16th ECOSOC. Geneva, 1953 Box 16C (8-Photographs), Folder 7 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Walter Maria Kotschnig Papers, 1920-1984Photographs, ca. 1920-1972, bulk 1944-1972Official photographs, Department of State, United Nations, 1945-1964
"1940 Appeal. Smith" / "1940 Appeal, Amherst & Mt. Holyoke", 1940 September 29 Box 11 (4-Manuscripts of speeches and lectures ), Folder 102 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Walter Maria Kotschnig Papers, 1920-1984Manuscripts of speeches and lectures delivered by Walter M. Kotschnig, 1933-1976, Undated
1947 August Box 16C (8-Photographs), Folder 2 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Walter Maria Kotschnig Papers, 1920-1984Photographs, ca. 1920-1972, bulk 1944-1972Official photographs, Department of State, United Nations, 1945-1964
1965, Undated Box 17A (8-Photographs), Folder 1 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Walter Maria Kotschnig Papers, 1920-1984Photographs, ca. 1920-1972, bulk 1944-1972Official photographs, Department of State, United Nations, 1965-1972
1968 February Box 17A (8-Photographs), Folder 5 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Walter Maria Kotschnig Papers, 1920-1984Photographs, ca. 1920-1972, bulk 1944-1972Official photographs, Department of State, United Nations, 1965-1972
21st ECOSOC. New York, 1956 April-1956 May Box 16C (8-Photographs), Folder 13 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Walter Maria Kotschnig Papers, 1920-1984Photographs, ca. 1920-1972, bulk 1944-1972Official photographs, Department of State, United Nations, 1945-1964
23rd ECOSOC. New York, 1957 April Box 16C (8-Photographs), Folder 17 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Walter Maria Kotschnig Papers, 1920-1984Photographs, ca. 1920-1972, bulk 1944-1972Official photographs, Department of State, United Nations, 1945-1964
"2 Fronts". San Francisco, 1945, 1969 March 28 Box 11 (4-Manuscripts of speeches and lectures ), Folder 175 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Walter Maria Kotschnig Papers, 1920-1984Manuscripts of speeches and lectures delivered by Walter M. Kotschnig, 1933-1976, Undated
2nd World Youth Congress, Vassar College, 1938 August 16-1938 August 24 Box 10 (3-Organizations), Folder 32 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Walter Maria Kotschnig Papers, 1920-1984Organizations, 1936-1975
31st ECOSOC. New York, 1961 April Box 16C (8-Photographs), Folder 19 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Walter Maria Kotschnig Papers, 1920-1984Photographs, ca. 1920-1972, bulk 1944-1972Official photographs, Department of State, United Nations, 1945-1964
"5 Million Refugees". Mt. Holyoke Chapel, 1938 January 19 Box 11 (4-Manuscripts of speeches and lectures ), Folder 71 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Walter Maria Kotschnig Papers, 1920-1984Manuscripts of speeches and lectures delivered by Walter M. Kotschnig, 1933-1976, Undated
77th UNESCO Executive Board. "Co-operation with the United Nations Development Programs", 1967 October 20 Box 13 (5-Typescripts of books and articles authored ), Folder 6 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Walter Maria Kotschnig Papers, 1920-1984Typescripts of books and articles authored by Walter M. Kotschnig, 1927-1977Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) speeches
Abbott, Isabel R., 1953 Box 6 (2-Correspondence), Folder 29 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Walter Maria Kotschnig Papers, 1920-1984Correspondence, 1927-1984Correspondence of Walter M. Kotschnig during his years with the Department of State and the United Nations, 1937-1977, bulk 1948-1972
Abram, Morris B., 1965 Box 6 (2-Correspondence), Folder 30 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Walter Maria Kotschnig Papers, 1920-1984Correspondence, 1927-1984Correspondence of Walter M. Kotschnig during his years with the Department of State and the United Nations, 1937-1977, bulk 1948-1972
Abrams, George S., 1967 Box 6 (2-Correspondence), Folder 31 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Walter Maria Kotschnig Papers, 1920-1984Correspondence, 1927-1984Correspondence of Walter M. Kotschnig during his years with the Department of State and the United Nations, 1937-1977, bulk 1948-1972
Achelis, Elisabeth, 1949 Box 6 (2-Correspondence), Folder 32 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Walter Maria Kotschnig Papers, 1920-1984Correspondence, 1927-1984Correspondence of Walter M. Kotschnig during his years with the Department of State and the United Nations, 1937-1977, bulk 1948-1972
Acheson, David C., 1972 Box 6 (2-Correspondence), Folder 33 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Walter Maria Kotschnig Papers, 1920-1984Correspondence, 1927-1984Correspondence of Walter M. Kotschnig during his years with the Department of State and the United Nations, 1937-1977, bulk 1948-1972
A Community Program Guide. Drug Abuse Prevention, 1970 Box 22 (10-Pamphlets), Folder 31 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Walter Maria Kotschnig Papers, 1920-1984Pamphlets, 1922-1978Unauthored pamphlets, general
Acsay, L. E., 1951 Box 6 (2-Correspondence), Folder 34 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Walter Maria Kotschnig Papers, 1920-1984Correspondence, 1927-1984Correspondence of Walter M. Kotschnig during his years with the Department of State and the United Nations, 1937-1977, bulk 1948-1972
Adamic, Louis, 1942 Box 3 (2-Correspondence), Folder 7 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Walter Maria Kotschnig Papers, 1920-1984Correspondence, 1927-1984General correspondence, individuals, organizations, 1932-1975
Adams, G. W., 1941 Box 3 (2-Correspondence), Folder 8 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Walter Maria Kotschnig Papers, 1920-1984Correspondence, 1927-1984General correspondence, individuals, organizations, 1932-1975
Adams, Walter, 1937-1943 Box 3 (2-Correspondence), Folder 9 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Walter Maria Kotschnig Papers, 1920-1984Correspondence, 1927-1984General correspondence, individuals, organizations, 1932-1975
Address book, Undated Box 1 (1-Biographical and Document ), Folder 13 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Walter Maria Kotschnig Papers, 1920-1984Biographical and Document Files, 1927-1974
"Address on the Dumbarton Oaks Proposals by Mr. Edwin C. Wilson, Director of the Office of Special Political Affairs, Department of State", [November 1944] Box 12 (5-Typescripts of books and articles authored ), Folder 61 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Walter Maria Kotschnig Papers, 1920-1984Typescripts of books and articles authored by Walter M. Kotschnig, 1927-1977Speeches written for the Under Secretary of State, Edward R. Stettinius, Jr.
