Contains meeting minutes, background information sent to Executive Committee members, reports by ACUSNY's Commission on Non-Tax Supported Colleges and Universities, reports by the State Board of Regents, the State Education Department and the University of the State of New York, ACUSNY statements to the Governor and the Legislature, and addresses to the Association's members by prominent figures in the field of education. The series also includes correspondence with the Governor's Office, the Board of Regents, the Commissioner of Education, the Chancellors of the CUNY and SUNY systems, and university and college presidents. This series illustrates ACUSNY's continuous involvement in such issues as admissions policies, student financial aid, state aid to educational institutions and state labor legislation. It also documents the Association's position on specific issues, for example Universal Military Training and college deferment, 1952; sponsorship in athletics, 1951; subversion in education, 1953; the use of state bonds for college and university construction, 1955; educational institutions inter-institutional cooperation, 1956-1973; library reference and research resources, 1963-1965; Bundy aid to private education, 1965-1978; the Constitutional Convention, 1967; visiting students program, 1969-1970; ACUSNY's involvement in federal legislation, 1968, 1973; tuition assistance, 1980; relations among the sectors, 1983; migration patterns of students, 1985; public information activities, 1988; the teaching profession, 1988; creation of new ACUSNY bylaws, 1991.