Delaware and Hudson Railroad Corporation: Certificates of Membership, Undated, 1984 Box 1, Folder 20 Bookmark Collection Context Business, Literary, and Local History Manuscripts Bridge Line Historical Society Collection, 1870-2025Administrative and Subject Files, 1907-1994
Delaware and Hudson Railway Company: Corridor and Other Profiles, Undated, 1978 Box 1, Folder 7 Bookmark Collection Context Business, Literary, and Local History Manuscripts Bridge Line Historical Society Collection, 1870-2025Maps, Blueprints, and Drawings, 1870-2004
Pins: "UTU Hearts New York" and "Ride the Turbo! Amtrack 1976", Undated, 1976 Oversized 1 Bookmark Collection Context Business, Literary, and Local History Manuscripts Bridge Line Historical Society Collection, 1870-2025Administrative and Subject Files, 1907-1994
Assorted List of Employees and a D&H Poster, Undated, 1973 Flat-File 1 Bookmark Collection Context Business, Literary, and Local History Manuscripts Bridge Line Historical Society Collection, 1870-2025Administrative and Subject Files, 1907-1994
The Delaware and Hudson Railroad Corporation: Track and Signal Arrangement from Afton to Crescent, NY, Undated, 1963 Box 1, Folder 11 Bookmark Collection Context Business, Literary, and Local History Manuscripts Bridge Line Historical Society Collection, 1870-2025Maps, Blueprints, and Drawings, 1870-2004
Ramapo Iron Works / Pennsylvania Steel Co; Frogs and Toads: One Sheet Shows Intersection of Rutland Street Railway Co. with D&H RR; Six Sheets in Set; Collection of Drawings Showing Product Line, Undated, 1885 Map-Tube 70 Bookmark Collection Context Business, Literary, and Local History Manuscripts Bridge Line Historical Society Collection, 1870-2025Maps, Blueprints, and Drawings, 1870-2004
Amtrack Brochures, Undated Box 1, Folder 3 Bookmark Collection Context Business, Literary, and Local History Manuscripts Bridge Line Historical Society Collection, 1870-2025Administrative and Subject Files, 1907-1994
Amtrak Penn Central: New York-Buffalo-Toronto One Way Adult Coach Fares, Undated Box 1, Folder 5 Bookmark Collection Context Business, Literary, and Local History Manuscripts Bridge Line Historical Society Collection, 1870-2025Administrative and Subject Files, 1907-1994
Amtrak Postcards and Brochure, Undated Box 1, Folder 6 Bookmark Collection Context Business, Literary, and Local History Manuscripts Bridge Line Historical Society Collection, 1870-2025Administrative and Subject Files, 1907-1994
Comparison of Weights, Thicknesses, and Costs of ARMCO, Concrete, and Cast Iron Pipe, Undated Box 1, Folder 10 Bookmark Collection Context Business, Literary, and Local History Manuscripts Bridge Line Historical Society Collection, 1870-2025Administrative and Subject Files, 1907-1994
Corporate History Chart of Delaware and Hudson Company as of June 30, 1916, Undated Box 1, Folder 11 Bookmark Collection Context Business, Literary, and Local History Manuscripts Bridge Line Historical Society Collection, 1870-2025Administrative and Subject Files, 1907-1994
Cross Tie Renewal Chart: Susquehanna Division, Undated Box 1, Folder 12 Bookmark Collection Context Business, Literary, and Local History Manuscripts Bridge Line Historical Society Collection, 1870-2025Administrative and Subject Files, 1907-1994
Deed from Catharine Ryan to Delaware and Hudson Canal Company, Undated Box 1, Folder 13 Bookmark Collection Context Business, Literary, and Local History Manuscripts Bridge Line Historical Society Collection, 1870-2025Administrative and Subject Files, 1907-1994
Deed from Orlanzo Merchant and Wife to Delaware and Hudson Canal Company, Undated Box 1, Folder 14 Bookmark Collection Context Business, Literary, and Local History Manuscripts Bridge Line Historical Society Collection, 1870-2025Administrative and Subject Files, 1907-1994
Delaware and Hudson Railroad Corporation: Application for Foreign Line Trip or Reduced Rate Transporation, Undated Box 1, Folder 18 Bookmark Collection Context Business, Literary, and Local History Manuscripts Bridge Line Historical Society Collection, 1870-2025Administrative and Subject Files, 1907-1994
