Zwernemann, Jürgen; reprints, Undated Box 83 (14-Series 14 - Manuscripts, reprints and publications), Folder 7 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Paul Leser Papers, 1850-1984Series 14 - Manuscripts, reprints and publications by other authors
"Zwanzig Jahre spaeter: Der 'Kinsey Report'", (1968) Box 51 (7-Series 7 - Writings of Paul Leser), Folder 2 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Paul Leser Papers, 1850-1984Series 7 - Writings of Paul Leser, 1914-1979
Zuurdeeg, Willem F., 1956 Box 35 (5-Series 5 - General Correspondence), Folder 39 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Paul Leser Papers, 1850-1984Series 5 - General Correspondence, 1913-1984
"Zur Wissenschaftslehre", (1903) Box 54 (8-Series 8 - Fritz Graebner Collection), Folder 7 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Paul Leser Papers, 1850-1984Series 8 - Fritz Graebner Collection, 1909-1980Publications by Fritz Graebner
zur Heyden, Hanns. "Der Fall Lips", Undated Box 57 (9-Series 9 - Julius Lips Collection), Folder 4 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Paul Leser Papers, 1850-1984Series 9 - Julius Lips Collection, 1926-1940
"Zur Geschichte des Wortes Kulturkreis", (1963) Box 50 (7-Series 7 - Writings of Paul Leser), Folder 34 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Paul Leser Papers, 1850-1984Series 7 - Writings of Paul Leser, 1914-1979
"Zur Geschichte des Wortes Kulturkreis", (1963) Box 50 (7-Series 7 - Writings of Paul Leser), Folder 35 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Paul Leser Papers, 1850-1984Series 7 - Writings of Paul Leser, 1914-1979
"Zur Geschichte des Wortes Kulturkreis", (1963) Box 51 (7-Series 7 - Writings of Paul Leser), Folder 1 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Paul Leser Papers, 1850-1984Series 7 - Writings of Paul Leser, 1914-1979
"Zur australischen Religionsgeschichte. Eine kritisch-methodische Studie", (December 16 1909) Box 54 (8-Series 8 - Fritz Graebner Collection), Folder 6 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Paul Leser Papers, 1850-1984Series 8 - Fritz Graebner Collection, 1909-1980Publications by Fritz Graebner
"Zum Geleit", (1957) Box 50 (7-Series 7 - Writings of Paul Leser), Folder 33 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Paul Leser Papers, 1850-1984Series 7 - Writings of Paul Leser, 1914-1979
Züricherischer Juristenverein, 1947 Box 18 (4-Series 4 - Maria (Mira) and Heinrich (Heinz) ), Folder 13 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Paul Leser Papers, 1850-1984Series 4 - Maria (Mira) and Heinrich (Heinz) Lingemann Collection, 1913-1964Correspondence arranged by topic
Zotz, Lothar F. Kultur der älteren Steinzeit in Mitteleuropa, (1929) Box 85 (15-Series 15 - Pamphlets), Folder 107 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Paul Leser Papers, 1850-1984Series 15 - Pamphlets
Zonenbeirat, Rechts- und Verfassungsausschuss, 1946 Box 18 (4-Series 4 - Maria (Mira) and Heinrich (Heinz) ), Folder 12 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Paul Leser Papers, 1850-1984Series 4 - Maria (Mira) and Heinrich (Heinz) Lingemann Collection, 1913-1964Correspondence arranged by topic
Zirkle, Conway; reprint, Undated Box 83 (14-Series 14 - Manuscripts, reprints and publications), Folder 6 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Paul Leser Papers, 1850-1984Series 14 - Manuscripts, reprints and publications by other authors
Zinn, Ministerpräsident, 1959 Box 35 (5-Series 5 - General Correspondence), Folder 38 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Paul Leser Papers, 1850-1984Series 5 - General Correspondence, 1913-1984
Zimmer (Städtisches Völkermuseum), 1932 Box 56 (9-Series 9 - Julius Lips Collection), Folder 8 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Paul Leser Papers, 1850-1984Series 9 - Julius Lips Collection, 1926-1940Correspondence files pertaining to Lips
