"Zur Soziologie der bürgerlichen Intelligenz in Deutschland", 1929 Box 7 (4.2.3-Essayistic writings, arranged chronologically), Folder 54 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Hans Speier Papers, 1922-1989Manuscripts and typescripts, ca. 1920-1987Typescripts and manuscripts of early unpublished poems and short stories, published and unpublished essayistic writings, 1920-1987Essayistic writings, arranged chronologically, Undated
"Zum Problem des Reformismus", 1932 May Box 7 (4.2.3-Essayistic writings, arranged chronologically), Folder 72 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Hans Speier Papers, 1922-1989Manuscripts and typescripts, ca. 1920-1987Typescripts and manuscripts of early unpublished poems and short stories, published and unpublished essayistic writings, 1920-1987Essayistic writings, arranged chronologically, Undated
Zoppo, Ciro Elliott. "Nuclear Technology, Multipolarity, and International Stability", 1966 July Box 11 (6-Miscellaneous typescripts and publications by othe), Folder 85 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Hans Speier Papers, 1922-1989Miscellaneous typescripts and publications by other authors, 1941-1982Authored articles
Zink, Bert, 1974-1983 Box 4 (3-Correspondence files), Folder 132 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Hans Speier Papers, 1922-1989Correspondence files, 1911-1988
Zeitschrift für Sozialforschung, 1931 Box 5 (3-Correspondence files), Folder 39 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Hans Speier Papers, 1922-1989Correspondence files, 1911-1988Correspondence with publishers, editors, etc.
Zeitschriften-Dienst, 1941-1942 Box 12 (7-Nazi and anti-Nazi propaganda), Folder 1 Bookmark Abstract Or Scope Newspaper issues. view more view less Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Hans Speier Papers, 1922-1989Nazi and anti-Nazi propagandaNazi propaganda, 1941-1944
Zeisel, Hans, 1977 Box 4 (3-Correspondence files), Folder 131 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Hans Speier Papers, 1922-1989Correspondence files, 1911-1988
Zehn Jahre im Dienst einer Gesinnung, im Kampf für Frieden, Freiheit, Kultur und Recht, Undated Box 19 (10-Pamphlets), Folder 5 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Hans Speier Papers, 1922-1989Pamphlets, 1895-1970
Zedler, John N. The Multilateral Force: A Misreading of German Aspirations, 1968 Box 19 (10-Pamphlets), Folder 47 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Hans Speier Papers, 1922-1989Pamphlets, 1895-1970
Zagoria, Donald S. "Khrushchev's Attack on Albania and Sino-Soviet Relations", 1961 November Box 10 (5.2.8-Texts prepared for RAND by others), Folder 65 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Hans Speier Papers, 1922-1989The RAND Corporation materials, 1948-1988Essays, position papers, memoranda, 1948-1988Texts prepared for RAND by others, Undated
Yerkes, Robert M., 1945 Box 4 (3-Correspondence files), Folder 130 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Hans Speier Papers, 1922-1989Correspondence files, 1911-1988
Yale University Press, 1985-1987 Box 5 (3-Correspondence files), Folder 38 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Hans Speier Papers, 1922-1989Correspondence files, 1911-1988Correspondence with publishers, editors, etc.
W-Z -- miscellaneous correspondence, Undated Box 4 (3-Correspondence files), Folder 109 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Hans Speier Papers, 1922-1989Correspondence files, 1911-1988
Wunderlich, Frieda, 1947 Box 4 (3-Correspondence files), Folder 129 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Hans Speier Papers, 1922-1989Correspondence files, 1911-1988
Wright, Quincy. On Predicting International Relations, the Year 2000, 1969-1970 Box 19 (10-Pamphlets), Folder 46 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Hans Speier Papers, 1922-1989Pamphlets, 1895-1970
Wright, Arthur F., 1971-1972 Box 5 (3-Correspondence files), Folder 97 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Hans Speier Papers, 1922-1989Correspondence files, 1911-1988Correspondence with co-editors (Harold Lasswell and Daniel Lerner) and contributors to Propaganda and Communication in World History, 1968-1983
Worldview, 1972 Box 5 (3-Correspondence files), Folder 37 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Hans Speier Papers, 1922-1989Correspondence files, 1911-1988Correspondence with publishers, editors, etc.
