10) "L'Oligopole, les anticipations et la théorie Jeux Neisser" by Hans Neisser. Economie Appliquée - Archives de l'Institut de Science Economique Appliquée, 11 2 1949 2 copies Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Hans Philipp Neisser Papers, 1918-1971Reprints & Book reviews, UndatedReprints, Undated
Hans' letters home from the front, 1918 Box 2 (1-Manuscripts, lecture notes, etc.), Folder 22 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Hans Philipp Neisser Papers, 1918-1971Manuscripts, lecture notes, etc., Undated
Hans Philipp Neisser Papers, 1918-1971 2 cubic ft. Bookmark Abstract Or Scope Neisser was a professor of economics at the New School for Social Research. The collection consists of manuscripts, lecture notes, correspondence, reprints of Neisser's publications, and book reviews written by Neisser. view more view less Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections
9) Zur Lehre von Den Grenzen. Der Verhalterhaftung. Inaugural Dissertation; zur Grlangung der juristischen Doktorwürde Recats und Staatswissensichaftlichen Fakerltat der Universitat Breslau vorgelegt von Hans Neisser-Referendar. Breslau, 1919 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Hans Philipp Neisser Papers, 1918-1971Reprints & Book reviews, UndatedReprints, Undated
59) "Ueber "Goldrechenwährung" - Muszellen". Von Dr. Hans Neisser, Berlin Friedenau, 1923 Bookmark Abstract Or Scope Reprinted from: Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik. Bd. 121 view more view less Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Hans Philipp Neisser Papers, 1918-1971Reprints & Book reviews, UndatedReprints, Undated
13) Neisser, H. - Der Tauschwert des Geldes . Jena, Fischer, M.9, 1923 Bookmark Abstract Or Scope Review by Jenny Griziohi Kretsctmat. From: Geornale Degli Economisti, E, Rivista Di Statistica Vol. IV, 1930. view more view less Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Hans Philipp Neisser Papers, 1918-1971Reprints & Book reviews, UndatedBook Reviews, Undated
18) "Deutschland und Frankreich". Thee Wirtschaft und ihre Politik 1923/24. Herausgegeben von R. Kuczynski. Berlin 1924, bei R.L. Prager. 411. Reviewed by H. Neisser, from: Die Gesellschaft - Internationale Revue Für Sozialismus und Politik Nummer 8.I. Jahrgang, 1924 November Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Hans Philipp Neisser Papers, 1918-1971Reprints & Book reviews, UndatedBook Reviews, Undated
1) Deutschland und Frankreich, ihre Wirtschaft und Politik . 1923/24, herausgegeben von R. Kuczynski. Neue Folge, Berlin 1925. Verlag von R. L. Prager, 266 S. review by H. Neisser. from: Die Gesellschaft . Number 4 - 111. Jahrgang, 1926 April Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Hans Philipp Neisser Papers, 1918-1971Reprints & Book reviews, UndatedBook Reviews, Undated
46) "Geld - und Kapitalmarket. Privatversicherung" Dr. Hans Neisser, Keil, 1928 April Bookmark Abstract Or Scope Reprinted from: Weltwertschaftliches Archiv. 27. Band. Heft 2 view more view less Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Hans Philipp Neisser Papers, 1918-1971Reprints & Book reviews, UndatedReprints, Undated
35) "Der internationale Geldmarkt vor und nach dem Kriege". Bearbeiter Privatdozent Dr. Hans Neisser, 1929 April Bookmark Abstract Or Scope Reprinted by Weltwirtschastliches Archiv. 29. Band Heft 2 view more view less Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Hans Philipp Neisser Papers, 1918-1971Reprints & Book reviews, UndatedReprints, Undated
34) "Der Kreislauf des Geldes von Privatdozent" Dr. Hans Neisser, Kiel, 1931 April Bookmark Abstract Or Scope Reprinted from: Weltwirtschastliches Archiv. 33. Band Heft 2 view more view less Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Hans Philipp Neisser Papers, 1918-1971Reprints & Book reviews, UndatedReprints, Undated
43) "Zur Rundfrage über "Substanzverluste" von Hans Neisser, 1932 August-1932 September Bookmark Abstract Or Scope Reprinted from: Archiv Für Sozilwissenschaft und Sozialpolitik. (2 copies) 67. Band, 6.Heft view more view less Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Hans Philipp Neisser Papers, 1918-1971Reprints & Book reviews, UndatedReprints, Undated