Zimmerman, Vernon K., 1966 Box 35 (5-Series 5 - General Correspondence), Folder 37 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Paul Leser Papers, 1850-1984Series 5 - General Correspondence, 1913-1984
Zimmermann, Martha Schober, 1953-1954 Box 17 (4-Series 4 - Maria (Mira) and Heinrich (Heinz) ), Folder 18 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Paul Leser Papers, 1850-1984Series 4 - Maria (Mira) and Heinrich (Heinz) Lingemann Collection, 1913-1964Correspondence
Zimmermann, Elisabeth; Zimmermann, Otto, 1947-1948 Box 19 (4-Series 4 - Maria (Mira) and Heinrich (Heinz) ), Folder 59 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Paul Leser Papers, 1850-1984Series 4 - Maria (Mira) and Heinrich (Heinz) Lingemann Collection, 1913-1964Correspondence with others
Zijderveld, Anton C., Undated Box 91 (17-Series 17 - Student records/papers), Folder 153 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Paul Leser Papers, 1850-1984Series 17 - Student records/papers, ca. 1948-1976
Zigmund, Helen A., Undated Box 91 (17-Series 17 - Student records/papers), Folder 152 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Paul Leser Papers, 1850-1984Series 17 - Student records/papers, ca. 1948-1976
Ziergow, Mrs, Undated Box 91 (17-Series 17 - Student records/papers), Folder 151 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Paul Leser Papers, 1850-1984Series 17 - Student records/papers, ca. 1948-1976
Ziegert, Max, 1921 Box 35 (5-Series 5 - General Correspondence), Folder 36 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Paul Leser Papers, 1850-1984Series 5 - General Correspondence, 1913-1984
Zerreis, Otto; reprints, Undated Box 83 (14-Series 14 - Manuscripts, reprints and publications), Folder 5 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Paul Leser Papers, 1850-1984Series 14 - Manuscripts, reprints and publications by other authors
Zentral Justizamt für die Britische Zone, 1946-1947 Box 18 (4-Series 4 - Maria (Mira) and Heinrich (Heinz) ), Folder 11 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Paul Leser Papers, 1850-1984Series 4 - Maria (Mira) and Heinrich (Heinz) Lingemann Collection, 1913-1964Correspondence arranged by topic
Zender, Matthias (Atlas der deutschen Volkskunde), 1967-1979 Box 35 (5-Series 5 - General Correspondence), Folder 35 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Paul Leser Papers, 1850-1984Series 5 - General Correspondence, 1913-1984
Zeitschrift für Sozialforschung, Undated Box 44 (6-Series 6 - Correspondence with institutions, ), Folder 43 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Paul Leser Papers, 1850-1984Series 6 - Correspondence with institutions, associations, publishers, etc., 1920-1984
Zeitschrift für Ethnologie, Undated Box 44 (6-Series 6 - Correspondence with institutions, ), Folder 42 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Paul Leser Papers, 1850-1984Series 6 - Correspondence with institutions, associations, publishers, etc., 1920-1984
Zeitschrift für Ethnologie, (1982) Box 100 (21-Series 21 - Periodicals), Folder 33 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Paul Leser Papers, 1850-1984Series 21 - Periodicals, 1911-1981
Zeitschrift des Vereines deutscher Ingenieure, (1894), (1902), (1915-1916) Box 100 (21-Series 21 - Periodicals), Folder 32 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Paul Leser Papers, 1850-1984Series 21 - Periodicals, 1911-1981
Zeitschrift des Reichsbundes der höheren Beamten, (1928-1929) Box 100 (21-Series 21 - Periodicals), Folder 31 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Paul Leser Papers, 1850-1984Series 21 - Periodicals, 1911-1981
Zeitel, Ernest (Benjo), 1959-1983 Box 35 (5-Series 5 - General Correspondence), Folder 34 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Paul Leser Papers, 1850-1984Series 5 - General Correspondence, 1913-1984
Zeitel, Ernest (Benjo), 1938-1957 Box 35 (5-Series 5 - General Correspondence), Folder 33 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Paul Leser Papers, 1850-1984Series 5 - General Correspondence, 1913-1984
