"Zweihundert Millionen Regenwürmer", 1958 October 19 Box 5 (4-Clippings of published stories and essays), Folder 74 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Max Knight Papers, 1909-1993Clippings of published stories and essays, 1930-1992Publications in German, 1945-1990
"Zwanzig Minuten", 1936 August 6 Box 5 (4-Clippings of published stories and essays), Folder 34 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Max Knight Papers, 1909-1993Clippings of published stories and essays, 1930-1992Clippings in German, 1930-1938
"Zu viel blauer Himmel über Kalifornien", 1949 May 20 Box 5 (4-Clippings of published stories and essays), Folder 74 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Max Knight Papers, 1909-1993Clippings of published stories and essays, 1930-1992Publications in German, 1945-1990
Zimmerman, Sangwan, 1975 Box 2 (2-Correspondence files), Folder 23 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Max Knight Papers, 1909-1993Correspondence files, 1940-1992
Zeisel, Hans, 1977-1984 Box 2 (2-Correspondence files), Folder 22 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Max Knight Papers, 1909-1993Correspondence files, 1940-1992
Zany Zoo . Original illustrations for the book, Undated Box 2 (3-Manuscripts of short stories (co-authored), book m), Folder 86 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Max Knight Papers, 1909-1993Manuscripts of short stories (co-authored), book manuscripts and translations of poetry, ca. 1938-1992
"You Cannot Live Without Grass", 1951 October Box 5 (4-Clippings of published stories and essays), Folder 57 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Max Knight Papers, 1909-1993Clippings of published stories and essays, 1930-1992Publications in English, 1945-1992
Wyatt, Frederick, 1977 Box 2 (2-Correspondence files), Folder 21 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Max Knight Papers, 1909-1993Correspondence files, 1940-1992
"Won't Any Man Love Me Please!", 1938 March 31 Box 5 (4-Clippings of published stories and essays), Folder 48 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Max Knight Papers, 1909-1993Clippings of published stories and essays, 1930-1992Stories and essays published in English, 1938-1945
"Wissenschaft und Tamtam. Rendezvous der amerikanischen Medizin", 1958 July 13 Box 5 (4-Clippings of published stories and essays), Folder 74 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Max Knight Papers, 1909-1993Clippings of published stories and essays, 1930-1992Publications in German, 1945-1990
Wilson, Adrian, 1972-1973 Box 2 (2-Correspondence files), Folder 21 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Max Knight Papers, 1909-1993Correspondence files, 1940-1992
Wilder, Thornton, 1965-1966 Box 2 (2-Correspondence files), Folder 20 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Max Knight Papers, 1909-1993Correspondence files, 1940-1992
Wiener Verlagsanstalt, 1939 Box 2 (2-Correspondence files), Folder 57 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Max Knight Papers, 1909-1993Correspondence files, 1940-1992Correspondence with publishers
"Wiener Schnitzelbank mit Kalifornischem Salat", 1956 February 22 Box 5 (4-Clippings of published stories and essays), Folder 74 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Max Knight Papers, 1909-1993Clippings of published stories and essays, 1930-1992Publications in German, 1945-1990
"Wiener, Frankfurter und Hot Dogs", 1958 November 14 Box 5 (4-Clippings of published stories and essays), Folder 74 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Max Knight Papers, 1909-1993Clippings of published stories and essays, 1930-1992Publications in German, 1945-1990
Western Humor and Irony Membership (WHIM), 1981 Box 2 (2-Correspondence files), Folder 19 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Max Knight Papers, 1909-1993Correspondence files, 1940-1992
"Wenn vier dasselbe tun ...", 1937 May 20 Box 5 (4-Clippings of published stories and essays), Folder 32 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Max Knight Papers, 1909-1993Clippings of published stories and essays, 1930-1992Clippings in German, 1930-1938
"Wenn die Kuh regiert am goldnen Tor", 1950 April 20 Box 5 (4-Clippings of published stories and essays), Folder 73 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Max Knight Papers, 1909-1993Clippings of published stories and essays, 1930-1992Publications in German, 1945-1990
"Wem gehören die submarinen Schätze?", 1949 August 8 Box 5 (4-Clippings of published stories and essays), Folder 73 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Max Knight Papers, 1909-1993Clippings of published stories and essays, 1930-1992Publications in German, 1945-1990
Weil, Konrad, 1980 Box 2 (2-Correspondence files), Folder 18 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Max Knight Papers, 1909-1993Correspondence files, 1940-1992
"Weihnachtszauber", ca. December 1936 Box 5 (4-Clippings of published stories and essays), Folder 32 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Max Knight Papers, 1909-1993Clippings of published stories and essays, 1930-1992Clippings in German, 1930-1938
"Weihnachten in New Mexico", 1949 December 25 Box 5 (4-Clippings of published stories and essays), Folder 73 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Max Knight Papers, 1909-1993Clippings of published stories and essays, 1930-1992Publications in German, 1945-1990
"Was mir in Oesterreich auffiel", 1957 August 30 Box 5 (4-Clippings of published stories and essays), Folder 73 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Max Knight Papers, 1909-1993Clippings of published stories and essays, 1930-1992Publications in German, 1945-1990
"Was macht man mit einem verwaisten Handschuh?", 1937 February 13 Box 5 (4-Clippings of published stories and essays), Folder 32 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Max Knight Papers, 1909-1993Clippings of published stories and essays, 1930-1992Clippings in German, 1930-1938
"Was halten Sie von der Zigarette?", 1937 May 26 Box 5 (4-Clippings of published stories and essays), Folder 31 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Max Knight Papers, 1909-1993Clippings of published stories and essays, 1930-1992Clippings in German, 1930-1938
Vrba, Else, 1978 Box 2 (2-Correspondence files), Folder 18 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Max Knight Papers, 1909-1993Correspondence files, 1940-1992