Delaware and Hudson Railroad Corporation: Conductor's Report of Cash Collected, Undated Box 1, Folder 23 Bookmark Collection Context Business, Literary, and Local History Manuscripts Bridge Line Historical Society Collection, 1870-2025Administrative and Subject Files, 1907-1994
Delaware and Hudson Railroad Corporation: Conductor's and Steward's Remittance Slip, Undated Box 1, Folder 24 Bookmark Collection Context Business, Literary, and Local History Manuscripts Bridge Line Historical Society Collection, 1870-2025Administrative and Subject Files, 1907-1994
Delaware and Hudson Railroad Corporation: Conductors' Train Book, Undated Box 1, Folder 25 Bookmark Collection Context Business, Literary, and Local History Manuscripts Bridge Line Historical Society Collection, 1870-2025Administrative and Subject Files, 1907-1994
Delaware and Hudson Railroad Corporation: Corporate History, Undated Box 1, Folder 26 Bookmark Collection Context Business, Literary, and Local History Manuscripts Bridge Line Historical Society Collection, 1870-2025Administrative and Subject Files, 1907-1994
Delaware and Hudson Railroad Corporation: Crossing Watchmen, Champlain Division, Undated Box 1, Folder 28 Bookmark Collection Context Business, Literary, and Local History Manuscripts Bridge Line Historical Society Collection, 1870-2025Administrative and Subject Files, 1907-1994
Delaware and Hudson Railroad Corporation: Form 1984 R.R.B., Undated Box 1, Folder 31 Bookmark Collection Context Business, Literary, and Local History Manuscripts Bridge Line Historical Society Collection, 1870-2025Administrative and Subject Files, 1907-1994
Delaware and Hudson Railroad Corporation: General Specifications for Alterations to Restaurant and Subway Located in the Troy Union Station, Associated with Map #57, Undated Box 1, Folder 32 Bookmark Collection Context Business, Literary, and Local History Manuscripts Bridge Line Historical Society Collection, 1870-2025Administrative and Subject Files, 1907-1994
Delaware and Hudson Railroad Corporation: Locomotive Inspection Report, Undated Box 1, Folder 42 Bookmark Collection Context Business, Literary, and Local History Manuscripts Bridge Line Historical Society Collection, 1870-2025Administrative and Subject Files, 1907-1994
Delaware and Hudson Railroad Corporation: Material Requisition or Transfer Order, Undated Box 1, Folder 80 Bookmark Collection Context Business, Literary, and Local History Manuscripts Bridge Line Historical Society Collection, 1870-2025Administrative and Subject Files, 1907-1994
Delaware and Hudson Railroad Corporation: Passenger Conductor's Wheel Report, Undated Box 1, Folder 87 Bookmark Collection Context Business, Literary, and Local History Manuscripts Bridge Line Historical Society Collection, 1870-2025Administrative and Subject Files, 1907-1994
Delaware and Hudson Railroad Corporation: Record of Fire Patrolmen, Undated Box 1, Folder 88 Bookmark Collection Context Business, Literary, and Local History Manuscripts Bridge Line Historical Society Collection, 1870-2025Administrative and Subject Files, 1907-1994
Delaware and Hudson Railroad Corporation: Record of Rock Watchmen, Undated Box 1, Folder 89 Bookmark Collection Context Business, Literary, and Local History Manuscripts Bridge Line Historical Society Collection, 1870-2025Administrative and Subject Files, 1907-1994
Delaware and Hudson Railroad Corporation: Remittance Envelope for National Commerical Bank and Trust Company, Undated Box 1, Folder 90 Bookmark Collection Context Business, Literary, and Local History Manuscripts Bridge Line Historical Society Collection, 1870-2025Administrative and Subject Files, 1907-1994
Delaware and Hudson Railroad Corporation: Report of Passengers Carried and Pullman Space Occupied, Undated Box 1, Folder 92 Bookmark Collection Context Business, Literary, and Local History Manuscripts Bridge Line Historical Society Collection, 1870-2025Administrative and Subject Files, 1907-1994