World Academy of Art and Science, 1969, 1975 Box 4 (3-Correspondence files), Folder 128 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Hans Speier Papers, 1922-1989Correspondence files, 1911-1988
Workshop schedule, notes, Undated Box 5 (3-Correspondence files), Folder 106 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Hans Speier Papers, 1922-1989Correspondence files, 1911-1988Thyssen-Workshop "Probleme der Regierbarkeit" correspondence and papers, bulk 1974-1976
Wood, Frank H., Jr., 1947 Box 4 (3-Correspondence files), Folder 126 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Hans Speier Papers, 1922-1989Correspondence files, 1911-1988
Woodard, James W., 1936 Box 4 (3-Correspondence files), Folder 127 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Hans Speier Papers, 1922-1989Correspondence files, 1911-1988
Wolbers, H. L., 1972-1974 Box 4 (3-Correspondence files), Folder 125 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Hans Speier Papers, 1922-1989Correspondence files, 1911-1988
Wohlstetter, A. "RAND's Continuing Program of Broad Policy Study: Problems and Incentives", 1960 February 22 Box 10 (5.2.8-Texts prepared for RAND by others), Folder 64 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Hans Speier Papers, 1922-1989The RAND Corporation materials, 1948-1988Essays, position papers, memoranda, 1948-1988Texts prepared for RAND by others, Undated
Wohlstetter, Albert and Roberta. "Controlling the Risks in Cuba", 1955 April Box 11 (6-Miscellaneous typescripts and publications by othe), Folder 84 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Hans Speier Papers, 1922-1989Miscellaneous typescripts and publications by other authors, 1941-1982Authored articles
Witz und Politik, 1975 Box 5 (4-Manuscripts and typescripts), Folder 115 Bookmark Abstract Or Scope Typescripts with numerous correspondence. view more view less Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Hans Speier Papers, 1922-1989Manuscripts and typescripts, ca. 1920-1987Typescripts of books written or edited by H. Speier
Witz und Politik, 1975 Box 7 (4.1.12-Reviews of writings or edited works by Hans Speier), Folder 15 Bookmark Abstract Or Scope Review. view more view less Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Hans Speier Papers, 1922-1989Manuscripts and typescripts, ca. 1920-1987Typescripts of books written or edited by H. SpeierReviews of writings or edited works by Hans Speier, Undated
Wittebur, Klemens, 1983 Box 4 (3-Correspondence files), Folder 124 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Hans Speier Papers, 1922-1989Correspondence files, 1911-1988
"Wit and Politics: An Essay on Laughter and Power", 1998 March Box 8 (4.2.3-Essayistic writings, arranged chronologically), Folder 59 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Hans Speier Papers, 1922-1989Manuscripts and typescripts, ca. 1920-1987Typescripts and manuscripts of early unpublished poems and short stories, published and unpublished essayistic writings, 1920-1987Essayistic writings, arranged chronologically, Undated
"Wissenssoziologie", ca. 1941 Box 7 (4.2.3-Essayistic writings, arranged chronologically), Folder 85 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Hans Speier Papers, 1922-1989Manuscripts and typescripts, ca. 1920-1987Typescripts and manuscripts of early unpublished poems and short stories, published and unpublished essayistic writings, 1920-1987Essayistic writings, arranged chronologically, Undated
Windesheim, Hans, 1946 Box 4 (3-Correspondence files), Folder 123 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Hans Speier Papers, 1922-1989Correspondence files, 1911-1988
Wilson, Robert N., 1971 Box 4 (3-Correspondence files), Folder 122 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Hans Speier Papers, 1922-1989Correspondence files, 1911-1988
W. I. Lenin Ausgewählte Werke in 12 Bänden ; Kurt Sauerland, Der dialektische Materialismus, 1933 February Box 8 (4.2.4-Books reviewed by Hans Speier), Folder 75 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Hans Speier Papers, 1922-1989Manuscripts and typescripts, ca. 1920-1987Typescripts and manuscripts of early unpublished poems and short stories, published and unpublished essayistic writings, 1920-1987Books reviewed by Hans Speier, Undated
Wiesner, Jerome B., 1973 Box 5 (3-Correspondence files), Folder 96 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Hans Speier Papers, 1922-1989Correspondence files, 1911-1988Correspondence with co-editors (Harold Lasswell and Daniel Lerner) and contributors to Propaganda and Communication in World History, 1968-1983
