"Zur Einführung" [ Weltmacht Rußland ]. Clipping, 1968 Box 3 (5-Articles Published in Journals), Folder 95 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Henry M. Pachter (Heinz Paechter) Papers, 1907-1987Articles Published in Journals, 1929-1987, Undated
"Zorniger alter Herr nimmt Abschied vom Journalismus." Clipping., 28. January 1977 Box 1 (1-Biographical and Autobiographical Materials), Folder 15 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Henry M. Pachter (Heinz Paechter) Papers, 1907-1987Biographical and Autobiographical Materials, 1907-1980, Undated
Yugoslavia, 1951-1970, 1986 Box 8 (6-Published Newspaper Articles), Folder 38 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Henry M. Pachter (Heinz Paechter) Papers, 1907-1987Published Newspaper Articles, 1932-1986, Undated
Youth, 1956-1972 Box 8 (6-Published Newspaper Articles), Folder 37 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Henry M. Pachter (Heinz Paechter) Papers, 1907-1987Published Newspaper Articles, 1932-1986, Undated
"Yekkes and Ostjuden: Conflicting Words in the Germany of My Youth." Clipping, 1980 May 25 Box 3 (5-Articles Published in Journals), Folder 152 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Henry M. Pachter (Heinz Paechter) Papers, 1907-1987Articles Published in Journals, 1929-1987, Undated
"Yankee no." Clipping, 1961 February Box 3 (5-Articles Published in Journals), Folder 42 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Henry M. Pachter (Heinz Paechter) Papers, 1907-1987Articles Published in Journals, 1929-1987, Undated
W. W. Rostow: The Stages of Economic Growth . Review. Clipping, 1960 Box 4 (5-Articles Published in Journals), Folder 36 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Henry M. Pachter (Heinz Paechter) Papers, 1907-1987Articles Published in Journals, 1929-1987, Undated
Women, 1950-1972 Box 8 (6-Published Newspaper Articles), Folder 36 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Henry M. Pachter (Heinz Paechter) Papers, 1907-1987Published Newspaper Articles, 1932-1986, Undated
"Willy Brandt Under Fire." Clipping, 1971 June Box 3 (5-Articles Published in Journals), Folder 114 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Henry M. Pachter (Heinz Paechter) Papers, 1907-1987Articles Published in Journals, 1929-1987, Undated
William McCord: The Spring Time of Freedom . Review. Clipping, 1965 Box 4 (5-Articles Published in Journals), Folder 33 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Henry M. Pachter (Heinz Paechter) Papers, 1907-1987Articles Published in Journals, 1929-1987, Undated
William Appleton Williams: The Roots of the Modern American Empire . Review. Clipping, 1970 Box 4 (5-Articles Published in Journals), Folder 47 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Henry M. Pachter (Heinz Paechter) Papers, 1907-1987Articles Published in Journals, 1929-1987, Undated
"Wie Kennedy regiert." Clipping, 1962 August Box 3 (5-Articles Published in Journals), Folder 58 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Henry M. Pachter (Heinz Paechter) Papers, 1907-1987Articles Published in Journals, 1929-1987, Undated
"Who are the Palestinians?" Clipping, 1975 Fall Box 3 (5-Articles Published in Journals), Folder 131 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Henry M. Pachter (Heinz Paechter) Papers, 1907-1987Articles Published in Journals, 1929-1987, Undated
"When the Government is Lying…" Clipping, 1974 Box 3 (5-Articles Published in Journals), Folder 122 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Henry M. Pachter (Heinz Paechter) Papers, 1907-1987Articles Published in Journals, 1929-1987, Undated
Wheat, 1948-1963 Box 8 (6-Published Newspaper Articles), Folder 35 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Henry M. Pachter (Heinz Paechter) Papers, 1907-1987Published Newspaper Articles, 1932-1986, Undated
"What Do We Ask of Eurocommunism?" Clipping, 1978 Winter Box 3 (5-Articles Published in Journals), Folder 138 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Henry M. Pachter (Heinz Paechter) Papers, 1907-1987Articles Published in Journals, 1929-1987, Undated
Weltmacht Rußland, 1968 Box 1 (3-Reviews of Pachter's Books), Folder 71 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Henry M. Pachter (Heinz Paechter) Papers, 1907-1987Reviews of Pachter's Books, 1938-1984, Undated
