"An Army of Lovers Shall Not Fail", Undated Flat-File 1 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Andrea Lurie Papers, 1967-1986
Archaeological Conferences, 1970, 1974 Box 1 (Andrea Lurie Papers), Folder 1 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Andrea Lurie Papers, 1967-1986
Capital District Women, Organizational Records, ca. 1972-1975 Box 1 (Andrea Lurie Papers), Folder 2 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Andrea Lurie Papers, 1967-1986
Capital District Women, Small Group, ca. 1972-1975 Box 1 (Andrea Lurie Papers), Folder 3 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Andrea Lurie Papers, 1967-1986
Collage, Production "Because I Said So," Interart Theatre, Women's Interart Center, New York City, Playwright Myrna Lamb, Photographer Jill Lynne, Undated Flat-File 2 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Andrea Lurie Papers, 1967-1986
Expensive People, a Screenplay by Eleanor Perry, Undated Box 1 (Andrea Lurie Papers), Folder 4 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Andrea Lurie Papers, 1967-1986
"Make History - with Your Vote! Judge Nanette Dembitz for Court of Appeals, Elect the First Woman to New York's Highest Court", ca. 1972 Flat-File 3 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Andrea Lurie Papers, 1967-1986
Miscellaneous, 1971, Undated Box 1 (Andrea Lurie Papers), Folder 5 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Andrea Lurie Papers, 1967-1986
New York State Women's Meeting, First, 1977 Box 1 (Andrea Lurie Papers), Folder 6 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Andrea Lurie Papers, 1967-1986
Papers and Articles, ca. 1967-1974 Box 1 (Andrea Lurie Papers), Folder 7 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Andrea Lurie Papers, 1967-1986
"Sisterhood: Make It Real, Woman's Studio Collective, New Paltz", Undated Flat-File 4 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Andrea Lurie Papers, 1967-1986
"Speak Out: a Feminist Journal," Susan B. Anthony Cover Art, Poster, 1973 Flat-File 5 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Andrea Lurie Papers, 1967-1986
Speeches, Andrea Lurie, 1973, Undated Box 1 (Andrea Lurie Papers), Folder 8 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Andrea Lurie Papers, 1967-1986
Susan Saxe and Assata Shakur Benefit, Sponsored by the Women's Defense Committee, March 20, Undated Flat-File 6 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Andrea Lurie Papers, 1967-1986
Talking Leaf, Publication of the Los Angeles Indian Center, 1969 Box 1 (Andrea Lurie Papers), Folder 9 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Andrea Lurie Papers, 1967-1986
Tri-City Women's Center Newsletter, 1971 Box 1 (Andrea Lurie Papers), Folder 10 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Andrea Lurie Papers, 1967-1986
Women of Tennis, Calendar, 1986 Box 1 (Andrea Lurie Papers), Folder 11 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Andrea Lurie Papers, 1967-1986
Women's Counseling Collective, 1976 Box 1 (Andrea Lurie Papers), Folder 12 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Andrea Lurie Papers, 1967-1986
Women's Day, Albany, Photographs, Undated Box 1 (Andrea Lurie Papers), Folder 13 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Andrea Lurie Papers, 1967-1986
Women's Day, Washington Park, Albany, August 26, Undated Flat-File 7 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Andrea Lurie Papers, 1967-1986
Andrea Lurie Papers, 1967-1986 3.0 cubic ft. Bookmark Abstract Or Scope This collection contains materials related to the women's movement and lesbian rights in New York State, especially the Capital Region in the 1970s. view more view less Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive