Theatre Alumni Association, 1763 Box 38, Folder 17 Bookmark Collection Context University Archives Office of the President Records, 1827 - 2017 July 17Office of Evan R. Collins Records, 1949-1969
Early Presidents Records, 1827-1914 0.2 cubic ft. Bookmark Abstract Or Scope Contains personal correspondence of early presidents and formal annual reports 1912-1914. view more view less Collection Context University Archives Office of the President Records, 1827 - 2017 July 17
Office of the President Records, 1827 - 2017 July 17 427 cubic ft. 83 captures Bookmark Abstract Or Scope Administrative records from the Office of the President, which guides the overall direction and leadership of the school. This collection documents major university initiatives and trends since it's beginning in the 19th century. view more view less Collection Context University Archives
George R. Perkins, personal correspondence, 1838-1849 Box 1 (1-Early Presidents Records), Folder 1 Bookmark Collection Context University Archives Office of the President Records, 1827 - 2017 July 17Early Presidents Records, 1827-1914
History of State College, 1844-1939 Box 24 (2-Office of Abram Brubacher Records), Folder 12 Bookmark Collection Context University Archives Office of the President Records, 1827 - 2017 July 17Office of Abram Brubacher Records, 1904-1930
Edward P. Waterbury, published materials, 1882-1889 Box 1 (1-Early Presidents Records), Folder 4 Bookmark Collection Context University Archives Office of the President Records, 1827 - 2017 July 17Early Presidents Records, 1827-1914
William J. Milne, personal correspondence, 1904 Box 1 (1-Early Presidents Records), Folder 5 Bookmark Collection Context University Archives Office of the President Records, 1827 - 2017 July 17Early Presidents Records, 1827-1914
Letter to William J. Milne from William Gibson, 1904 Box 1 (1-Early Presidents Records), Folder 6 Bookmark Collection Context University Archives Office of the President Records, 1827 - 2017 July 17Early Presidents Records, 1827-1914
Office of Abram Brubacher Records, 1904-1930 14.8 cubic ft. Bookmark Abstract Or Scope Contains the correspondence and administrative records of Abram Brubacher, including speeches and publications. view more view less Collection Context University Archives Office of the President Records, 1827 - 2017 July 17
Finances - Statistics, 1904-1938 Box 1 (2-Office of Abram Brubacher Records), Folder 1 Bookmark Collection Context University Archives Office of the President Records, 1827 - 2017 July 17Office of Abram Brubacher Records, 1904-1930
Auditor's Report, 1906 Box 1 (2-Office of Abram Brubacher Records), Folder 2 Bookmark Collection Context University Archives Office of the President Records, 1827 - 2017 July 17Office of Abram Brubacher Records, 1904-1930
William J. Milne, published materials, 1908-1914 Box 1 (1-Early Presidents Records), Folder 7 Bookmark Collection Context University Archives Office of the President Records, 1827 - 2017 July 17Early Presidents Records, 1827-1914
Speeches, Addresses, 1908-1915 Box 1 (2-Office of Abram Brubacher Records), Folder 4 Bookmark Collection Context University Archives Office of the President Records, 1827 - 2017 July 17Office of Abram Brubacher Records, 1904-1930
Auditor's Report, 1908, 1922, 1930-1934 Box 1 (2-Office of Abram Brubacher Records), Folder 3 Bookmark Collection Context University Archives Office of the President Records, 1827 - 2017 July 17Office of Abram Brubacher Records, 1904-1930
War Records, 1908-1938 Box 1 (2-Office of Abram Brubacher Records), Folder 5 Bookmark Collection Context University Archives Office of the President Records, 1827 - 2017 July 17Office of Abram Brubacher Records, 1904-1930
Addresses etc. "Qualifications of High School Teachers", 1910 Box 1 (2-Office of Abram Brubacher Records), Folder 6 Bookmark Collection Context University Archives Office of the President Records, 1827 - 2017 July 17Office of Abram Brubacher Records, 1904-1930