"Weisheit oder Ratlosigkeit?" Clipping, 1964 April Box 3 (5-Articles Published in Journals), Folder 77 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Henry M. Pachter (Heinz Paechter) Papers, 1907-1987Articles Published in Journals, 1929-1987, Undated
Weimar Études. Typescripts, Undated Box 2 (4-Full-Length Works by Pachter and Others), Folder 5-6 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Henry M. Pachter (Heinz Paechter) Papers, 1907-1987Full-Length Works by Pachter and Others, 1982-1984, Undated
Weimar Études. Page proofs, 1982 Box 2 (4-Full-Length Works by Pachter and Others), Folder 7-9 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Henry M. Pachter (Heinz Paechter) Papers, 1907-1987Full-Length Works by Pachter and Others, 1982-1984, Undated
Weimar Études. "Memoirs, first Ms." Handwritten, Undated Box 2 (4-Full-Length Works by Pachter and Others), Folder 1 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Henry M. Pachter (Heinz Paechter) Papers, 1907-1987Full-Length Works by Pachter and Others, 1982-1984, Undated
Weimar Études. Introduction. Typescript, Undated Box 2 (4-Full-Length Works by Pachter and Others), Folder 4 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Henry M. Pachter (Heinz Paechter) Papers, 1907-1987Full-Length Works by Pachter and Others, 1982-1984, Undated
Weimar Études. Early handwritten and typed versions, Undated Box 2 (4-Full-Length Works by Pachter and Others), Folder 2-3 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Henry M. Pachter (Heinz Paechter) Papers, 1907-1987Full-Length Works by Pachter and Others, 1982-1984, Undated
Weimar Études. Correspondence, 1981-1983 Box 1 (4-Full-Length Works by Pachter and Others), Folder 81 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Henry M. Pachter (Heinz Paechter) Papers, 1907-1987Full-Length Works by Pachter and Others, 1982-1984, Undated
Weimar Études, 1982 Box 1 (3-Reviews of Pachter's Books), Folder 73 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Henry M. Pachter (Heinz Paechter) Papers, 1907-1987Reviews of Pachter's Books, 1938-1984, Undated
Weimar, 1965-1979 Box 8 (6-Published Newspaper Articles), Folder 34 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Henry M. Pachter (Heinz Paechter) Papers, 1907-1987Published Newspaper Articles, 1932-1986, Undated
"Was Weimar Necessary?" Clipping, 1977 Winter Box 3 (5-Articles Published in Journals), Folder 135 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Henry M. Pachter (Heinz Paechter) Papers, 1907-1987Articles Published in Journals, 1929-1987, Undated
"Washington, den 25. Mai 1946." Photocopy, 1946 June 15 Box 3 (5-Articles Published in Journals), Folder 9 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Henry M. Pachter (Heinz Paechter) Papers, 1907-1987Articles Published in Journals, 1929-1987, Undated
"Walther Rathenau. Musil's Arnheim or Mann's Naphta ? Clipping, 1980 Box 3 (5-Articles Published in Journals), Folder 150 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Henry M. Pachter (Heinz Paechter) Papers, 1907-1987Articles Published in Journals, 1929-1987, Undated
Walter Laqueur: Weimar – A Cultural History . Review. Clipping, 1976 Box 4 (5-Articles Published in Journals), Folder 28 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Henry M. Pachter (Heinz Paechter) Papers, 1907-1987Articles Published in Journals, 1929-1987, Undated
"Von Roosevelt bis Kennedy." Clipping, 1965 February Box 3 (5-Articles Published in Journals), Folder 81 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Henry M. Pachter (Heinz Paechter) Papers, 1907-1987Articles Published in Journals, 1929-1987, Undated
Vinke, Hermann. The Short Life of Sophie Scholl . Unbound copy, 1984 Box 2 (4-Full-Length Works by Pachter and Others), Folder 16 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Henry M. Pachter (Heinz Paechter) Papers, 1907-1987Full-Length Works by Pachter and Others, 1982-1984, Undated
Vinke, Hermann. The Short Life of Sophie Scholl . Translation by Hedwig Pachter. Typescripts, 1984 Box 2 (4-Full-Length Works by Pachter and Others), Folder 10-11 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Henry M. Pachter (Heinz Paechter) Papers, 1907-1987Full-Length Works by Pachter and Others, 1982-1984, Undated
