17th Annual Legislative Seminar, 1964 Box 1, Folder 2 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Paul Hanks Papers, 1944-1966, UndatedSubject Files, 1944-1966, Undated
"1955 Municipal Legislative Problems", 1955 Box 1, Folder 4 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Paul Hanks Papers, 1944-1966, UndatedSubject Files, 1944-1966, Undated
1960 Annual Report Department of Public Works, 1960 Box 1, Folder 5 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Paul Hanks Papers, 1944-1966, UndatedSubject Files, 1944-1966, Undated
1960 Year Book 12th Annual Edition New York Republican State Committee, 1960 Box 1, Folder 6 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Paul Hanks Papers, 1944-1966, UndatedSubject Files, 1944-1966, Undated
1961 State Legislative Program of the Liberal Party, 1960 Box 1, Folder 7 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Paul Hanks Papers, 1944-1966, UndatedSubject Files, 1944-1966, Undated
1964 Legislation Recommendations of New York State Agriculture Businessmen Council, 1964 Box 1, Folder 1 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Paul Hanks Papers, 1944-1966, UndatedLegislation, 1961-1965, Undated
1964 Legislative Program of the New York State Association for Retarded Children, Undated Box 1, Folder 8 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Paul Hanks Papers, 1944-1966, UndatedSubject Files, 1944-1966, Undated
1964 Poll on Eleven Important Issues, 1964 Box 1, Folder 9 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Paul Hanks Papers, 1944-1966, UndatedSubject Files, 1944-1966, Undated
350th Anniversary Celebration Report, 1959 Box 1, Folder 3 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Paul Hanks Papers, 1944-1966, UndatedSubject Files, 1944-1966, Undated
5% Take Home Pay for Teachers, 1964 Box 1, Folder 1 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Paul Hanks Papers, 1944-1966, UndatedSubject Files, 1944-1966, Undated
ABC Law (Minimum Drinking Age), 1963 Box 1, Folder 18 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Paul Hanks Papers, 1944-1966, UndatedSubject Files, 1944-1966, Undated
ABC Laws (1 of 2), 1963-1964 Box 1, Folder 2 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Paul Hanks Papers, 1944-1966, UndatedLegislation, 1961-1965, Undated
ABC Laws (2 of 2), 1963-1964 Box 1, Folder 3 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Paul Hanks Papers, 1944-1966, UndatedLegislation, 1961-1965, Undated
Accident Facts, 1962 Box 1, Folder 19 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Paul Hanks Papers, 1944-1966, UndatedSubject Files, 1944-1966, Undated
A Comparison of the Tax Status, 1961 Box 1, Folder 10 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Paul Hanks Papers, 1944-1966, UndatedSubject Files, 1944-1966, Undated
Acts Introduced by the Committee on Rules, Undated Box 1, Folder 4 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Paul Hanks Papers, 1944-1966, UndatedLegislation, 1961-1965, Undated
A Dangerous Combination, Undated, 1961 Box 1, Folder 11 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Paul Hanks Papers, 1944-1966, UndatedSubject Files, 1944-1966, Undated
Ad Barram-By Paul L. Bleakley, Undated Box 1, Folder 20 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Paul Hanks Papers, 1944-1966, UndatedSubject Files, 1944-1966, Undated
Adult Education, 1964 Box 1, Folder 21 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Paul Hanks Papers, 1944-1966, UndatedSubject Files, 1944-1966, Undated
Advertising Copy of Vote for Republican Candidate, Undated Box 1, Folder 22 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Paul Hanks Papers, 1944-1966, UndatedSubject Files, 1944-1966, Undated
AID to Cities and Economic Growth, 1960 Box 1, Folder 23 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Paul Hanks Papers, 1944-1966, UndatedSubject Files, 1944-1966, Undated
AID to Education (1 of 2), 1960-1961, Undated Box 1, Folder 24 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Paul Hanks Papers, 1944-1966, UndatedSubject Files, 1944-1966, Undated
AID to Education (2 of 2), 1960-1962, Undated Box 1, Folder 25 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Paul Hanks Papers, 1944-1966, UndatedSubject Files, 1944-1966, Undated
A Journal of Church and Society Special Progress, 1963 Box 1, Folder 12 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Paul Hanks Papers, 1944-1966, UndatedSubject Files, 1944-1966, Undated
Albany State Telephone Directory, 1964 Box 1, Folder 27 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Paul Hanks Papers, 1944-1966, UndatedSubject Files, 1944-1966, Undated
