Zoning Ordinance, 1999 Box 5 (5-Subject Files), Folder 12 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Saratoga Springs Open Space Project Records, 1970-2003Subject Files, 1973-1976, 1980-1982, 1987-2003, Undated
Zoning Board, News Clippings, 1998-1999 Box 5 (5-Subject Files), Folder 11 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Saratoga Springs Open Space Project Records, 1970-2003Subject Files, 1973-1976, 1980-1982, 1987-2003, Undated
"YMCA plan seeks to build road in Pine Bush" Daily Gazette, 1997 April 17 Box 3 (3-Programs and Issues), Folder 92 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Saratoga Springs Open Space Project Records, 1970-2003Programs and Issues, 1970-1972, 1981-1986, 1989-2002
"Year brings new arts center, loss of opera at SPAC" Saratogian, 1996 December 29 Box 3 (3-Programs and Issues), Folder 151 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Saratoga Springs Open Space Project Records, 1970-2003Programs and Issues, 1970-1972, 1981-1986, 1989-2002
Yaddo Artists Community, News Clippings, Newsletter, 1999 Box 5 (5-Subject Files), Folder 10 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Saratoga Springs Open Space Project Records, 1970-2003Subject Files, 1973-1976, 1980-1982, 1987-2003, Undated
Yaddo Artist Community, Annual Report, Board of Directors Marling List, 1994-1995 Box 2 (3-Programs and Issues), Folder 61 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Saratoga Springs Open Space Project Records, 1970-2003Programs and Issues, 1970-1972, 1981-1986, 1989-2002
"Worldwatch: Planet still in trouble despite positive signs" Saratogian, 1996 May 19 Box 3 (3-Programs and Issues), Folder 216 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Saratoga Springs Open Space Project Records, 1970-2003Programs and Issues, 1970-1972, 1981-1986, 1989-2002
"Women won't let cancer win" Saratogian, 1996 June 28 Box 3 (3-Programs and Issues), Folder 269 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Saratoga Springs Open Space Project Records, 1970-2003Programs and Issues, 1970-1972, 1981-1986, 1989-2002
"Woman Attacked On Bike Path" The Saratogian, 1997 Box 2 (4-Trails), Folder 13 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Saratoga Springs Open Space Project Records, 1970-2003Trails, 1986-2000, Undated
"Wising up downtown", 1994 March 13 Box 3 (3-Programs and Issues), Folder 46 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Saratoga Springs Open Space Project Records, 1970-2003Programs and Issues, 1970-1972, 1981-1986, 1989-2002
"Wise, Putnam plans rated tops", 1995 September 6 Box 3 (3-Programs and Issues), Folder 112 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Saratoga Springs Open Space Project Records, 1970-2003Programs and Issues, 1970-1972, 1981-1986, 1989-2002
"Winterfest Celebrates 10th Year with Expansion" Saratogian, 1996 January 19 Box 3 (3-Programs and Issues), Folder 225 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Saratoga Springs Open Space Project Records, 1970-2003Programs and Issues, 1970-1972, 1981-1986, 1989-2002
"Winterfest '96 an off season plus for Saratoga Springs" Saratogian, 1996 February 20 Box 3 (3-Programs and Issues), Folder 221 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Saratoga Springs Open Space Project Records, 1970-2003Programs and Issues, 1970-1972, 1981-1986, 1989-2002
"Wilton undertakes $1 million project to establish 50-mile trail system", 1997 Box 2 (4-Trails), Folder 58 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Saratoga Springs Open Space Project Records, 1970-2003Trails, 1986-2000, Undated
"Wilton site targeted for butterfly preserve" Saratogian, 1996 October 15 Box 3 (3-Programs and Issues), Folder 3 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Saratoga Springs Open Space Project Records, 1970-2003Programs and Issues, 1970-1972, 1981-1986, 1989-2002
"Wilton seeks land gifts for butterfly" Saratogian, 1996 October 17 Box 3 (3-Programs and Issues), Folder 2 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Saratoga Springs Open Space Project Records, 1970-2003Programs and Issues, 1970-1972, 1981-1986, 1989-2002
