"Zur Statistik der Arbeitslöhne im Steinkohlenbergbau", 1929 July 11 Box 6 (6-Publications of Karl Pribram), Folder 24 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Karl Pribram Papers, 1877-1973Publications of Karl Pribram, 1904-1951Large format publications, 1914-1937
"Zur Internationalen Statistik der Arbeitslöhne", 1926 February 5 Box 6 (6-Publications of Karl Pribram), Folder 17 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Karl Pribram Papers, 1877-1973Publications of Karl Pribram, 1904-1951Large format publications, 1914-1937
"Zur Entwicklung der Lebensmittelpreise in der Kriegszeit", 1917 May Box 7 (6-Publications of Karl Pribram), Folder 39 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Karl Pribram Papers, 1877-1973Publications of Karl Pribram, 1904-1951Articles, 1904-1953
"Zum Thema 'Soziologie und Sozialpolitik'. Eine Erwiderung", 1925 October 22 Box 6 (6-Publications of Karl Pribram), Folder 14 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Karl Pribram Papers, 1877-1973Publications of Karl Pribram, 1904-1951Large format publications, 1914-1937
Zahn, Friedrich, Undated Box 11 (7-Publications by others), Folder 71 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Karl Pribram Papers, 1877-1973Publications by others, Undated
Zaglits, Oscar, Undated Box 11 (7-Publications by others), Folder 70 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Karl Pribram Papers, 1877-1973Publications by others, Undated
Wunderlich, Frieda, Undated Box 11 (7-Publications by others), Folder 69 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Karl Pribram Papers, 1877-1973Publications by others, Undated
"World-Unemployment and Its Problems", 1931 Box 9 (6-Publications of Karl Pribram), Folder 15 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Karl Pribram Papers, 1877-1973Publications of Karl Pribram, 1904-1951Articles, 1904-1953
World trade. Notes in German. Frankfurt am Main, 1929 Box 5 (5-Manuscripts and typescripts; notes, including lect), Folder 7 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Karl Pribram Papers, 1877-1973Manuscripts and typescripts; notes, including lecture notes, 1923-1952
"Wohnungsämter des Auslands" (co-authored with Liepmann), 1930 Box 9 (6-Publications of Karl Pribram), Folder 8 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Karl Pribram Papers, 1877-1973Publications of Karl Pribram, 1904-1951Articles, 1904-1953
"Wohngrösse und Mietzinshöhe in den Hauszinssteuerpflichtigen Orten Österreichs", 1912 Box 7 (6-Publications of Karl Pribram), Folder 17 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Karl Pribram Papers, 1877-1973Publications of Karl Pribram, 1904-1951Articles, 1904-1953
Witte, Edwin E., Undated Box 11 (7-Publications by others), Folder 68 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Karl Pribram Papers, 1877-1973Publications by others, Undated
Wirtschaftspolitik. Notes in German, Undated Box 5 (5-Manuscripts and typescripts; notes, including lect), Folder 6 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Karl Pribram Papers, 1877-1973Manuscripts and typescripts; notes, including lecture notes, 1923-1952
Wirtschaftliches Verhalten in Kriegszeiten, 1914 Box 7 (6-Publications of Karl Pribram), Folder 4 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Karl Pribram Papers, 1877-1973Publications of Karl Pribram, 1904-1951Books and edited periodicals, 1907-1927
Winschuh, Josef. Grenzen der Sozialpolitik, 1929 Box 11 (6-Publications of Karl Pribram), Folder 10 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Karl Pribram Papers, 1877-1973Publications of Karl Pribram, 1904-1951Reviews, 1902-1958
Wieser, Friedrich Freiherrn v., Undated Box 11 (7-Publications by others), Folder 67 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Karl Pribram Papers, 1877-1973Publications by others, Undated
White, Leonard D., Undated Box 11 (7-Publications by others), Folder 66 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Karl Pribram Papers, 1877-1973Publications by others, Undated
"Weltwirtschaftskonferenz", 1929 Box 9 (6-Publications of Karl Pribram), Folder 1 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Karl Pribram Papers, 1877-1973Publications of Karl Pribram, 1904-1951Articles, 1904-1953