Albany State Telephone Directory: Direct Inward Dialing, 1962 Box 1, Folder 26 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Paul Hanks Papers, 1944-1966, UndatedSubject Files, 1944-1966, Undated
Alphabetical List-Assembly Members, Undated Box 1, Folder 29 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Paul Hanks Papers, 1944-1966, UndatedSubject Files, 1944-1966, Undated
Alphabetical List of Republican Members, Undated Box 1, Folder 28 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Paul Hanks Papers, 1944-1966, UndatedSubject Files, 1944-1966, Undated
A Matter of Necessity: Report No. 22, 1961 Box 1, Folder 13 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Paul Hanks Papers, 1944-1966, UndatedSubject Files, 1944-1966, Undated
Amends the Education Law, Undated Box 1, Folder 30 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Paul Hanks Papers, 1944-1966, UndatedSubject Files, 1944-1966, Undated
Amend the Act to Enable Counties to Impose Tax on Admission to Horse Race Meets, Undated Box 1, Folder 5 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Paul Hanks Papers, 1944-1966, UndatedLegislation, 1961-1965, Undated
An Act Establishing an Economic Conversion Commission, Undated Box 1, Folder 6 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Paul Hanks Papers, 1944-1966, UndatedLegislation, 1961-1965, Undated
An Act to Amend the Alcoholic Beverage Control Law, Undated Box 1, Folder 7 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Paul Hanks Papers, 1944-1966, UndatedLegislation, 1961-1965, Undated
An Act to Amend the Civil Service Law (1 of 2), Undated Box 1, Folder 8 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Paul Hanks Papers, 1944-1966, UndatedLegislation, 1961-1965, Undated
An Act to Amend the Civil Service Law (2 of 2), Undated Box 1, Folder 9 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Paul Hanks Papers, 1944-1966, UndatedLegislation, 1961-1965, Undated
An Act to Amend the Education Law, 1961 Box 1, Folder 10 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Paul Hanks Papers, 1944-1966, UndatedLegislation, 1961-1965, Undated
An Act to Amend the Public Authorities Law, Undated Box 1, Folder 11 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Paul Hanks Papers, 1944-1966, UndatedLegislation, 1961-1965, Undated
Analysis in Question and Answer Form of New York State Licensing Proposal, Undated Box 1, Folder 32 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Paul Hanks Papers, 1944-1966, UndatedSubject Files, 1944-1966, Undated
Annual Report 1960: Civil Defense Commission, 1960 Box 1, Folder 33 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Paul Hanks Papers, 1944-1966, UndatedSubject Files, 1944-1966, Undated
Annual Report: Department of Commerce, 1963 Box 1, Folder 34 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Paul Hanks Papers, 1944-1966, UndatedSubject Files, 1944-1966, Undated
Annual Report Department of Works, 1963 Box 1, Folder 35 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Paul Hanks Papers, 1944-1966, UndatedSubject Files, 1944-1966, Undated
Annual Report of the Comptroller State of New York, 1960 Box 1, Folder 39 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Paul Hanks Papers, 1944-1966, UndatedSubject Files, 1944-1966, Undated
Annual Report of the State Advisory Council on Employment and Unemployment Insurance, 1960 Box 1, Folder 40 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Paul Hanks Papers, 1944-1966, UndatedSubject Files, 1944-1966, Undated
Annual Report of the State Advisory Council on Employment and Unemployment Insurance, 1963 Box 1, Folder 41 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Paul Hanks Papers, 1944-1966, UndatedSubject Files, 1944-1966, Undated
Annual Report of the State Commission Against Discrimination, 1954 Box 1, Folder 42 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Paul Hanks Papers, 1944-1966, UndatedSubject Files, 1944-1966, Undated
Annual Report of the Superintendent of Banks", 1960 Box 1, Folder 43 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Paul Hanks Papers, 1944-1966, UndatedSubject Files, 1944-1966, Undated
Annual Report Power Authority of the State of New York, 1961 February 26 Box 1, Folder 36 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Paul Hanks Papers, 1944-1966, UndatedSubject Files, 1944-1966, Undated
Annual Report-State Comptroller, 1948 Box 1, Folder 37 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Paul Hanks Papers, 1944-1966, UndatedSubject Files, 1944-1966, Undated
Annual Report State of New York Department of Commerce, 1960 Box 1, Folder 38 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Paul Hanks Papers, 1944-1966, UndatedSubject Files, 1944-1966, Undated