White, Howard, Undated Box 11 (6-Miscellaneous typescripts and publications by othe), Folder 82 Bookmark Abstract Or Scope "Ghost Voices". Typescript, April 1943; "The Political Philosophy of Shakespeare". Mimeo, undated. view more view less Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Hans Speier Papers, 1922-1989Miscellaneous typescripts and publications by other authors, 1941-1982Authored articles
White, Howard B., Undated Box 11 (6-Miscellaneous typescripts and publications by othe), Folder 83 Bookmark Abstract Or Scope "The Problem of Loyalty in American Political Thought". Reprint, Autumn 1954; "The Loyalty of Oath". Reprint, Spring 1955. view more view less Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Hans Speier Papers, 1922-1989Miscellaneous typescripts and publications by other authors, 1941-1982Authored articles
White, Howard B., 1969 Box 4 (3-Correspondence files), Folder 121 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Hans Speier Papers, 1922-1989Correspondence files, 1911-1988
Wheeler-Bennett, John W., 1943 Box 4 (3-Correspondence files), Folder 119 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Hans Speier Papers, 1922-1989Correspondence files, 1911-1988
"What Hitler Might Say on November 8", 1943 Box 8 (4.2.3-Essayistic writings, arranged chronologically), Folder 6 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Hans Speier Papers, 1922-1989Manuscripts and typescripts, ca. 1920-1987Typescripts and manuscripts of early unpublished poems and short stories, published and unpublished essayistic writings, 1920-1987Essayistic writings, arranged chronologically, Undated
Whaley, Barton. "Soviet Clandestine Communications Net. Notes for a History of the Structures of the Intelligence Services of the USSR", 1969 September Box 11 (6-Miscellaneous typescripts and publications by othe), Folder 81 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Hans Speier Papers, 1922-1989Miscellaneous typescripts and publications by other authors, 1941-1982Authored articles
Wettig, Gerhard. "Soviet Non-Proliferation Policy: An Analysis of Soviet Public Statements from November 1966 to January 1968", 1968 July Box 11 (6-Miscellaneous typescripts and publications by othe), Folder 80 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Hans Speier Papers, 1922-1989Miscellaneous typescripts and publications by other authors, 1941-1982Authored articles
Wettig, Gerhard. "Der Dialog zwischen SPD und SED vom Februar bis Juni 1966 als Teil der Deutschlandpolitik des Ostblocks", 1966 December Box 11 (6-Miscellaneous typescripts and publications by othe), Folder 79 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Hans Speier Papers, 1922-1989Miscellaneous typescripts and publications by other authors, 1941-1982Authored articles
Wettig, Gerhard, 1969 Box 4 (3-Correspondence files), Folder 118 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Hans Speier Papers, 1922-1989Correspondence files, 1911-1988
Westcott, Marcia. "Conservative Method", 1975 November Box 11 (6-Miscellaneous typescripts and publications by othe), Folder 78 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Hans Speier Papers, 1922-1989Miscellaneous typescripts and publications by other authors, 1941-1982Authored articles
Westcott, Marcia, 1976-1986 Box 4 (3-Correspondence files), Folder 117 Bookmark Abstract Or Scope Curriculum vita. view more view less Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Hans Speier Papers, 1922-1989Correspondence files, 1911-1988
Wer will unter die Soldaten?, Undated Box 19 (10-Pamphlets), Folder 4 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Hans Speier Papers, 1922-1989Pamphlets, 1895-1970
Werblowski, Z. J. R., 1970 Box 5 (3-Correspondence files), Folder 95 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Hans Speier Papers, 1922-1989Correspondence files, 1911-1988Correspondence with co-editors (Harold Lasswell and Daniel Lerner) and contributors to Propaganda and Communication in World History, 1968-1983
Weizsäcker, C.F. Freiherr von, 1968 Box 4 (3-Correspondence files), Folder 116 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Hans Speier Papers, 1922-1989Correspondence files, 1911-1988
Weekly Analysis of Official Foreign Broadcasts, 1941-1942 Box 12 (7-Nazi and anti-Nazi propaganda), Folder 6 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Hans Speier Papers, 1922-1989Nazi and anti-Nazi propaganda
Weber, Marianne, 1946, Undated Box 4 (3-Correspondence files), Folder 115 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Hans Speier Papers, 1922-1989Correspondence files, 1911-1988
War Office memoranda, 1940-1948 Box 13B (7-Nazi and anti-Nazi propaganda), Folder 65 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Hans Speier Papers, 1922-1989Nazi and anti-Nazi propaganda