Welfare economics. Notes, Undated Box 5 (5-Manuscripts and typescripts; notes, including lect), Folder 5 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Karl Pribram Papers, 1877-1973Manuscripts and typescripts; notes, including lecture notes, 1923-1952
Weisskopf, Walter A., Undated Box 11 (7-Publications by others), Folder 65 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Karl Pribram Papers, 1877-1973Publications by others, Undated
Weisskopf, Walter A. The Psychology of Economics, 1956 September Box 11 (6-Publications of Karl Pribram), Folder 24 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Karl Pribram Papers, 1877-1973Publications of Karl Pribram, 1904-1951Reviews, 1902-1958
Weddigen, Walter, Undated Box 11 (7-Publications by others), Folder 64 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Karl Pribram Papers, 1877-1973Publications by others, Undated
Vito, Francesco, Undated Box 11 (7-Publications by others), Folder 63 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Karl Pribram Papers, 1877-1973Publications by others, Undated
Varia. Notes, Undated Box 5 (5-Manuscripts and typescripts; notes, including lect), Folder 8-9 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Karl Pribram Papers, 1877-1973Manuscripts and typescripts; notes, including lecture notes, 1923-1952
"Un principe constructeur de la vie sociale moderne", 1923 April 6 Box 3 (5-Manuscripts and typescripts; notes, including lect), Folder 28 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Karl Pribram Papers, 1877-1973Manuscripts and typescripts; notes, including lecture notes, 1923-1952
United States Tariff Commission (incl. Lewis L. Lorwin, L. Morrison), 1942-1947 Box 2 (4-Correspondence and memoranda related to Pribram's ), Folder 60 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Karl Pribram Papers, 1877-1973Correspondence and memoranda related to Pribram's positions, 1933-1947
United States Social Security Board (incl. W. Ellison Chalmers, Ewan Clague, Gladys Friedman, Mary Ross, Collis Stocking, W. R. Williamson), 1937-1940 Box 2 (4-Correspondence and memoranda related to Pribram's ), Folder 58 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Karl Pribram Papers, 1877-1973Correspondence and memoranda related to Pribram's positions, 1933-1947
United States Social Security Board (incl. Louis, Levine, W. Woytinsky), 1941-1942 Box 2 (4-Correspondence and memoranda related to Pribram's ), Folder 59 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Karl Pribram Papers, 1877-1973Correspondence and memoranda related to Pribram's positions, 1933-1947
Typescript fragments, Undated Box 4 (5-Manuscripts and typescripts; notes, including lect), Folder 13 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Karl Pribram Papers, 1877-1973Manuscripts and typescripts; notes, including lecture notes, 1923-1952
Tönnies, Ferdinand. Der Kampf um das Sozialistengesetz 1878, 1929 Box 11 (6-Publications of Karl Pribram), Folder 11 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Karl Pribram Papers, 1877-1973Publications of Karl Pribram, 1904-1951Reviews, 1902-1958
"The Unification of Social Insurance", 1925 March Box 8 (6-Publications of Karl Pribram), Folder 12 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Karl Pribram Papers, 1877-1973Publications of Karl Pribram, 1904-1951Articles, 1904-1953
"The Scope of Labor Statistics", 1926 October Box 8 (6-Publications of Karl Pribram), Folder 20 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Karl Pribram Papers, 1877-1973Publications of Karl Pribram, 1904-1951Articles, 1904-1953
The Review of Economic Statistics, 1937 Box 2 (3-Correspondence), Folder 45 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Karl Pribram Papers, 1877-1973Correspondence, 1900-1958
"The Problem of Collective Monopolies", Undated Box 3 (5-Manuscripts and typescripts; notes, including lect), Folder 29 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Karl Pribram Papers, 1877-1973Manuscripts and typescripts; notes, including lecture notes, 1923-1952
