"What 'Going to Church' means to me", Undated (ca. 1950) Box 5 (4-Writings of Albert Lestoque), Folder 73 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Albert (Leser) Lestoque Papers, 1862-1963, bulk 1899-1960Writings of Albert Lestoque, 1909-1960Essayistic writings, Undated
"The German Mind in Action". Several versions, Undated [ca. 1948-1950] Box 5 (4-Writings of Albert Lestoque), Folder 41 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Albert (Leser) Lestoque Papers, 1862-1963, bulk 1899-1960Writings of Albert Lestoque, 1909-1960Essayistic writings, Undated
"In memoriam Arnold Rönnebeck", Undated (ca. 1947) Box 5 (4-Writings of Albert Lestoque), Folder 48 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Albert (Leser) Lestoque Papers, 1862-1963, bulk 1899-1960Writings of Albert Lestoque, 1909-1960Essayistic writings, Undated
Biographical statements, Undated Box 1 (1-Biographical materials, documents, family document), Folder 33 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Albert (Leser) Lestoque Papers, 1862-1963, bulk 1899-1960Biographical materials, documents, family documents and records, 1862-1960
Correspondence files, Undated Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Albert (Leser) Lestoque Papers, 1862-1963, bulk 1899-1960Julius Lips materials, 1930-1932
Lips Plagiarism case -- summarizations, Undated Box 2 (3-Julius Lips materials), Folder 45 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Albert (Leser) Lestoque Papers, 1862-1963, bulk 1899-1960Julius Lips materials, 1930-1932
Lips, Julius. Einleitung in die Vergleichende Völkerkunde. 2 copies, with numerous underlinings and notes, Undated 2 copies Box 2 (3-Julius Lips materials), Folder 46 Bookmark Abstract Or Scope With numerous underlinings and notes. view more view less Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Albert (Leser) Lestoque Papers, 1862-1963, bulk 1899-1960Julius Lips materials, 1930-1932
Lips Plagiarism case -- citations of plagiarized sections, Undated Box 2 (3-Julius Lips materials), Folder 47 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Albert (Leser) Lestoque Papers, 1862-1963, bulk 1899-1960Julius Lips materials, 1930-1932
Statement by Paul Leser, Undated Box 2 (3-Julius Lips materials), Folder 51 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Albert (Leser) Lestoque Papers, 1862-1963, bulk 1899-1960Julius Lips materials, 1930-1932
Statement by Hans zur Heyden, Undated Box 2 (3-Julius Lips materials), Folder 54 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Albert (Leser) Lestoque Papers, 1862-1963, bulk 1899-1960Julius Lips materials, 1930-1932
Documents re: Lips' date and place of birth, doctoral degree, Undated Box 2 (3-Julius Lips materials), Folder 55 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Albert (Leser) Lestoque Papers, 1862-1963, bulk 1899-1960Julius Lips materials, 1930-1932
Notes pertaining to the Lips case, Undated Box 2 (3-Julius Lips materials), Folder 56 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Albert (Leser) Lestoque Papers, 1862-1963, bulk 1899-1960Julius Lips materials, 1930-1932
Abdul Hamid am Zürichsee, undated Box 2 (4.1.1-Manuscripts and typescripts of novels and novellas), Folder 61 Bookmark Abstract Or Scope Notes, primarily in German. view more view less Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Albert (Leser) Lestoque Papers, 1862-1963, bulk 1899-1960Writings of Albert Lestoque, 1909-1960Belletristic writings, UndatedManuscripts and typescripts of novels and novellas, Undated
Manuscripts and typescripts of novels and novellas, Undated Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Albert (Leser) Lestoque Papers, 1862-1963, bulk 1899-1960Writings of Albert Lestoque, 1909-1960Belletristic writings, Undated
Oil, Love and Laughter. Notes in English, Undated Box 3 (4-Writings of Albert Lestoque), Folder 2 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Albert (Leser) Lestoque Papers, 1862-1963, bulk 1899-1960Writings of Albert Lestoque, 1909-1960Belletristic writings, Undated
Anklage ab, Undated Box 3 (4-Writings of Albert Lestoque), Folder 5 Bookmark Abstract Or Scope Part I: "Die Verbrecher". 128pp. Part II: "Die Kriminal". 97pp. view more view less Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Albert (Leser) Lestoque Papers, 1862-1963, bulk 1899-1960Writings of Albert Lestoque, 1909-1960Belletristic writings, Undated
Anklage ab, Undated Box 3 (4-Writings of Albert Lestoque), Folder 6 Bookmark Abstract Or Scope Part I: "Die Verbrecher". 128pp. Part II: "Die Kriminal". 97pp. view more view less Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Albert (Leser) Lestoque Papers, 1862-1963, bulk 1899-1960Writings of Albert Lestoque, 1909-1960Belletristic writings, Undated
Konrad Klüngelt (Das System). Novel based on the Julius Lips plagiarism case. Part I: "Ethnologisches und Pathologisches", Undated Box 3 (4-Writings of Albert Lestoque), Folder 7 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Albert (Leser) Lestoque Papers, 1862-1963, bulk 1899-1960Writings of Albert Lestoque, 1909-1960Belletristic writings, Undated
Konrad Klüngelt. Background materials to planned chapters, Undated Box 3 (4-Writings of Albert Lestoque), Folder 8 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Albert (Leser) Lestoque Papers, 1862-1963, bulk 1899-1960Writings of Albert Lestoque, 1909-1960Belletristic writings, Undated
Avalanche (English translation of Die Lawine). Outline, loose pages, Undated Box 3 (4-Writings of Albert Lestoque), Folder 10 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Albert (Leser) Lestoque Papers, 1862-1963, bulk 1899-1960Writings of Albert Lestoque, 1909-1960Belletristic writings, Undated