Zarth, Luise, 1963 Box 17 (4-Series 4 - Maria (Mira) and Heinrich (Heinz) ), Folder 17 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Paul Leser Papers, 1850-1984Series 4 - Maria (Mira) and Heinrich (Heinz) Lingemann Collection, 1913-1964Correspondence
Zander, Josef, 1948 Box 19 (4-Series 4 - Maria (Mira) and Heinrich (Heinz) ), Folder 58 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Paul Leser Papers, 1850-1984Series 4 - Maria (Mira) and Heinrich (Heinz) Lingemann Collection, 1913-1964Correspondence with others
Zander, Edmund, 1965-1966 Box 35 (5-Series 5 - General Correspondence), Folder 32 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Paul Leser Papers, 1850-1984Series 5 - General Correspondence, 1913-1984
Zamora, Mario D., 1967 Box 35 (5-Series 5 - General Correspondence), Folder 31 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Paul Leser Papers, 1850-1984Series 5 - General Correspondence, 1913-1984
Zambrzycka-Kunachowicz, Anna, 1983 Box 35 (5-Series 5 - General Correspondence), Folder 30 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Paul Leser Papers, 1850-1984Series 5 - General Correspondence, 1913-1984
Zahradnik, John & Miriam, 1955-1956 Box 35 (5-Series 5 - General Correspondence), Folder 29 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Paul Leser Papers, 1850-1984Series 5 - General Correspondence, 1913-1984
Zahl, Gustav, 1947 Box 17 (4-Series 4 - Maria (Mira) and Heinrich (Heinz) ), Folder 16 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Paul Leser Papers, 1850-1984Series 4 - Maria (Mira) and Heinrich (Heinz) Lingemann Collection, 1913-1964Correspondence
Zahl, Alexander Gustav, 1937-1951 Box 35 (5-Series 5 - General Correspondence), Folder 28 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Paul Leser Papers, 1850-1984Series 5 - General Correspondence, 1913-1984
Zagreb conference, Undated Box 97 (19-Series 19 - Materials on various ), Folder 25 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Paul Leser Papers, 1850-1984Series 19 - Materials on various subjects
YWCA (Young Women's Christian Association), Undated Box 44 (6-Series 6 - Correspondence with institutions, ), Folder 41 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Paul Leser Papers, 1850-1984Series 6 - Correspondence with institutions, associations, publishers, etc., 1920-1984
Yugoslav-American Commission for Educational Exchanges, Undated Box 44 (6-Series 6 - Correspondence with institutions, ), Folder 40 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Paul Leser Papers, 1850-1984Series 6 - Correspondence with institutions, associations, publishers, etc., 1920-1984
Youth/Youth movement, Undated Box 97 (19-Series 19 - Materials on various ), Folder 24 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Paul Leser Papers, 1850-1984Series 19 - Materials on various subjects
Yount, Diana, 1966 Box 35 (5-Series 5 - General Correspondence), Folder 27 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Paul Leser Papers, 1850-1984Series 5 - General Correspondence, 1913-1984
Younkin, Anita; Younkin, Frank, Undated Box 91 (17-Series 17 - Student records/papers), Folder 150 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Paul Leser Papers, 1850-1984Series 17 - Student records/papers, ca. 1948-1976
Young, Andrew. "Some Thoughts On 'The Challenge of the 70's'", Undated Box 84 (14-Series 14 - Manuscripts, reprints and publications), Folder 16 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Paul Leser Papers, 1850-1984Series 14 - Manuscripts, reprints and publications by other authors
Young, Andrew J., Undated Box 91 (17-Series 17 - Student records/papers), Folder 149 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Paul Leser Papers, 1850-1984Series 17 - Student records/papers, ca. 1948-1976
Young, Andrew; clippings about, Undated Box 84 (14-Series 14 - Manuscripts, reprints and publications), Folder 17 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Paul Leser Papers, 1850-1984Series 14 - Manuscripts, reprints and publications by other authors