Theorie -- Politik, Weltwirtschaft. Notes in German, Undated Box 5 (5-Manuscripts and typescripts; notes, including lect), Folder 4 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Karl Pribram Papers, 1877-1973Manuscripts and typescripts; notes, including lecture notes, 1923-1952
"The Notion of 'Economic System' Underlying Business Cycle Analysis", Undated Box 3 (5-Manuscripts and typescripts; notes, including lect), Folder 24 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Karl Pribram Papers, 1877-1973Manuscripts and typescripts; notes, including lecture notes, 1923-1952
"The Notion of 'Economic System' Underlying Business-Cycle Analysis", 1937 May Box 10 (6-Publications of Karl Pribram), Folder 7 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Karl Pribram Papers, 1877-1973Publications of Karl Pribram, 1904-1951Articles, 1904-1953
The McCormack Amendment. Texts and related correspondence, 1939-1940 Box 3 (5-Manuscripts and typescripts; notes, including lect), Folder 23 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Karl Pribram Papers, 1877-1973Manuscripts and typescripts; notes, including lecture notes, 1923-1952
"The Labor Dispute Disqualification", 1941 Box 3 (5-Manuscripts and typescripts; notes, including lect), Folder 21 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Karl Pribram Papers, 1877-1973Manuscripts and typescripts; notes, including lecture notes, 1923-1952
"The International Labor Organization, its present functions and future tasks", 1942 Box 3 (5-Manuscripts and typescripts; notes, including lect), Folder 19 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Karl Pribram Papers, 1877-1973Manuscripts and typescripts; notes, including lecture notes, 1923-1952
"The International Aspects of Chemical Nitrogen", 1944 September Box 3 (5-Manuscripts and typescripts; notes, including lect), Folder 17 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Karl Pribram Papers, 1877-1973Manuscripts and typescripts; notes, including lecture notes, 1923-1952
"The Historical Background of the Benefit Formula in Unemployment Compensation", 1939 February Box 3 (5-Manuscripts and typescripts; notes, including lect), Folder 7 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Karl Pribram Papers, 1877-1973Manuscripts and typescripts; notes, including lecture notes, 1923-1952
"The Functions of Reserves in Old-Age Benefit Plans", 1938 August Box 10 (6-Publications of Karl Pribram), Folder 10 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Karl Pribram Papers, 1877-1973Publications of Karl Pribram, 1904-1951Articles, 1904-1953
"The Foreign Trade Policy of Greece, Undated Box 10 (6-Publications of Karl Pribram), Folder 18 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Karl Pribram Papers, 1877-1973Publications of Karl Pribram, 1904-1951Articles, 1904-1953
"The Foreign-Trade Policy of Bulgaria", 1943 November Box 10 (6-Publications of Karl Pribram), Folder 17 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Karl Pribram Papers, 1877-1973Publications of Karl Pribram, 1904-1951Articles, 1904-1953
"The Foreign Trade Policy of Austria", 1945 May Box 10 (6-Publications of Karl Pribram), Folder 19 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Karl Pribram Papers, 1877-1973Publications of Karl Pribram, 1904-1951Articles, 1904-1953
The Econometric Society, 1939 Box 2 (3-Correspondence), Folder 19 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Karl Pribram Papers, 1877-1973Correspondence, 1900-1958
The American University, 1940 Box 2 (3-Correspondence), Folder 12 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Karl Pribram Papers, 1877-1973Correspondence, 1900-1958
"The American system of social security and the European systems of social insurance: A comparative study", 1937 January 28 Box 2 (5-Manuscripts and typescripts; notes, including lect), Folder 63 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Karl Pribram Papers, 1877-1973Manuscripts and typescripts; notes, including lecture notes, 1923-1952
Sweden -- welfare. Notes, Undated Box 5 (5-Manuscripts and typescripts; notes, including lect), Folder 3 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Karl Pribram Papers, 1877-1973Manuscripts and typescripts; notes, including lecture notes, 1923-1952