47) "General Overproduction - A Study of Say's Law of Markets" by Hans Neisser, 1934 August Bookmark Abstract Or Scope Reprinted from: The Journal of Political Economy. Vol. 42, No.4 view more view less Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Hans Philipp Neisser Papers, 1918-1971Reprints & Book reviews, UndatedReprints, Undated
38) Arbeitszeit und Lohönhohe von Hans Neisser, 1935 Bookmark Abstract Or Scope Reprinted from: Zeitschrift Für Nationalokonomie. Band VI, Heft 5 view more view less Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Hans Philipp Neisser Papers, 1918-1971Reprints & Book reviews, UndatedReprints, Undated
19) "A Note on Pareto's I Theory of Production" by Hans Neisser, 1940 July 3 copies Bookmark Abstract Or Scope Reprinted from Econometrica, Journal of the Ecometric Society. Vol. 8, No.3 view more view less Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Hans Philipp Neisser Papers, 1918-1971Reprints & Book reviews, UndatedReprints, Undated
11) "The Price Level and The Gold Problem" by Hans Neisser, 1941 February 2 copies Bookmark Abstract Or Scope Reprinted from American Economie Review. Vol. XXX, No. 5 view more view less Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Hans Philipp Neisser Papers, 1918-1971Reprints & Book reviews, UndatedReprints, Undated
48) "Capital Gains and the Valuation of Capital and Income" by H. Neisser, 1941 July-1941 October 2 copies Bookmark Abstract Or Scope Reprinted from: Econometrica, Journal of the Ecometric Society, Vol. 9, Nos.3&4. view more view less Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Hans Philipp Neisser Papers, 1918-1971Reprints & Book reviews, UndatedReprints, Undated
13) "Permanent" Technological Unemployment" by Hans Neisser, 1942 March 2 copies Bookmark Abstract Or Scope Reprinted from American Economic Review. Vol. XXXII, No.1 view more view less Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Hans Philipp Neisser Papers, 1918-1971Reprints & Book reviews, UndatedReprints, Undated
27) "The Concept of Technological Unemployment: A Reply to Mr. Hagen's Criticism" by Hans Neisser, 1942 September 2 copies Bookmark Abstract Or Scope Reprinted from American Economic Review. Vol. XXXII, No. 3 view more view less Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Hans Philipp Neisser Papers, 1918-1971Reprints & Book reviews, UndatedReprints, Undated
14) "An International Reserve Bank". Comments on the American and British Plans by Hans Neisser, 1943 September 2 copies Bookmark Abstract Or Scope Reprinted from Social Research. Vol. 10, No.3 view more view less Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Hans Philipp Neisser Papers, 1918-1971Reprints & Book reviews, UndatedReprints, Undated
28) "The Problems of Reparations" by Hans Neisser (with the aid of the Committee on Economic Questions of the American Labor Conference in International Affairs, 1944 July Bookmark Abstract Or Scope Reprinted from the American Labor Conference of International Affairs) view more view less Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Hans Philipp Neisser Papers, 1918-1971Reprints & Book reviews, UndatedReprints, Undated
58) "Government Net Contribution and Foreign Balance as Offset to Savings". By Hans Neisser, 1944 November 2 copies Bookmark Abstract Or Scope Reprinted from: The Review of Economic Statistics. Vol. XXVI, No.4 view more view less Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Hans Philipp Neisser Papers, 1918-1971Reprints & Book reviews, UndatedReprints, Undated
18) "Concept and Teaching of Economics" Comment by Hans Neisser, 1946 December Bookmark Abstract Or Scope Reprinted from American Economic Review. Vol. XXXVI, No.5 view more view less Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Hans Philipp Neisser Papers, 1918-1971Reprints & Book reviews, UndatedReprints, Undated
61) "Labor's Struggle for a Higher Standard of Living". By Hans Neisser, 1947 July 2 copies Bookmark Abstract Or Scope Reprinted from: The American Journal of Economics and Sociology. Vol. 6 No.4. view more view less Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Hans Philipp Neisser Papers, 1918-1971Reprints & Book reviews, UndatedReprints, Undated