Report of the New York State Normal College, 1912 Box 1 (1-Early Presidents Records), Folder 8 Bookmark Collection Context University Archives Office of the President Records, 1827 - 2017 July 17Early Presidents Records, 1827-1914
Department of Public Instruction (Schenectady, NY), 1912, 1914, 1915 Box 1 (2-Office of Abram Brubacher Records), Folder 7 Bookmark Collection Context University Archives Office of the President Records, 1827 - 2017 July 17Office of Abram Brubacher Records, 1904-1930
Students who Dropped or Withdrew, 1912-1932 Box 1 (2-Office of Abram Brubacher Records), Folder 8 Bookmark Collection Context University Archives Office of the President Records, 1827 - 2017 July 17Office of Abram Brubacher Records, 1904-1930
Report of the New York State Normal College, 1913 Box 1 (1-Early Presidents Records), Folder 9 Bookmark Collection Context University Archives Office of the President Records, 1827 - 2017 July 17Early Presidents Records, 1827-1914
Annual Report of the New York State College for Teachers, 1914 Box 1 (1-Early Presidents Records), Folder 10 Bookmark Collection Context University Archives Office of the President Records, 1827 - 2017 July 17Early Presidents Records, 1827-1914
Co-operations of Department to Secure Good Speech and Writing, 1914 Box 1 (2-Office of Abram Brubacher Records), Folder 9 Bookmark Collection Context University Archives Office of the President Records, 1827 - 2017 July 17Office of Abram Brubacher Records, 1904-1930
Correspondence, 1914-1939 Box 1 (2-Office of Abram Brubacher Records), Folder 10 Bookmark Collection Context University Archives Office of the President Records, 1827 - 2017 July 17Office of Abram Brubacher Records, 1904-1930
Education and Social Service, 1915 Box 1 (2-Office of Abram Brubacher Records), Folder 11 Bookmark Collection Context University Archives Office of the President Records, 1827 - 2017 July 17Office of Abram Brubacher Records, 1904-1930
Inauguration, 1915, 1940 Box 1 (2-Office of Abram Brubacher Records), Folder 12 Bookmark Collection Context University Archives Office of the President Records, 1827 - 2017 July 17Office of Abram Brubacher Records, 1904-1930
Annual Reports, 1916 Box 1 (2-Office of Abram Brubacher Records), Folder 13 Bookmark Collection Context University Archives Office of the President Records, 1827 - 2017 July 17Office of Abram Brubacher Records, 1904-1930
President's Report of the New York State College for Teachers, 1916 Box 1 (2-Office of Abram Brubacher Records), Folder 14 Bookmark Collection Context University Archives Office of the President Records, 1827 - 2017 July 17Office of Abram Brubacher Records, 1904-1930
Speeches and Addresses, 1916-1917 Box 1 (2-Office of Abram Brubacher Records), Folder 15 Bookmark Collection Context University Archives Office of the President Records, 1827 - 2017 July 17Office of Abram Brubacher Records, 1904-1930
Annual Reports, 1917 Box 1 (2-Office of Abram Brubacher Records), Folder 16 Bookmark Collection Context University Archives Office of the President Records, 1827 - 2017 July 17Office of Abram Brubacher Records, 1904-1930
The J.K.M. Barry Controversy "The Menace to the New York State Educational System", 1917 Box 1 (2-Office of Abram Brubacher Records), Folder 17 Bookmark Collection Context University Archives Office of the President Records, 1827 - 2017 July 17Office of Abram Brubacher Records, 1904-1930
President's Report of the New York State College for Teachers, 1917-1918 Box 1 (2-Office of Abram Brubacher Records), Folder 18 Bookmark Collection Context University Archives Office of the President Records, 1827 - 2017 July 17Office of Abram Brubacher Records, 1904-1930
President's Report of the New York State College for Teachers, 1917-1919 Box 1 (2-Office of Abram Brubacher Records), Folder 19 Bookmark Collection Context University Archives Office of the President Records, 1827 - 2017 July 17Office of Abram Brubacher Records, 1904-1930
President's Report, 1917-1921 Box 1 (2-Office of Abram Brubacher Records), Folder 20 Bookmark Collection Context University Archives Office of the President Records, 1827 - 2017 July 17Office of Abram Brubacher Records, 1904-1930