Vinke, Hermann. The Short Life of Sophie Scholl . Proofs, 1984 Box 2 (4-Full-Length Works by Pachter and Others), Folder 12-15 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Henry M. Pachter (Heinz Paechter) Papers, 1907-1987Full-Length Works by Pachter and Others, 1982-1984, Undated
"Vigilantism in Germany and Austria during the 1920s." Typescripts, Undated Box 1 (2-Manuscripts and Typescripts of Essayistic Writings), Folder 61 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Henry M. Pachter (Heinz Paechter) Papers, 1907-1987Manuscripts and Typescripts of Essayistic Writings, 1951-1980, Undated
Vigilanten und Dinosaurier." Clipping, 1959 April Box 3 (5-Articles Published in Journals), Folder 36 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Henry M. Pachter (Heinz Paechter) Papers, 1907-1987Articles Published in Journals, 1929-1987, Undated
"Views on Israel." Clipping, 1971 February Box 3 (5-Articles Published in Journals), Folder 113 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Henry M. Pachter (Heinz Paechter) Papers, 1907-1987Articles Published in Journals, 1929-1987, Undated
Vietnam peace talks, 1968-1973 Box 8 (6-Published Newspaper Articles), Folder 33 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Henry M. Pachter (Heinz Paechter) Papers, 1907-1987Published Newspaper Articles, 1932-1986, Undated
"Vietnam and the Left." Typescript, clipping, 1965 Fall Box 3 (5-Articles Published in Journals), Folder 82 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Henry M. Pachter (Heinz Paechter) Papers, 1907-1987Articles Published in Journals, 1929-1987, Undated
Vietnam, 1967-1973 Box 8 (6-Published Newspaper Articles), Folder 32 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Henry M. Pachter (Heinz Paechter) Papers, 1907-1987Published Newspaper Articles, 1932-1986, Undated
Vietnam, 1963-1966 Box 8 (6-Published Newspaper Articles), Folder 31 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Henry M. Pachter (Heinz Paechter) Papers, 1907-1987Published Newspaper Articles, 1932-1986, Undated
"Verhandeln ohne Illusionen." Clipping, 1964 February Box 3 (5-Articles Published in Journals), Folder 75 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Henry M. Pachter (Heinz Paechter) Papers, 1907-1987Articles Published in Journals, 1929-1987, Undated
"Vereinte Nationen – Uneinige Regierungen." Clipping, 1962 March-1962 April Box 3 (5-Articles Published in Journals), Folder 56 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Henry M. Pachter (Heinz Paechter) Papers, 1907-1987Articles Published in Journals, 1929-1987, Undated
Vatican, 1951-1970 Box 8 (6-Published Newspaper Articles), Folder 30 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Henry M. Pachter (Heinz Paechter) Papers, 1907-1987Published Newspaper Articles, 1932-1986, Undated
"Uses and Abuses of Civil Disobedience." Clipping, 1966 May-1966 June Box 3 (5-Articles Published in Journals), Folder 87 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Henry M. Pachter (Heinz Paechter) Papers, 1907-1987Articles Published in Journals, 1929-1987, Undated
Untitled handwritten and typed fragments, in German and English, Undated Box 1 (2-Manuscripts and Typescripts of Essayistic Writings), Folder 27 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Henry M. Pachter (Heinz Paechter) Papers, 1907-1987Manuscripts and Typescripts of Essayistic Writings, 1951-1980, Undated
Unpublished reviews. Typescript, photocopy, 1971 Box 1 (2-Manuscripts and Typescripts of Essayistic Writings), Folder 62 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Henry M. Pachter (Heinz Paechter) Papers, 1907-1987Manuscripts and Typescripts of Essayistic Writings, 1951-1980, Undated
United Nations, 1966-1975 Box 8 (6-Published Newspaper Articles), Folder 29 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Henry M. Pachter (Heinz Paechter) Papers, 1907-1987Published Newspaper Articles, 1932-1986, Undated
United Nations, 1963-1965 Box 8 (6-Published Newspaper Articles), Folder 28 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Henry M. Pachter (Heinz Paechter) Papers, 1907-1987Published Newspaper Articles, 1932-1986, Undated
United Nations, 1958-1962 Box 8 (6-Published Newspaper Articles), Folder 27 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Henry M. Pachter (Heinz Paechter) Papers, 1907-1987Published Newspaper Articles, 1932-1986, Undated