247-G Problems in Mathematical Economics - Hans Neisser, 1948 Fall Box 1 (1-Manuscripts, lecture notes, etc.), Folder 1 Bookmark Abstract Or Scope (exams, notes, course outline). view more view less Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Hans Philipp Neisser Papers, 1918-1971Manuscripts, lecture notes, etc., Undated
62) "The Nature of Import Propensities and The Foreign Trade Multiplier", by Hans Neisser, 1949 August Bookmark Abstract Or Scope Reprinted from: Economia Internazionale. Vol. II, No. 3 view more view less Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Hans Philipp Neisser Papers, 1918-1971Reprints & Book reviews, UndatedReprints, Undated
23) "The United States Demand for Imports", 1953 May 3 copies Bookmark Abstract Or Scope Reprinted from The American Economic Review. Vol. XLIII, No. 2 view more view less Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Hans Philipp Neisser Papers, 1918-1971Reprints & Book reviews, UndatedReprints, Undated
63) "The United States Demand for Imports" by Hans P. Neisser, 1953 May 2 copies Bookmark Abstract Or Scope Reprinted from: The American Economic Review - The Journal of The American Economic Association. Vol. XLIII, No.2 view more view less Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Hans Philipp Neisser Papers, 1918-1971Reprints & Book reviews, UndatedReprints, Undated
Lecture notes on Implications and Limitations of the Keynesian Model, 1954 Box 1 (1-Manuscripts, lecture notes, etc.), Folder 6 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Hans Philipp Neisser Papers, 1918-1971Manuscripts, lecture notes, etc., Undated
36) "Kreislauftheretisches zur Gewinnsteuer von Hans Neisser", 1954 Bookmark Abstract Or Scope Reprinted from: Finanzarchiv. Band 14 Heft 4 view more view less Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Hans Philipp Neisser Papers, 1918-1971Reprints & Book reviews, UndatedReprints, Undated
54) "Kreislauf Theoretisches zur Gewinnsteuer" von Hans Neisser, 1954 3 copies Bookmark Abstract Or Scope Reprinted from: Finanzarchiv. Band 14, Heft 4 view more view less Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Hans Philipp Neisser Papers, 1918-1971Reprints & Book reviews, UndatedReprints, Undated
49) "Balanced Growth Under Constant Returns To Scale" Some Comments by Hans Neisser, 1954 October 3 copies Bookmark Abstract Or Scope Reprinted from: Econometrica, Journal of the Econometric Society, Vol. 22, No. 4 view more view less Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Hans Philipp Neisser Papers, 1918-1971Reprints & Book reviews, UndatedReprints, Undated
56) "Balanced Growth Under Constant Returns to Scale" Some Comments by Hans Neisser, 1954 October 3 copies Bookmark Abstract Or Scope Reprinted from: Econometrica, Journal of the Econometric Society, Vol-22, No. 4 view more view less Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Hans Philipp Neisser Papers, 1918-1971Reprints & Book reviews, UndatedReprints, Undated
17) "Stability in Late Capitalism" A Survey by Hans Neisser, 1954 Spring 2 copies Bookmark Abstract Or Scope Reprinted from Social Research view more view less Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Hans Philipp Neisser Papers, 1918-1971Reprints & Book reviews, UndatedReprints, Undated
7) "Depreciation, Replacement and Regular Growth", by Hans Neisser, 1955 March 2 copies Bookmark Abstract Or Scope Reprinted from The Economic Journal, Vol. LXV view more view less Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Hans Philipp Neisser Papers, 1918-1971Reprints & Book reviews, UndatedReprints, Undated
52) "Investment Criteria, Productivity, and Economic Development" Comment by Hans Neisser, 1956 3 copies Bookmark Abstract Or Scope Reprinted from: The Quarterly Journal of Economics. Vol. LXX, November view more view less Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Hans Philipp Neisser Papers, 1918-1971Reprints & Book reviews, UndatedReprints, Undated
4) "The Supply Factor In Professor Hicks' Theory Of The Cycle" by Hans Neisser, 1956 December Bookmark Abstract Or Scope Reprinted from The Economic Journal, Vol. LXVI view more view less Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Hans Philipp Neisser Papers, 1918-1971Reprints & Book reviews, UndatedReprints, Undated