Delaware and Hudson Railroad Corporation: Sleeping Car Envelope Form SCE-1, Undated Box 1, Folder 93 Bookmark Collection Context Business, Literary, and Local History Manuscripts Bridge Line Historical Society Collection, 1870-2025Administrative and Subject Files, 1907-1994
Envelope for Mileage and Scrip Coupons Collected, Undated Box 1, Folder 99 Bookmark Collection Context Business, Literary, and Local History Manuscripts Bridge Line Historical Society Collection, 1870-2025Administrative and Subject Files, 1907-1994
Estimate of Cost of Proposed Under-Crossing at Lockwood Highway, About 1 Mile South of Ninevah, Undated Box 1, Folder 100 Bookmark Collection Context Business, Literary, and Local History Manuscripts Bridge Line Historical Society Collection, 1870-2025Administrative and Subject Files, 1907-1994
Form for Tickets Honored But Not Collected, Undated Box 1, Folder 101 Bookmark Collection Context Business, Literary, and Local History Manuscripts Bridge Line Historical Society Collection, 1870-2025Administrative and Subject Files, 1907-1994
List of Tools for Stone Ballasting: Force of 100 Men, Undated Box 2, Folder 5 Bookmark Collection Context Business, Literary, and Local History Manuscripts Bridge Line Historical Society Collection, 1870-2025Administrative and Subject Files, 1907-1994
N.Y.G.R.R. Signal Department: Rods and Lugs for Double Slip, Undated Box 4, Folder 3 Bookmark Collection Context Business, Literary, and Local History Manuscripts Bridge Line Historical Society Collection, 1870-2025Administrative and Subject Files, 1907-1994
New York Central Railroad: Conductor's Cash Fare Receipts, Undated Box 4, Folder 6 Bookmark Collection Context Business, Literary, and Local History Manuscripts Bridge Line Historical Society Collection, 1870-2025Administrative and Subject Files, 1907-1994
New York Central Railroad: Non-transferable Conductor's Interline Train Tickets, Undated Box 4, Folder 7 Bookmark Collection Context Business, Literary, and Local History Manuscripts Bridge Line Historical Society Collection, 1870-2025Administrative and Subject Files, 1907-1994
New York Central Railroad: Transfer Check Northward, Undated Box 4, Folder 8 Bookmark Collection Context Business, Literary, and Local History Manuscripts Bridge Line Historical Society Collection, 1870-2025Administrative and Subject Files, 1907-1994
New York Central Railroad Company: Memorandum "Family" Step-Up Table No. 8, Undated Box 4, Folder 10 Bookmark Collection Context Business, Literary, and Local History Manuscripts Bridge Line Historical Society Collection, 1870-2025Administrative and Subject Files, 1907-1994
New York Central System: Passenger Wheel Report, Undated Box 4, Folder 12 Bookmark Collection Context Business, Literary, and Local History Manuscripts Bridge Line Historical Society Collection, 1870-2025Administrative and Subject Files, 1907-1994
Penn Central Non-transferrable Conductor's System Train Ticket, Undated Box 4, Folder 15 Bookmark Collection Context Business, Literary, and Local History Manuscripts Bridge Line Historical Society Collection, 1870-2025Administrative and Subject Files, 1907-1994
Plate with Inscription "The Empire State Express", Undated Oversized 1 Bookmark Collection Context Business, Literary, and Local History Manuscripts Bridge Line Historical Society Collection, 1870-2025Administrative and Subject Files, 1907-1994
Pullman Company Tea Towel, Undated Oversized 1 Bookmark Collection Context Business, Literary, and Local History Manuscripts Bridge Line Historical Society Collection, 1870-2025Administrative and Subject Files, 1907-1994
Remittance Envelope for National Commerical Bank and Trust Company, Undated Box 4, Folder 21 Bookmark Collection Context Business, Literary, and Local History Manuscripts Bridge Line Historical Society Collection, 1870-2025Administrative and Subject Files, 1907-1994
