of New York at Albany.
1 result

Cornelius Robbins Papers, 1979-2006 1 cubic ft.

E. Melton Miller Papers, 1904-1910

1 Vol.
Abstract Or Scope
Journal kept in 1904 describing a trip in 1901 to Ecuador by E. Melton Miller of Plymouth, Massachusetts.
1 result

E. Melton Miller Papers, 1904-1910 1 Vol.

Edward S. LeComte Papers, 1940-2003

6 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
Contains the papers of Edward S. LeComte, who served as a professor of English at the University at Albany from 1964 until his retirement in 1981. Materials in this collection include personal correspondence, course planning materials, publications and administrative documents from the Department of English, newsxpaper clippings, manuscripts of LeComte's writing, and communications with publishers.
1 result

Edward S. LeComte Papers, 1940-2003 6 cubic ft.

Katherine F. Miner Scrapbook, 1914-1918

0.2 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
A scrapbook documenting the student life of Katherine F. Miner.
1 result

Katherine F. Miner Scrapbook, 1914-1918 0.2 cubic ft.

Hudson Valley Writers Guild Records, 1983-1998

2.0 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
This collection documents the establishment and first quarter century of activities of the Hudson Valley Writers Guild.
1 result

Hudson Valley Writers Guild Records, 1983-1998 2.0 cubic ft.

Robert W. Frederick Papers, 1927-1973

3 cubic ft. 23 Reels
Abstract Or Scope
This collection contains the files on Robert W. Frederick's career as an education, with a focus on his lectures.
1 result

Robert W. Frederick Papers, 1927-1973 3 cubic ft. 23 Reels

Fino, Paul A. Papers, 1933-1969

75.2 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
Paul A. Fino was a United States Representative from Bronx, New York. Fino was a member of the New York State Senate from January 1945 to May 1950. He was then member of the New York City Civil Service Commission from June 1, 1950, to December 31, 1952. Fino was elected as a Republican to the 83rd and to the seven succeeding Congresses and served from January 3, 1953, until his resignation December 31, 1968, to become a New York Supreme Court Justice having been elected November 5, 1968. Fino assumed his duties as a justice on January 1, 1969. Fino passed away in 2009. This collections contains records related to Fino's time in office. These records include constituent files, legislative files, and records related to the national lottery that Fino tried to implement.
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Fino, Paul A. Papers, 1933-1969 75.2 cubic ft.

Legislation, 1937-1968 14.8 cubic ft.

Constituent Files, 1949-1969 37.4 cubic ft.

Emergency Rescue Committee Records, 1936-1956

3 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
This collection contains files (photocopies) of the Emergency Rescue Committee including letters, registration cards, and other materials of this New York City-based organization concerning some 170 Émigrés and their efforts to flee to the United States from Nazi persecution. Includes files about Alfred Döblin, Hans Natonek, Nelly Sachs, Fritz von Unruh, and Friderike Zweig.
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Emergency Rescue Committee Records, 1936-1956 3 cubic ft.

Dolores I. Carrara Papers, 1946

0.2 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
Dolores Carrara was a radio actress and dancer. This collection includes scripts from programs broadcast on the radio station WGY and television station WRGB based in Schenectady, NY.
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Dolores I. Carrara Papers, 1946 0.2 cubic ft.

Capital District Regional Planning Commission Records, 1934-2013

55.07 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
This collection documents the comprehensive planning work of New York's Capital District Regional Planning Commission across several decades.
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Capital District Regional Planning Commission Records, 1934-2013 55.07 cubic ft.

Albany General Store Records, 1784-1786

1 Vol.
Abstract Or Scope
The Albany General Store Records contain business records kept by an unidentified proprietor of a general store which sold dry goods, rum, and other merchandise.
1 result

Albany General Store Records, 1784-1786 1 Vol.

Urban League of Northeastern New York Records, 1966-1987

8.5 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
Since its establishment in 1966 as the Urban League of the Albany N.Y. Area, the Urban League of Northeastern New York has campaigned for voter registration, housing, education, social services and other issues of concern to African Americans and others in the New York State Capital District.
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New York State Coalition for Criminal Justice Records, 1971-1986

19.25 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
Formed in reaction to the Rockefeller Administration's crack-down following the Attica Prison riot, the New York State Coalition For Criminal Justice's primary mission was to reform what it regarded as an excessively harsh criminal justice system in New York.
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American Society for Public Administration (ASPA), Empire State Capital Area Chapter Records, 1952-1989

9.5 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
Founded to encorage and advance training and professionalism in public administration for New York State
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Capital District Coalition Against Apartheid and Racism Records, 1981-1995

6 Reels
Abstract Or Scope
Founded by a group of Albany area residents who organized to prevent the Springboks, the all-white South African national rugby team representing the apartheid South African government, from playing a game against the American all-star rugby team in Albany scheduled in 1981.

Newspaper Guild of Albany, N.Y., Local 34 Records, 1936-1989

5.0 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
Chartered in 1934, as the Tri-City Newspaper Guild of Albany, Schenectady, and Troy, the Guild signed its first contract with the Albany Times Union in 1937. The collection includes correspondence, minutes, contracts, and organizing files. The majority of material in the collection is photocpied.
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Albany Typographical Union No. 4, Communications Workers of America Records, 1850-1988

27 reels of microfilm
Abstract Or Scope
This collection documents the activities of the Albany Typographical Union, the first labor union founded in Albany, N.Y.

Albany County Civic Center Collection, 1984-1988

0.75 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
The Albany County Civic Center Collection documents the policy decisions that went into planning an arena in downtown Albany. Originally named the Knickerbocker Arena, it was later known as the Pepsi Arena and the Times Union Center.
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Albany Printing Pressmen, Assistants and Offset Workers Union, No. 23-C Graphic Communications International Union Records, 1951-1989

1 Reels
Abstract Or Scope
Meeting minutes from the Albany Printing Pressmen, Assistants and Offset Workers Union who represented typographical workers from throughout the Capital District.
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