5) Notes and Memoranda - Industrial Production and Profits In The United Kingdom and The United States: Some Comments by Hans Neisser, 1956 September 2 copies Bookmark Abstract Or Scope Reprinted from The Economic Journal. Vol. LXVI view more view less Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Hans Philipp Neisser Papers, 1918-1971Reprints & Book reviews, UndatedReprints, Undated
17) Lö sch, August. The Economics of Location . New Haven: Yale University Press. 1954. XXVIII & 520 pp. reviewed by H. Neisser From: Social Research, 1956 Spring Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Hans Philipp Neisser Papers, 1918-1971Reprints & Book reviews, UndatedBook Reviews, Undated
40) "Profit and Saving" by Hans Neisser, 1957 Bookmark Abstract Or Scope Reprinted by: Separatum Kyklas (-) Fasc. 4 view more view less Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Hans Philipp Neisser Papers, 1918-1971Reprints & Book reviews, UndatedReprints, Undated
44) "Scarce Money" by Hans Neisser, 1957 Spring 2 copies Bookmark Abstract Or Scope Reprinted from: Social Research view more view less Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Hans Philipp Neisser Papers, 1918-1971Reprints & Book reviews, UndatedReprints, Undated
5) Der Lagerzyklus - Lagerbewegung und Konjunkturverlauf in empirischer Sicht by Harry Schimmler. Berlin: Dunker & Humbolt, pp.113. Dm 12, 1958 2 copies Bookmark Abstract Or Scope Review by Hans Neisser. view more view less Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Hans Philipp Neisser Papers, 1918-1971Reprints & Book reviews, UndatedBook Reviews, Undated
3) "A Pyrrhic Victory", by Hans Neisser, 1958 December Bookmark Abstract Or Scope Reprinted from The Economic Journal, Vol. LXVIII view more view less Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Hans Philipp Neisser Papers, 1918-1971Reprints & Book reviews, UndatedReprints, Undated
6) Notes and Memoranda - The Supply Factor in the Theory of the Cycle -Some Comments by H. Neisser, 1958 March 2 copies Bookmark Abstract Or Scope Reprinted from The Economic Journal. Vol. LXVIII view more view less Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Hans Philipp Neisser Papers, 1918-1971Reprints & Book reviews, UndatedReprints, Undated
22) "The Phenomenological Approach in Social Science" by H. P. Neisser, 1959 December 2 copies Bookmark Abstract Or Scope Reprinted from Philosophy and Phenomenological Research. Vol. XX, No.2 view more view less Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Hans Philipp Neisser Papers, 1918-1971Reprints & Book reviews, UndatedReprints, Undated
12) The Pricing of Consumers' Durables, by Hans Neisser, 1959 October Bookmark Abstract Or Scope Reprinted from Econometric, Journal of the Econometric Society, Vol. 27, No.4 view more view less Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Hans Philipp Neisser Papers, 1918-1971Reprints & Book reviews, UndatedReprints, Undated
55) "Ex Ante and Ex Past Propensity To Consume", by H. Neisser, 1959 October 2 copies Bookmark Abstract Or Scope Reprinted from: The Oxford Economic Papers. New Series. Vol. 11, No. 8 view more view less Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Hans Philipp Neisser Papers, 1918-1971Reprints & Book reviews, UndatedReprints, Undated
41) "Economic, Logical and Mathematical Systems". Comment by Hans Neisser, 1959 Winter 2 copies Bookmark Abstract Or Scope Reprinted from: Social Research view more view less Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Hans Philipp Neisser Papers, 1918-1971Reprints & Book reviews, UndatedReprints, Undated
20) "Gross Capital Stock and Net Capital Stock: The Simplest Case" by Hans Neisser and E. Grosswald, 1960 February Bookmark Abstract Or Scope Reprinted from the Review of Economics and Statistics. Vol. XLII, No.1 view more view less Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Hans Philipp Neisser Papers, 1918-1971Reprints & Book reviews, UndatedReprints, Undated
16) "Economic Imperialism Reconsidered by Hans Neisser, 1960 Spring 2 copies Bookmark Abstract Or Scope Reprinted from Social Research view more view less Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Hans Philipp Neisser Papers, 1918-1971Reprints & Book reviews, UndatedReprints, Undated