Alphabetic File - Character Education, 1917, 1922-1924 Box 1 (2-Office of Abram Brubacher Records), Folder 21 Bookmark Collection Context University Archives Office of the President Records, 1827 - 2017 July 17Office of Abram Brubacher Records, 1904-1930
Annual Reports, 1918 Box 1 (2-Office of Abram Brubacher Records), Folder 22 Bookmark Collection Context University Archives Office of the President Records, 1827 - 2017 July 17Office of Abram Brubacher Records, 1904-1930
Association of American Colleges and Universities, 1918 Box 1 (2-Office of Abram Brubacher Records), Folder 23 Bookmark Collection Context University Archives Office of the President Records, 1827 - 2017 July 17Office of Abram Brubacher Records, 1904-1930
The Atlantic City Meeting, 1918 Box 1 (2-Office of Abram Brubacher Records), Folder 24 Bookmark Collection Context University Archives Office of the President Records, 1827 - 2017 July 17Office of Abram Brubacher Records, 1904-1930
Where High School Teachers are Made, 1918 Box 1 (2-Office of Abram Brubacher Records), Folder 25 Bookmark Collection Context University Archives Office of the President Records, 1827 - 2017 July 17Office of Abram Brubacher Records, 1904-1930
President's Report (Includes report on WWI services), 1918-1919 Box 1 (2-Office of Abram Brubacher Records), Folder 26 Bookmark Collection Context University Archives Office of the President Records, 1827 - 2017 July 17Office of Abram Brubacher Records, 1904-1930
Speeches and Addresses, 1918-1919 Box 1 (2-Office of Abram Brubacher Records), Folder 27 Bookmark Collection Context University Archives Office of the President Records, 1827 - 2017 July 17Office of Abram Brubacher Records, 1904-1930
Fairchild, Dr. Milton, 1918-1919, Undated Box 2 (2-Office of Abram Brubacher Records), Folder 1 Bookmark Collection Context University Archives Office of the President Records, 1827 - 2017 July 17Office of Abram Brubacher Records, 1904-1930
Addresses etc. "William McKinley", 1919 Box 2 (2-Office of Abram Brubacher Records), Folder 2 Bookmark Collection Context University Archives Office of the President Records, 1827 - 2017 July 17Office of Abram Brubacher Records, 1904-1930
Annual Reports, 1919 Box 2 (2-Office of Abram Brubacher Records), Folder 3 Bookmark Collection Context University Archives Office of the President Records, 1827 - 2017 July 17Office of Abram Brubacher Records, 1904-1930
Association of American Colleges and Universities, 1919 Box 2 (2-Office of Abram Brubacher Records), Folder 4 Bookmark Collection Context University Archives Office of the President Records, 1827 - 2017 July 17Office of Abram Brubacher Records, 1904-1930
Publication - "William McKinley", 1919 Box 2 (2-Office of Abram Brubacher Records), Folder 5 Bookmark Collection Context University Archives Office of the President Records, 1827 - 2017 July 17Office of Abram Brubacher Records, 1904-1930
President's Report of the New York State College for Teachers, 1919-1920 Box 2 (2-Office of Abram Brubacher Records), Folder 6 Bookmark Collection Context University Archives Office of the President Records, 1827 - 2017 July 17Office of Abram Brubacher Records, 1904-1930
World War I Memorials, 1919-1921 Box 2 (2-Office of Abram Brubacher Records), Folder 7 Bookmark Collection Context University Archives Office of the President Records, 1827 - 2017 July 17Office of Abram Brubacher Records, 1904-1930
Board of Visitors, 1919-1939 Box 2 (2-Office of Abram Brubacher Records), Folder 8 Bookmark Collection Context University Archives Office of the President Records, 1827 - 2017 July 17Office of Abram Brubacher Records, 1904-1930
Annual Reports, 1920 Box 2 (2-Office of Abram Brubacher Records), Folder 9 Bookmark Collection Context University Archives Office of the President Records, 1827 - 2017 July 17Office of Abram Brubacher Records, 1904-1930
Association of American Colleges and Universities, 1920 Box 2 (2-Office of Abram Brubacher Records), Folder 10 Bookmark Collection Context University Archives Office of the President Records, 1827 - 2017 July 17Office of Abram Brubacher Records, 1904-1930