The text Action Impact: A Manual For Family Planning Advocates published in 1988 by the organization details the manner in which family planning field operators could make legislative and organizational recommendations. The origins of the organization are outlined with a brief history called "Family Planning Advocates of New York State, Inc...How It All Began". The policy folders trace the issues of contraception, teenage pregnancy, parental consent for abortion, infant mortality rates, preventative care, and sex education. These issues were reported by the media and researched by local and federal government departments. The issues contained in the files ultimately were adopted as Family Planning Advocates' policies as recommendations to reproductive organizations and to legislators for state and federal guidelines and laws. Information on legislative activity is found in update sheets and as agenda brochures outlining the schedule and speakers used at issues conferences. This material document how the state legislature was enacting laws and debating issues in conference that would impact the organization's monies and policies. The personnel policies dating from 1979 appear to be the typewritten original document of "Personnel Policies and Practices for Salaried Employees", outlining the employment practices of the organization as it affected the staff. Also in the Administrative series are the minutes of meetings. The minutes are not of the general membership, but of the Executive Committee mostly, interspersed with the minutes of the annual Board meeting. Any documents that were used for focus in the meetings by either the Executive Committee or the Board of Directors are included and affixed to the minutes of the meeting when they were used. There are two alphabetical arrangements of the records in this series - those transferred in 1990 and those transferred in 2004 and 2006. Administrative records including Board and Executive Committee meeting minutes and other materials, particularly from the late 1980s-2000, can be found in the Correspondence series as those documents were mailed to the relevant constituencies.