Sleeping Car Envelope Forms, Undated Box 4, Folder 23 Bookmark Collection Context Business, Literary, and Local History Manuscripts Bridge Line Historical Society Collection, 1870-2025Administrative and Subject Files, 1907-1994
Sleeper Coach and Dining Car Envelopes, Undated Box 4, Folder 24 Bookmark Collection Context Business, Literary, and Local History Manuscripts Bridge Line Historical Society Collection, 1870-2025Administrative and Subject Files, 1907-1994
Stub to be Retailed by Conductor, Undated Box 4, Folder 30 Bookmark Collection Context Business, Literary, and Local History Manuscripts Bridge Line Historical Society Collection, 1870-2025Administrative and Subject Files, 1907-1994
Ticket for Coach Passengers, Undated Box 4, Folder 32 Bookmark Collection Context Business, Literary, and Local History Manuscripts Bridge Line Historical Society Collection, 1870-2025Administrative and Subject Files, 1907-1994
Transfer Tickets, Punch Slips and Conductors' Memorandum, Undated Box 4, Folder 36 Bookmark Collection Context Business, Literary, and Local History Manuscripts Bridge Line Historical Society Collection, 1870-2025Administrative and Subject Files, 1907-1994
Work-Day Stub Retained by Engineer, Undated Box 4, Folder 39 Bookmark Collection Context Business, Literary, and Local History Manuscripts Bridge Line Historical Society Collection, 1870-2025Administrative and Subject Files, 1907-1994
Afton, NY Depot Grounds: Alignment and Property Ownerships, Plus Profile (Two Sheets in Set), Undated Map-Tube 108 Bookmark Collection Context Business, Literary, and Local History Manuscripts Bridge Line Historical Society Collection, 1870-2025Maps, Blueprints, and Drawings, 1870-2004
Ballston, NY Trackage, Undated Map-Tube 69 Bookmark Collection Context Business, Literary, and Local History Manuscripts Bridge Line Historical Society Collection, 1870-2025Maps, Blueprints, and Drawings, 1870-2004
Bill of Material for Sanitary Closet and Septic Tank for Railroad with Schematic (Reproduction of 1919 Record), Undated Map-Tube 316 Bookmark Collection Context Business, Literary, and Local History Manuscripts Bridge Line Historical Society Collection, 1870-2025Maps, Blueprints, and Drawings, 1870-2004
Blueprint of New Engine House in Menands, Undated Map-Tube 267 Bookmark Collection Context Business, Literary, and Local History Manuscripts Bridge Line Historical Society Collection, 1870-2025Maps, Blueprints, and Drawings, 1870-2004
Blueprint of Train Tracks in Beekmantown, NY, Undated Map-Tube 91 Bookmark Collection Context Business, Literary, and Local History Manuscripts Bridge Line Historical Society Collection, 1870-2025Maps, Blueprints, and Drawings, 1870-2004
Bridges 44A, 53, 55, Penn Division (five drawings); One Marked "Reinforcing of Old Bridge 53, To be Used at Anthracite Park, Penn Div" (Reproductions of 1900's Maps), Undated Map-Tube 16 Bookmark Collection Context Business, Literary, and Local History Manuscripts Bridge Line Historical Society Collection, 1870-2025Maps, Blueprints, and Drawings, 1870-2004
Cable Post Base Comp. First Made for N.Y.C. and St. L. (Reproduction of 1930 Map), Undated Box 1, Folder 24 Bookmark Collection Context Business, Literary, and Local History Manuscripts Bridge Line Historical Society Collection, 1870-2025Maps, Blueprints, and Drawings, 1870-2004
[Castleton Branch], Undated Map-Tube 68 Bookmark Collection Context Business, Literary, and Local History Manuscripts Bridge Line Historical Society Collection, 1870-2025Maps, Blueprints, and Drawings, 1870-2004
Chateauguay Railroad Profile of Chateauguay Valley Preliminary from Lyon Mountain to Twin Pond (Reproduction of 1902 Map), Undated Map-Tube 257 Bookmark Collection Context Business, Literary, and Local History Manuscripts Bridge Line Historical Society Collection, 1870-2025Maps, Blueprints, and Drawings, 1870-2004