Wilton Issues, News Clippings, 1996-2000 Box 5 (5-Subject Files), Folder 9 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Saratoga Springs Open Space Project Records, 1970-2003Subject Files, 1973-1976, 1980-1982, 1987-2003, Undated
"Wilton Eyes Trial System", Gazette reporter, 1997 Box 2 (4-Trails), Folder 57 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Saratoga Springs Open Space Project Records, 1970-2003Trails, 1986-2000, Undated
Wildlife, News Clippings, 1997-2000 Box 5 (5-Subject Files), Folder 8 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Saratoga Springs Open Space Project Records, 1970-2003Subject Files, 1973-1976, 1980-1982, 1987-2003, Undated
Wildflower Planting, Correspondence, Fliers, Notes, 1997, Undated Box 1 (4-Trails), Folder 74 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Saratoga Springs Open Space Project Records, 1970-2003Trails, 1986-2000, Undated
Wiebel Avenue, Meeting Minutes, News Clippings, Flier, 1992 Box 2 (3-Programs and Issues), Folder 60 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Saratoga Springs Open Space Project Records, 1970-2003Programs and Issues, 1970-1972, 1981-1986, 1989-2002
"Why build over Spa County?", Editorial Daily Gazette, 1996 November 19 Box 3 (3-Programs and Issues), Folder 81 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Saratoga Springs Open Space Project Records, 1970-2003Programs and Issues, 1970-1972, 1981-1986, 1989-2002
"Who Owns Downtown?" Supplement Saratogian, 1995 March 5 Box 3 (3-Programs and Issues), Folder 41 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Saratoga Springs Open Space Project Records, 1970-2003Programs and Issues, 1970-1972, 1981-1986, 1989-2002
"Who'll get the 500K", Gazette, 1996 November 2 Box 4 (3-Programs and Issues), Folder 9 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Saratoga Springs Open Space Project Records, 1970-2003Programs and Issues, 1970-1972, 1981-1986, 1989-2002
"What's wrong with the American dream?" Saratogian, 1996 July 17 Box 3 (3-Programs and Issues), Folder 214 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Saratoga Springs Open Space Project Records, 1970-2003Programs and Issues, 1970-1972, 1981-1986, 1989-2002
"What Main Street Can Learn From the Mall" The Atlantic Monthly, 1995 November Box 3 (3-Programs and Issues), Folder 18 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Saratoga Springs Open Space Project Records, 1970-2003Programs and Issues, 1970-1972, 1981-1986, 1989-2002
"What Main Street Can Learn From the Mall" The Atlantic Monthly, 1995 November Box 3 (3-Programs and Issues), Folder 19 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Saratoga Springs Open Space Project Records, 1970-2003Programs and Issues, 1970-1972, 1981-1986, 1989-2002
Wetlands, News Clippings, 1996-2000 Box 5 (5-Subject Files), Folder 7 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Saratoga Springs Open Space Project Records, 1970-2003Subject Files, 1973-1976, 1980-1982, 1987-2003, Undated
Westside, News Clippings, Publications, 1996-2000 Box 5 (5-Subject Files), Folder 6 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Saratoga Springs Open Space Project Records, 1970-2003Subject Files, 1973-1976, 1980-1982, 1987-2003, Undated
West Avenue Corridor Plan, Report, 1993 Box 2 (3-Programs and Issues), Folder 59 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Saratoga Springs Open Space Project Records, 1970-2003Programs and Issues, 1970-1972, 1981-1986, 1989-2002
"Wesley Project Could Enhance City's Atmosphere and Economy", 1996 January 29 Box 3 (3-Programs and Issues), Folder 102 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Saratoga Springs Open Space Project Records, 1970-2003Programs and Issues, 1970-1972, 1981-1986, 1989-2002
"'We could take a page from Disney', Jeff and Deane Pfeil Speaking Out" Saratogian, 1996 April 3 Box 3 (3-Programs and Issues), Folder 166 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Saratoga Springs Open Space Project Records, 1970-2003Programs and Issues, 1970-1972, 1981-1986, 1989-2002
Watershed Issues, Studies, Regulations, Reports, 1993, 1996, 1999, Undated Box 2 (3-Programs and Issues), Folder 58 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Saratoga Springs Open Space Project Records, 1970-2003Programs and Issues, 1970-1972, 1981-1986, 1989-2002
