This series consists chiefly of minutes of the meetings of the ESFWC executive board (1939-1944, 1946-1964, 1968, 1970-1971, 1973-1976, 1979, 1982-1983, 1985-1986, 1988-1989) and annual convention (1939-1944, 1946-1964, 1970-1971, 1973-1976, 1980, 1982, 1983-1990). Between 1939-1944 and 1946-1964, the minutes were recorded in bound ledgers. From 1968 onward, they consist of loose manuscript or typescript materials. Information concerning the financial affairs of the organization is scattered throughout. From 1968 onward, routine correspondence that was discussed at meetings is also included; these materials, which were generated by the National Association of Colored Women's Clubs and other organizations, were inserted into the minutes by ESFWC officers and have thus been kept in place. The minutes detail the ESFWC's position on a broad array of social issues, including lynching (1943, 1947), discrimination in the armed forces, defense industries, and federal housing programs (1942-43, 1946), and the punitive attitude of some local officials who disbursed Aid to Families with Dependent Children benefits (1961). The minutes also document the EFSWC's support for the civil rights struggle that took place in the South during the 1950's and 1960's and its apparent dislike of the black-power movement (1973). In addition, the minutes chronicle the organization's interest in the Equal Rights Amendment (1944; 1970's), the work of Planned Parenthood (1947, 1950), the issue of abortion (1970; see also ESFWC Annual Convention Materials, 1975), and its decision to allow white women to become members (1963). Other topics discussed include education (1964, 1973; see also ESFWC Annual Convention Materials, 1975), peace (1930's, 1962), and the work of the United Nations (1950's).