Annual Report Waterfront Commission of New York, 1962-1963 Box 1, Folder 44 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Paul Hanks Papers, 1944-1966, UndatedSubject Files, 1944-1966, Undated
An Open Letter: To the Governors and Representatives of the Sovereign States, Undated Box 1, Folder 31 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Paul Hanks Papers, 1944-1966, UndatedSubject Files, 1944-1966, Undated
Anti-Strike Breaker Bill, Undated, 1964 Box 1, Folder 45 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Paul Hanks Papers, 1944-1966, UndatedSubject Files, 1944-1966, Undated
A Review and Appraisal of New York's Low Income Housing Program, 1963 Box 1, Folder 14 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Paul Hanks Papers, 1944-1966, UndatedSubject Files, 1944-1966, Undated
A Revised Policy on Tuition and Fees in State University of New York, 1963 Box 1, Folder 15 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Paul Hanks Papers, 1944-1966, UndatedSubject Files, 1944-1966, Undated
Assembly Art Exhibit Box 1, Folder 46 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Paul Hanks Papers, 1944-1966, UndatedSubject Files, 1944-1966, Undated
Assembly Conference Agenda, 1963 January 9 Box 1, Folder 47 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Paul Hanks Papers, 1944-1966, UndatedSubject Files, 1944-1966, Undated
Assembly Resolution 96', 1963 Box 1, Folder 48 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Paul Hanks Papers, 1944-1966, UndatedSubject Files, 1944-1966, Undated
Assembly Seats and Legislation Bills, 1963-1964, 1961 Flat-File 1 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Paul Hanks Papers, 1944-1966, UndatedLegislation, 1961-1965, Undated
Associated Industries of New York Inc., Undated Box 1, Folder 49 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Paul Hanks Papers, 1944-1966, UndatedSubject Files, 1944-1966, Undated
A Statement of the Hospital Association of New York State Inc., 1964 Box 1, Folder 16 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Paul Hanks Papers, 1944-1966, UndatedSubject Files, 1944-1966, Undated
Attorney General's Committee on Human Relations, 1965 Box 1, Folder 50 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Paul Hanks Papers, 1944-1966, UndatedSubject Files, 1944-1966, Undated
Automobile License Fee Correspondence (1 of 2), Undated, 1963 Box 2, Folder 1 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Paul Hanks Papers, 1944-1966, UndatedSubject Files, 1944-1966, Undated
Automobile License Fee Correspondence (2 of 2), Undated, 1963 Box 2, Folder 2 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Paul Hanks Papers, 1944-1966, UndatedSubject Files, 1944-1966, Undated
Automobile License Fee-Information, Undated, 1963 Box 2, Folder 3 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Paul Hanks Papers, 1944-1966, UndatedSubject Files, 1944-1966, Undated
A World Trade Center in the Port of New York, 1961 Box 1, Folder 17 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Paul Hanks Papers, 1944-1966, UndatedSubject Files, 1944-1966, Undated
Baldwin vs. City of Buffalo, Undated Box 2, Folder 4 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Paul Hanks Papers, 1944-1966, UndatedSubject Files, 1944-1966, Undated
Banks, 1962-1963, Undated Box 2, Folder 5 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Paul Hanks Papers, 1944-1966, UndatedSubject Files, 1944-1966, Undated
Banks and the Future of New York State, Undated Box 2, Folder 6 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Paul Hanks Papers, 1944-1966, UndatedSubject Files, 1944-1966, Undated
Banks Committee Meetings, Undated, 1964 Box 2, Folder 9 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Paul Hanks Papers, 1944-1966, UndatedSubject Files, 1944-1966, Undated
Banks Committee, Undated, 1961 Box 2, Folder 7 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Paul Hanks Papers, 1944-1966, UndatedSubject Files, 1944-1966, Undated
Banks Committee, Undated, 1964 Box 2, Folder 8 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Paul Hanks Papers, 1944-1966, UndatedSubject Files, 1944-1966, Undated
Bill Boards, 1963 Box 2, Folder 10 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Paul Hanks Papers, 1944-1966, UndatedSubject Files, 1944-1966, Undated
Bills to be Considered, 1963 Box 1, Folder 12 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Paul Hanks Papers, 1944-1966, UndatedLegislation, 1961-1965, Undated
Birth Control, 1963-1964 Box 2, Folder 11 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Paul Hanks Papers, 1944-1966, UndatedSubject Files, 1944-1966, Undated
