"Zwischenhändler" / "Go-between" Green River Review , VIII, No. 3, 218-219, 1977 Box 15 (4-Publications of Roy C. Bates), Folder 31 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Roy C. Bates (Kurt Bauchwitz) Papers, 1890-2006Publications of Roy C. Bates, 1910-1973
Zozo, Carol, 1972 Box 7 (2-Correspondence Files), Folder 32 Bookmark Abstract Or Scope 1 letter from. view more view less Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Roy C. Bates (Kurt Bauchwitz) Papers, 1890-2006Correspondence Files, 1914-1987Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1941-1974
Zohn, Harry. "Wiederbegegnung mit einem verschollenen Dichter" (Introduction to Ego und Echo), Undated Box 1 (1-Biographical Materials), Folder 30 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Roy C. Bates (Kurt Bauchwitz) Papers, 1890-2006Biographical Materials, 1890-2006
Zohn, Harry. "Vorspruch zur amerikanischen Ausgabe 'Hilarious Passage' des Abzieh-Bilderbuches", Undated Box 1 (1-Biographical Materials), Folder 31 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Roy C. Bates (Kurt Bauchwitz) Papers, 1890-2006Biographical Materials, 1890-2006
Zohn, Harry. Correspondence, 1970-1976 Box 5 (2-Correspondence Files), Folder 72-75 Bookmark Abstract Or Scope 64 letters & Ptc. from, 97 letters to, 9 related letters; offprints and cl. view more view less Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Roy C. Bates (Kurt Bauchwitz) Papers, 1890-2006Correspondence Files, 1914-1987Correspondence regarding Literary Topics, 1941-1976
Zogbaum, Margaret, 1957-1965 Box 7 (2-Correspondence Files), Folder 31 Bookmark Abstract Or Scope 7 letters from, 6 letters to. view more view less Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Roy C. Bates (Kurt Bauchwitz) Papers, 1890-2006Correspondence Files, 1914-1987Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1941-1974
Zinn, Ernst, 1966 Box 5 (2-Correspondence Files), Folder 71 Bookmark Abstract Or Scope 1 letter from, 2 letters to. view more view less Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Roy C. Bates (Kurt Bauchwitz) Papers, 1890-2006Correspondence Files, 1914-1987Correspondence regarding Literary Topics, 1941-1976
Z - 24 poems, epigrams Box 12 (3.1.31-Duplicate copies of individual poems and epigrams), Folder 14 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Roy C. Bates (Kurt Bauchwitz) Papers, 1890-2006Manuscripts and Typescripts, 1928-1977Poetry, Epigrammatic Verse, Aphorisms, 1928-1977Duplicate copies of individual poems and epigrams, Undated
Young B. Smith, 1948 Box 6 (2.5.22-Employment correspondence and related materials), Folder 49 Bookmark Abstract Or Scope 1 letter from, 1 letter to; manuscript by R.C.B. "Political Psychology and 'Ecology' of Legislations". Draft. 4p.; 1 cl. view more view less Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Roy C. Bates (Kurt Bauchwitz) Papers, 1890-2006Correspondence Files, 1914-1987Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1941-1974Employment correspondence and related materials, Undated
You Litigate (2-U35), March 3, 1954 Box 16 (5.1.24-Institute of Judicial Administration (40 Washingto), Folder 26 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Roy C. Bates (Kurt Bauchwitz) Papers, 1890-2006Miscellaneous Materials, 1940-1977Roy C. Bates Materials, 1939-1964Institute of Judicial Administration (40 Washington Square South, New York 12, N.Y.) publications, Undated