"Volkszählung auf den Farallonen", 1950 May 4 Box 5 (4-Clippings of published stories and essays), Folder 73 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Max Knight Papers, 1909-1993Clippings of published stories and essays, 1930-1992Publications in German, 1945-1990
"Viktor Frankl's Logotherapy", Summer 1964 Box 5 (4-Clippings of published stories and essays), Folder 57 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Max Knight Papers, 1909-1993Clippings of published stories and essays, 1930-1992Publications in English, 1945-1992
Viennese recipes, clippings, Undated Box 2 (3-Manuscripts of short stories (co-authored), book m), Folder 84 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Max Knight Papers, 1909-1993Manuscripts of short stories (co-authored), book manuscripts and translations of poetry, ca. 1938-1992
"Vienna -- Made in U.S.A", 1936 January 31 Box 5 (4-Clippings of published stories and essays), Folder 31 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Max Knight Papers, 1909-1993Clippings of published stories and essays, 1930-1992Clippings in German, 1930-1938
"Viel Lärm um einen Kanari ...", 1937 September 29 Box 5 (4-Clippings of published stories and essays), Folder 31 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Max Knight Papers, 1909-1993Clippings of published stories and essays, 1930-1992Clippings in German, 1930-1938
"Versinkt Kalifornien im Meer?", 1957 May 31 Box 5 (4-Clippings of published stories and essays), Folder 73 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Max Knight Papers, 1909-1993Clippings of published stories and essays, 1930-1992Publications in German, 1945-1990
Verlag Kremayr & Schierau, 1979 Box 2 (2-Correspondence files), Folder 56 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Max Knight Papers, 1909-1993Correspondence files, 1940-1992Correspondence with publishers
"Vergnügen in der Sommerfrische", 1936 August 30 Box 5 (4-Clippings of published stories and essays), Folder 31 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Max Knight Papers, 1909-1993Clippings of published stories and essays, 1930-1992Clippings in German, 1930-1938
"Verdacht", 1936 March 8 Box 5 (4-Clippings of published stories and essays), Folder 30 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Max Knight Papers, 1909-1993Clippings of published stories and essays, 1930-1992Clippings in German, 1930-1938
Veith, Ilza, 1982-1983 Box 2 (2-Correspondence files), Folder 18 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Max Knight Papers, 1909-1993Correspondence files, 1940-1992
Untitled story in German, Undated Box 2 (3-Manuscripts of short stories (co-authored), book m), Folder 75 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Max Knight Papers, 1909-1993Manuscripts of short stories (co-authored), book manuscripts and translations of poetry, ca. 1938-1992
"Unsterbliche Bäume", Undated Box 5 (4-Clippings of published stories and essays), Folder 30 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Max Knight Papers, 1909-1993Clippings of published stories and essays, 1930-1992Clippings in German, 1930-1938
"Unser Leben von Morgen. Vom Rotocycle über den atomischen Kühlschrank zur Marikultur", 1957 June 21 Box 5 (4-Clippings of published stories and essays), Folder 72 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Max Knight Papers, 1909-1993Clippings of published stories and essays, 1930-1992Publications in German, 1945-1990
Unpublished poetry by Knight, Undated Box 3 (3-Manuscripts of short stories (co-authored), book m), Folder 10 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Max Knight Papers, 1909-1993Manuscripts of short stories (co-authored), book manuscripts and translations of poetry, ca. 1938-1992
University of Chicago Press, 1983-1987 Box 2 (2-Correspondence files), Folder 55 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Max Knight Papers, 1909-1993Correspondence files, 1940-1992Correspondence with publishers
University of California Press, 1957-1983 Box 2 (2-Correspondence files), Folder 54 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Max Knight Papers, 1909-1993Correspondence files, 1940-1992Correspondence with publishers
University of California, Berkeley. General correspondence, 1978-1984 Box 2 (2-Correspondence files), Folder 17 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Max Knight Papers, 1909-1993Correspondence files, 1940-1992
Ungar (Crossroads), 1966, 1993 Box 2 (2-Correspondence files), Folder 53 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Max Knight Papers, 1909-1993Correspondence files, 1940-1992Correspondence with publishers
"Umgang mit Kukuruz", ca. 1938 Box 5 (4-Clippings of published stories and essays), Folder 29 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Max Knight Papers, 1909-1993Clippings of published stories and essays, 1930-1992Clippings in German, 1930-1938
"Um die Gefängnisreform in Kalifornien", June 1957-1958 Box 5 (4-Clippings of published stories and essays), Folder 72 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Max Knight Papers, 1909-1993Clippings of published stories and essays, 1930-1992Publications in German, 1945-1990
T - Z -- miscellaneous correspondence, Undated Box 2 (2-Correspondence files), Folder 14 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Max Knight Papers, 1909-1993Correspondence files, 1940-1992
Twin, Oliver. "Zu ebener Erd' und im ersten Stock", 1945 February Box 5 (4-Clippings of published stories and essays), Folder 39 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Max Knight Papers, 1909-1993Clippings of published stories and essays, 1930-1992Stories and articles written and published in German, 1938-1945
Twin, Oliver. "Wiener im letzten Ghetto der Welt", 1945 September Box 5 (4-Clippings of published stories and essays), Folder 39 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Max Knight Papers, 1909-1993Clippings of published stories and essays, 1930-1992Stories and articles written and published in German, 1938-1945
Twin, Oliver. "Wenn zwei dasselbe sagen", 1945 November Box 5 (4-Clippings of published stories and essays), Folder 39 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Max Knight Papers, 1909-1993Clippings of published stories and essays, 1930-1992Stories and articles written and published in German, 1938-1945