D&H Company: Penn Division, Elevations of Proposed Yardmasters Office, Carbondale, PA (scheme 1), Undated Map-Tube 41 Bookmark Collection Context Business, Literary, and Local History Manuscripts Bridge Line Historical Society Collection, 1870-2025Maps, Blueprints, and Drawings, 1870-2004
D&H Company: Penn Division, Elevations of Proposed Yardmasters Office, Carbondale, PA (scheme 2), Undated Map-Tube 44 Bookmark Collection Context Business, Literary, and Local History Manuscripts Bridge Line Historical Society Collection, 1870-2025Maps, Blueprints, and Drawings, 1870-2004
D&H Company: Plan and Profile of Tracks with Proposed Siding, Between State Street and Edison Avenue (Schenectady), Undated Map-Tube 80 Bookmark Collection Context Business, Literary, and Local History Manuscripts Bridge Line Historical Society Collection, 1870-2025Maps, Blueprints, and Drawings, 1870-2004
D&H Company: Susquehanna Division, Map Showing New Alignment of D&H Company's Tracks West of NYC & HR RR Bridge (Reproduction of 1905 Map), Undated Map-Tube 79 Bookmark Collection Context Business, Literary, and Local History Manuscripts Bridge Line Historical Society Collection, 1870-2025Maps, Blueprints, and Drawings, 1870-2004
D&H Company: Track Profile, Locations Unknown, Undated Map-Tube 99 Bookmark Collection Context Business, Literary, and Local History Manuscripts Bridge Line Historical Society Collection, 1870-2025Maps, Blueprints, and Drawings, 1870-2004
D&H Pennsylvania : (Rolled steel) Bridge Diagram, Bridge 52, Undated Map-Tube 42 Bookmark Collection Context Business, Literary, and Local History Manuscripts Bridge Line Historical Society Collection, 1870-2025Maps, Blueprints, and Drawings, 1870-2004
D&H Station: Round Lake, NY (Architectural Drawings), Undated Map-Tube 47 Bookmark Collection Context Business, Literary, and Local History Manuscripts Bridge Line Historical Society Collection, 1870-2025Maps, Blueprints, and Drawings, 1870-2004
D&H Station: Plan of Dining and Lunch Rooms, Whitehall N.Y., Undated Map-Tube 50 Bookmark Collection Context Business, Literary, and Local History Manuscripts Bridge Line Historical Society Collection, 1870-2025Maps, Blueprints, and Drawings, 1870-2004
Delaware & Hudson Co., Penn Division: Proposed Change of Highway at Lockwood Crossing So., Nineveh, NY (Colesville County, Broome County), Estimates, Working Sketches, Undated Map-Tube 105 Bookmark Collection Context Business, Literary, and Local History Manuscripts Bridge Line Historical Society Collection, 1870-2025Maps, Blueprints, and Drawings, 1870-2004
Delaware & Hudson Co.: Eastern Portion of U.S., Showing Principal RR Lines and Steamship Ports (Reproduction of 1918 Map), Undated Map-Tube 73 Bookmark Collection Context Business, Literary, and Local History Manuscripts Bridge Line Historical Society Collection, 1870-2025Maps, Blueprints, and Drawings, 1870-2004
Delaware & Hudson Company Susquehanna Division: New Station at Sidney, NY (Reproduction of 1912 Map) (15 items), Undated Map-Tube 17 Bookmark Collection Context Business, Literary, and Local History Manuscripts Bridge Line Historical Society Collection, 1870-2025Maps, Blueprints, and Drawings, 1870-2004
Delaware & Hudson: Profile of Line from Fort Edward to Sandy Hill, Undated Map-Tube 46 Bookmark Collection Context Business, Literary, and Local History Manuscripts Bridge Line Historical Society Collection, 1870-2025Maps, Blueprints, and Drawings, 1870-2004
Delaware and Hudson Co. Champlain Division: Express Building for the National Express Company, Saranac Lake, N.Y. (Reproduction of 1915 Map), Undated Map-Tube 1 Bookmark Collection Context Business, Literary, and Local History Manuscripts Bridge Line Historical Society Collection, 1870-2025Maps, Blueprints, and Drawings, 1870-2004
Delaware and Hudson Co. Saratoga Division: Lake George Branch, Fort Edward to Mile Post 63 (Reproduction of 1910 Map), Undated Map-Tube 58 Bookmark Collection Context Business, Literary, and Local History Manuscripts Bridge Line Historical Society Collection, 1870-2025Maps, Blueprints, and Drawings, 1870-2004