Watershed Issues, News Clippings, Pamphlets, Newsletter, 1995, 1999-2001, Undated Box 2 (3-Programs and Issues), Folder 57 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Saratoga Springs Open Space Project Records, 1970-2003Programs and Issues, 1970-1972, 1981-1986, 1989-2002
Watershed Issues, Correspondence, Memorandum, Notes, 1983, 1995, 1998-1999 Box 2 (3-Programs and Issues), Folder 56 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Saratoga Springs Open Space Project Records, 1970-2003Programs and Issues, 1970-1972, 1981-1986, 1989-2002
Water's Edge, News Clippings, 1994, 1997-1998 Box 5 (5-Subject Files), Folder 5 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Saratoga Springs Open Space Project Records, 1970-2003Subject Files, 1973-1976, 1980-1982, 1987-2003, Undated
Water Issues, News Clippings, 1994, 1997, 1999-2000 Box 5 (5-Subject Files), Folder 4 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Saratoga Springs Open Space Project Records, 1970-2003Subject Files, 1973-1976, 1980-1982, 1987-2003, Undated
Water Day, Fliers, Leaflets, 1995 Box 1 (4-Trails), Folder 70 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Saratoga Springs Open Space Project Records, 1970-2003Trails, 1986-2000, Undated
Water Bottle with Bicycle System Map, Undated Box 1 (3-Programs and Issues) Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Saratoga Springs Open Space Project Records, 1970-2003Programs and Issues, 1970-1972, 1981-1986, 1989-2002Ephemera
Water Authority, News Clippings, 1995, 1997, 1999 Box 5 (5-Subject Files), Folder 3 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Saratoga Springs Open Space Project Records, 1970-2003Subject Files, 1973-1976, 1980-1982, 1987-2003, Undated
"Washington Street Very Dangerous because of Traffic" Saratogian, 1996 March 30 Box 4 (3-Programs and Issues), Folder 64 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Saratoga Springs Open Space Project Records, 1970-2003Programs and Issues, 1970-1972, 1981-1986, 1989-2002
Walkable/Bikeable Communities Conference, Conference Materials, Notes, Correspondence, 1996 Box 2 (3-Programs and Issues), Folder 55 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Saratoga Springs Open Space Project Records, 1970-2003Programs and Issues, 1970-1972, 1981-1986, 1989-2002
Walkable and Bikeable Communities Conference, Registration Forms, 1996 Box 1 (4-Trails), Folder 73 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Saratoga Springs Open Space Project Records, 1970-2003Trails, 1986-2000, Undated
Walkable and Bikeable Communities Conference, Mailing Lists, 1996, Undated Box 1 (4-Trails), Folder 72 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Saratoga Springs Open Space Project Records, 1970-2003Trails, 1986-2000, Undated
Walkable and Bikeable Communities Conference, Conference Materials, Correspondence, 1996 Box 1 (4-Trails), Folder 71 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Saratoga Springs Open Space Project Records, 1970-2003Trails, 1986-2000, Undated
Vote Yes! Organization, Signs, 2002 Flat-File 4 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Saratoga Springs Open Space Project Records, 1970-2003Programs and Issues, 1970-1972, 1981-1986, 1989-2002
Vote Yes! Organization, Mounted Sign, 2002 Flat-File 1 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Saratoga Springs Open Space Project Records, 1970-2003Programs and Issues, 1970-1972, 1981-1986, 1989-2002
"Volunteers Get Path Ready For Winter" The Saratogian, 1996 Box 2 (4-Trails), Folder 12 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Saratoga Springs Open Space Project Records, 1970-2003Trails, 1986-2000, Undated
Vineyard Open Land Foundation, Agreement and Declaration of Trust, 1970 Box 2 (3-Programs and Issues), Folder 54 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Saratoga Springs Open Space Project Records, 1970-2003Programs and Issues, 1970-1972, 1981-1986, 1989-2002
"Video Store rental chain to occupy new building" Saratogian, 1996 January 14 Box 3 (3-Programs and Issues), Folder 104 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Saratoga Springs Open Space Project Records, 1970-2003Programs and Issues, 1970-1972, 1981-1986, 1989-2002