Friedrich, Carl J. and Zbigniew Brzesinski. Totalitarian Dictatorship and Autocracy (1956), Winter 1957 Box 11 (3-Writings of Arnold Brecht), Folder 38 Bookmark Abstract Or Scope Review by Brecht, reprint. view more view less Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Arnold Brecht Papers, 1865-1974Writings of Arnold Brecht, 1904-1976Subseries 2: Essayistic and Literary Writings, 1904-1976
Appleby, Paul H. and Arnold Brecht. "Organization for Overhead Management", Winter 1942 Box 10 (3-Writings of Arnold Brecht), Folder 33 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Arnold Brecht Papers, 1865-1974Writings of Arnold Brecht, 1904-1976Subseries 2: Essayistic and Literary Writings, 1904-1976
Gropius, Walter & Ilse, Undated, 1974 Box 3 (2-Correspondence), Folder 87 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Arnold Brecht Papers, 1865-1974Correspondence, 1905-1976General correspondence
"Aufzeichnung über meine Unterredung mit Polizeipräsident Pohner auf seinem Amtszimmer am Donnerstag, den 10. Februar 1921 in München..." Transcript prepared by Brecht, Undated Box 1 (1-Biographical and Autobiographical Materials, Famil), Folder 27 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Arnold Brecht Papers, 1865-1974Biographical and Autobiographical Materials, Family Documents, 1865-1974
"Arriving in America". Printed version of Brecht's retrospective essay (1970), and notes, Undated Box 2 (1-Biographical and Autobiographical Materials, Famil), Folder 14 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Arnold Brecht Papers, 1865-1974Biographical and Autobiographical Materials, Family Documents, 1865-1974
Army Specialized Training Courses, Undated Box 2 (1-Biographical and Autobiographical Materials, Famil), Folder 18 Bookmark Abstract Or Scope City College, 1942-1944; Harvard, 1944. view more view less Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Arnold Brecht Papers, 1865-1974Biographical and Autobiographical Materials, Family Documents, 1865-1974
"Meine Mission in Deutschland 1948 als 'Expert to the Secretary of the Army'". Brecht's notes and reports, Undated Box 2 (1-Biographical and Autobiographical Materials, Famil), Folder 23 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Arnold Brecht Papers, 1865-1974Biographical and Autobiographical Materials, Family Documents, 1865-1974
"Erinnerungen und Geschichte. Ein autobiographischer Versuch", Undated Box 2 (1-Biographical and Autobiographical Materials, Famil), Folder 44 Bookmark Abstract Or Scope Notes to volume 1 of Brecht's autobiography. view more view less Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Arnold Brecht Papers, 1865-1974Biographical and Autobiographical Materials, Family Documents, 1865-1974
"Ungedruckte Teile meines Lebenserinnerungen", Undated Box 2 (1-Biographical and Autobiographical Materials, Famil), Folder 45 Bookmark Abstract Or Scope Various versions, including deleted sections of Brecht's autobiography. view more view less Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Arnold Brecht Papers, 1865-1974Biographical and Autobiographical Materials, Family Documents, 1865-1974
"Aus nächster Nähe". Appendices, materials to autobiography, Undated Box 2 (1-Biographical and Autobiographical Materials, Famil), Folder 46 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Arnold Brecht Papers, 1865-1974Biographical and Autobiographical Materials, Family Documents, 1865-1974