Delaware and Hudson Co. Saratoga Division: Lake George Branch, Mile Post 62 to Lake George (Reproduction of 1910 Map), Undated Map-Tube 59 Bookmark Collection Context Business, Literary, and Local History Manuscripts Bridge Line Historical Society Collection, 1870-2025Maps, Blueprints, and Drawings, 1870-2004
Delaware and Hudson Co., Champlain Division: Building to be Erected at Shelburne Harbor, VT. For Champlain Transportation Company, Map 20268 (Reproduction of 1910 Map), Undated Map-Tube 160 Bookmark Collection Context Business, Literary, and Local History Manuscripts Bridge Line Historical Society Collection, 1870-2025Maps, Blueprints, and Drawings, 1870-2004
Delaware and Hudson Co., Champlain Division: Building to be Erected at Shelburne Harbor, VT. For Champlain Transportation Company, Map 20269 (Reproduction of 1910 Map), Undated Map-Tube 164 Bookmark Collection Context Business, Literary, and Local History Manuscripts Bridge Line Historical Society Collection, 1870-2025Maps, Blueprints, and Drawings, 1870-2004
Delaware and Hudson Co., Freight House, Glens Falls, NY (Reproduction of 1902 Map), Undated Map-Tube 166 Bookmark Collection Context Business, Literary, and Local History Manuscripts Bridge Line Historical Society Collection, 1870-2025Maps, Blueprints, and Drawings, 1870-2004
Delaware and Hudson Co., Pennsylvania Division, Signal Track Diagrams (Eight Sheets), Undated Map-Tube 146 Bookmark Collection Context Business, Literary, and Local History Manuscripts Bridge Line Historical Society Collection, 1870-2025Maps, Blueprints, and Drawings, 1870-2004
Delaware and Hudson Co., Saratoga Division Additions as Proposed at Freight Station Green Island, N.Y.; Plans 23344-23352 (8 Sheets)(Reproduction of 1912 Map), Undated Map-Tube 144 Bookmark Collection Context Business, Literary, and Local History Manuscripts Bridge Line Historical Society Collection, 1870-2025Maps, Blueprints, and Drawings, 1870-2004
Delaware and Hudson Co., Saratoga Division Additions as Proposed at Freight Station Green Island, N.Y.; Plans 23577-23584 (7 Sheets) (Reproduction of 1912 Map), Undated Map-Tube 148 Bookmark Collection Context Business, Literary, and Local History Manuscripts Bridge Line Historical Society Collection, 1870-2025Maps, Blueprints, and Drawings, 1870-2004
Delaware and Hudson Company: Baggage Car, Arch Type Roof with Steel Underframe (Reproduction of 1925 Map), Undated Map-Tube 270 Bookmark Collection Context Business, Literary, and Local History Manuscripts Bridge Line Historical Society Collection, 1870-2025Maps, Blueprints, and Drawings, 1870-2004
Delaware and Hudson Company: Blueprint for Smoker Car with Turtle-Back Roof (Reproduction of 1925 Map), Undated Map-Tube 227 Bookmark Collection Context Business, Literary, and Local History Manuscripts Bridge Line Historical Society Collection, 1870-2025Maps, Blueprints, and Drawings, 1870-2004
Delaware and Hudson Company: Blueprint of Coach Car (Reproduction of 1926 Map), Undated Map-Tube 259 Bookmark Collection Context Business, Literary, and Local History Manuscripts Bridge Line Historical Society Collection, 1870-2025Maps, Blueprints, and Drawings, 1870-2004
Delaware and Hudson Company: Boston and Maine and Hudson Valley Railway Tracks at Thomson, NY (Reproduction of 1911 Map), Undated Map-Tube 250 Bookmark Collection Context Business, Literary, and Local History Manuscripts Bridge Line Historical Society Collection, 1870-2025Maps, Blueprints, and Drawings, 1870-2004
Delaware and Hudson Company: Champlain Division Maps, Undated Box 1, Folder 1 Bookmark Collection Context Business, Literary, and Local History Manuscripts Bridge Line Historical Society Collection, 1870-2025Maps, Blueprints, and Drawings, 1870-2004
Delaware and Hudson Company: Champlain Division, Additions to Freight Station in Plattsburgh, NY (Reproduction of 1912 Map), Undated Map-Tube 272 Bookmark Collection Context Business, Literary, and Local History Manuscripts Bridge Line Historical Society Collection, 1870-2025Maps, Blueprints, and Drawings, 1870-2004