Boat Registration Fees, 1963 Box 2, Folder 12 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Paul Hanks Papers, 1944-1966, UndatedSubject Files, 1944-1966, Undated
Branch Bank Bill, 1963 Box 2, Folder 13 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Paul Hanks Papers, 1944-1966, UndatedSubject Files, 1944-1966, Undated
Brockport Central Committee Report Notes, Undated Box 2, Folder 14 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Paul Hanks Papers, 1944-1966, UndatedSubject Files, 1944-1966, Undated
Budget, 1961 Box 2, Folder 15 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Paul Hanks Papers, 1944-1966, UndatedSubject Files, 1944-1966, Undated
Budget, 1963 Box 2, Folder 16 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Paul Hanks Papers, 1944-1966, UndatedSubject Files, 1944-1966, Undated
Budget Bill Transcription, 1964 Box 2, Folder 17 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Paul Hanks Papers, 1944-1966, UndatedSubject Files, 1944-1966, Undated
Bulletin from New York State Council of Retail Merchants, 1961, 1964 Box 2, Folder 18 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Paul Hanks Papers, 1944-1966, UndatedSubject Files, 1944-1966, Undated
Business Book 1963 Buffalo Area, 1963 Box 2, Folder 19 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Paul Hanks Papers, 1944-1966, UndatedSubject Files, 1944-1966, Undated
Business Fact Book, 1963 Nassau-Suffolk District, 1963 Box 2, Folder 20 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Paul Hanks Papers, 1944-1966, UndatedSubject Files, 1944-1966, Undated
Business Fact Book, 1963 New York City, 1963 Box 2, Folder 21 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Paul Hanks Papers, 1944-1966, UndatedSubject Files, 1944-1966, Undated
Business Fact Book, 1963 Westchester-Rockland County District, 1963 Box 2, Folder 22 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Paul Hanks Papers, 1944-1966, UndatedSubject Files, 1944-1966, Undated
Business in New York, 1961 Box 2, Folder 23 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Paul Hanks Papers, 1944-1966, UndatedSubject Files, 1944-1966, Undated
Business in New York State, 1964 Box 2, Folder 24 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Paul Hanks Papers, 1944-1966, UndatedSubject Files, 1944-1966, Undated
Business Trends in New York State, 1961 May 5 Box 2, Folder 25 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Paul Hanks Papers, 1944-1966, UndatedSubject Files, 1944-1966, Undated
Campaign Bullets, 1965 Box 2, Folder 26 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Paul Hanks Papers, 1944-1966, UndatedSubject Files, 1944-1966, Undated
Canals and Waterways Committee, Undated Box 2, Folder 27 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Paul Hanks Papers, 1944-1966, UndatedSubject Files, 1944-1966, Undated
Cardiovascular Health Center, 1964 Box 2, Folder 28 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Paul Hanks Papers, 1944-1966, UndatedSubject Files, 1944-1966, Undated
Catalog of Republican Campaign Materials, Undated Box 2, Folder 29 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Paul Hanks Papers, 1944-1966, UndatedSubject Files, 1944-1966, Undated
Catastrophic Health Insurance, 1961 Box 2, Folder 30 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Paul Hanks Papers, 1944-1966, UndatedSubject Files, 1944-1966, Undated
Central Bureau for the Jewish Aged, 1964 Box 2, Folder 31 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Paul Hanks Papers, 1944-1966, UndatedSubject Files, 1944-1966, Undated
Champlain Valley Special Teacher Association, 1963 May 5 Box 2, Folder 32 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Paul Hanks Papers, 1944-1966, UndatedSubject Files, 1944-1966, Undated
Change in Senate Calendar, Undated Box 2, Folder 33 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Paul Hanks Papers, 1944-1966, UndatedSubject Files, 1944-1966, Undated
Chattel Mortgages, 1963 Box 2, Folder 34 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Paul Hanks Papers, 1944-1966, UndatedSubject Files, 1944-1966, Undated
China Medicine Massage Clinic, 1963 Box 2, Folder 35 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Paul Hanks Papers, 1944-1966, UndatedSubject Files, 1944-1966, Undated
Chiropractors (1 of 2), Undated, 1963, 1961 Box 2, Folder 36 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Paul Hanks Papers, 1944-1966, UndatedSubject Files, 1944-1966, Undated
Chiropractors (2 of 2), Undated, 1963, 1961, 1964 Box 2, Folder 37 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Paul Hanks Papers, 1944-1966, UndatedSubject Files, 1944-1966, Undated