Zwischen den Zeizen / Astride the Times, Undated Box 1 (2-Manuscripts - Novels), Folder 17 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Joachim Maass Papers, 1901-1972Manuscripts - Novels, Undated
"Zware Nevel." Dutch translation, Undated Box 2 (5-Manuscripts - Short prose works, stories), Folder 18 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Joachim Maass Papers, 1901-1972Manuscripts - Short prose works, stories, 1946, Undated
Zur Geschichtedes Romans. Der Fall Gouffe, Undated Box 1 (2-Manuscripts - Novels), Folder 9 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Joachim Maass Papers, 1901-1972Manuscripts - Novels, Undated
"Wir Hamburger", Undated Box 2 (6-Manuscripts - Essayistic), Folder 35 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Joachim Maass Papers, 1901-1972Manuscripts - Essayistic, 1940-1946
"Vorwort" and "Schlusswort" to an unidentified work, Undated Box 2 (6-Manuscripts - Essayistic), Folder 34 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Joachim Maass Papers, 1901-1972Manuscripts - Essayistic, 1940-1946
Vorlesungen im Kurs, Problems of Red-education in Post-War Germany, 1969, Undated Box 3 (8-Published materials, biographical materials), Folder 7 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Joachim Maass Papers, 1901-1972Published materials, biographical materials, 1901-1969
"Vom lusitanischen Parnass. Nachdichtungen jngerer portugiesischer Lyrik", Undated Box 1 (4-Manuscripts - Poetry), Folder 31 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Joachim Maass Papers, 1901-1972Manuscripts - Poetry, Undated
"Vers und Prosa", Undated Box 1 (4-Manuscripts - Poetry), Folder 30 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Joachim Maass Papers, 1901-1972Manuscripts - Poetry, Undated
Untitled Manuscript in English, Undated Box 1 (2-Manuscripts - Novels), Folder 19 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Joachim Maass Papers, 1901-1972Manuscripts - Novels, Undated
"Unser kleinen Dmon." Notes, Undated Box 2 (6-Manuscripts - Essayistic), Folder 33 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Joachim Maass Papers, 1901-1972Manuscripts - Essayistic, 1940-1946