Delaware and Hudson Company: Champlain Division; Details of Bar Rack for Section Tool Houses (Reproduction of 1927 Map), Undated Map-Tube 330 Bookmark Collection Context Business, Literary, and Local History Manuscripts Bridge Line Historical Society Collection, 1870-2025Maps, Blueprints, and Drawings, 1870-2004
Delaware and Hudson Company: Champlain Division; Proposed New Sand House in Whitehall, NY (Reproduction of 1906 Map), Undated Map-Tube 413 Bookmark Collection Context Business, Literary, and Local History Manuscripts Bridge Line Historical Society Collection, 1870-2025Maps, Blueprints, and Drawings, 1870-2004
Delaware and Hudson Company: Champlain Division; Standard A.R.E.A. Portable Snow Fence (Reproduction of 1922 Map), Undated Map-Tube 333 Bookmark Collection Context Business, Literary, and Local History Manuscripts Bridge Line Historical Society Collection, 1870-2025Maps, Blueprints, and Drawings, 1870-2004
Delaware and Hudson Company: Coach Passenger, Plan and Elevation (Reproduction of 1921 Map), Undated Map-Tube 269 Bookmark Collection Context Business, Literary, and Local History Manuscripts Bridge Line Historical Society Collection, 1870-2025Maps, Blueprints, and Drawings, 1870-2004
Delaware and Hudson Company: Construction Chart, Undated Box 1, Folder 10 Bookmark Collection Context Business, Literary, and Local History Manuscripts Bridge Line Historical Society Collection, 1870-2025Maps, Blueprints, and Drawings, 1870-2004
Delaware and Hudson Company: Crossing Watchmen Chart (Reproduction of 1919 and 1929 Map), Undated Map-Tube 262 Bookmark Collection Context Business, Literary, and Local History Manuscripts Bridge Line Historical Society Collection, 1870-2025Maps, Blueprints, and Drawings, 1870-2004
Delaware and Hudson Company: Floor Plan and Interior Arrangement for Caboose, Undated Map-Tube 456 Bookmark Collection Context Business, Literary, and Local History Manuscripts Bridge Line Historical Society Collection, 1870-2025Maps, Blueprints, and Drawings, 1870-2004
Delaware and Hudson Company: Freight House North Creek, N.Y. (Reproduction of 1902 Map), Undated Map-Tube 192 Bookmark Collection Context Business, Literary, and Local History Manuscripts Bridge Line Historical Society Collection, 1870-2025Maps, Blueprints, and Drawings, 1870-2004
Delaware and Hudson Company: Freight House Saratoga, N.Y. (Reproduction 1902), Undated Map-Tube 191 Bookmark Collection Context Business, Literary, and Local History Manuscripts Bridge Line Historical Society Collection, 1870-2025Maps, Blueprints, and Drawings, 1870-2004
Delaware and Hudson Company: Freight House Watervliet, N.Y. (Reproduction of 1902 Map), Undated Map-Tube 186 Bookmark Collection Context Business, Literary, and Local History Manuscripts Bridge Line Historical Society Collection, 1870-2025Maps, Blueprints, and Drawings, 1870-2004
Delaware and Hudson Company: Freight House, Schenectady NY (Reproduction of 1901 Map), Undated Map-Tube 406 Bookmark Collection Context Business, Literary, and Local History Manuscripts Bridge Line Historical Society Collection, 1870-2025Maps, Blueprints, and Drawings, 1870-2004
Delaware and Hudson Company: Freight House, Schenectady NY (Reproduction of 1902 Map), Undated Map-Tube 424 Bookmark Collection Context Business, Literary, and Local History Manuscripts Bridge Line Historical Society Collection, 1870-2025Maps, Blueprints, and Drawings, 1870-2004
Delaware and Hudson Company: Freighthouse-Cobleskill (Reproduction of 1900 Map), Undated Map-Tube 358 Bookmark Collection Context Business, Literary, and Local History Manuscripts Bridge Line Historical Society Collection, 1870-2025Maps, Blueprints, and Drawings, 1870-2004
Delaware and Hudson Company: General Arrangement of Train Cars (Reproduction of 1967 Map), Undated Map-Tube 458 Bookmark Collection Context Business, Literary, and Local History Manuscripts Bridge Line Historical Society Collection, 1870-2025Maps, Blueprints, and Drawings, 1870-2004