Adhoc Committee on the Restructuring of the Economic and Social Sectors of the United Nations System, 1975-1977 Box 18 (9-Subject files), Folder 18 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Walter Maria Kotschnig Papers, 1920-1984Subject files, 1945-1972
Ad Hoc Inter-Agency Meeting on Narcotics Questions, Geneva, 24-26 July 1972 Box 20 (9-Subject files), Folder 17 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Walter Maria Kotschnig Papers, 1920-1984Subject files, 1945-1972
Ad Hoc Inter-Agency Meeting on Narcotics Questions, London, 1972 March Box 20 (9-Subject files), Folder 16 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Walter Maria Kotschnig Papers, 1920-1984Subject files, 1945-1972
Adiseshiah, Malcolm S., 1967 Box 6 (2-Correspondence), Folder 35 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Walter Maria Kotschnig Papers, 1920-1984Correspondence, 1927-1984Correspondence of Walter M. Kotschnig during his years with the Department of State and the United Nations, 1937-1977, bulk 1948-1972
Adler, (Frederick Charles), 1938-1942, 1951 Box 3 (2-Correspondence), Folder 10 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Walter Maria Kotschnig Papers, 1920-1984Correspondence, 1927-1984General correspondence, individuals, organizations, 1932-1975
Adler, Hannah, Undated Box 3 (2-Correspondence), Folder 10 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Walter Maria Kotschnig Papers, 1920-1984Correspondence, 1927-1984General correspondence, individuals, organizations, 1932-1975
Adult Education (Morse H. Cartwright), 1940 Box 3 (2-Correspondence), Folder 11 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Walter Maria Kotschnig Papers, 1920-1984Correspondence, 1927-1984General correspondence, individuals, organizations, 1932-1975
A Federal Source Book: Answers to the most frequently asked questions about drugs, 1970 Box 22 (10-Pamphlets), Folder 32 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Walter Maria Kotschnig Papers, 1920-1984Pamphlets, 1922-1978Unauthored pamphlets, general
"African Development", 1963 February 22 Box 15 (7-Publications of Walter M. ), Folder 38 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Walter Maria Kotschnig Papers, 1920-1984Publications of Walter M. Kotschnig, 1923-1971
A. H. Hanley Concert and Lecture Management, 1944 Box 6 (2-Correspondence), Folder 24 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Walter Maria Kotschnig Papers, 1920-1984Correspondence, 1927-1984Correspondence concerning speaking engagements, 1933-1946, 1954-1956
Alfred, Helen, 1942 Box 3 (2-Correspondence), Folder 12 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Walter Maria Kotschnig Papers, 1920-1984Correspondence, 1927-1984General correspondence, individuals, organizations, 1932-1975
Alger, Chadwick F., 1973 Box 6 (2-Correspondence), Folder 36 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Walter Maria Kotschnig Papers, 1920-1984Correspondence, 1927-1984Correspondence of Walter M. Kotschnig during his years with the Department of State and the United Nations, 1937-1977, bulk 1948-1972
Allan, Warde B., 1953 Box 6 (2-Correspondence), Folder 37 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Walter Maria Kotschnig Papers, 1920-1984Correspondence, 1927-1984Correspondence of Walter M. Kotschnig during his years with the Department of State and the United Nations, 1937-1977, bulk 1948-1972
"Allegations of Communist Infiltrations in the United Nations", 1957 September 30 Box 12 (5-Typescripts of books and articles authored ), Folder 81 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Walter Maria Kotschnig Papers, 1920-1984Typescripts of books and articles authored by Walter M. Kotschnig, 1927-1977Speeches written for the Under Secretary of State, Edward R. Stettinius, Jr.
Allen, Ethan P., 1954 Box 6 (2-Correspondence), Folder 38 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Walter Maria Kotschnig Papers, 1920-1984Correspondence, 1927-1984Correspondence of Walter M. Kotschnig during his years with the Department of State and the United Nations, 1937-1977, bulk 1948-1972
Allen, Mark, 1970 Box 6 (2-Correspondence), Folder 39 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Walter Maria Kotschnig Papers, 1920-1984Correspondence, 1927-1984Correspondence of Walter M. Kotschnig during his years with the Department of State and the United Nations, 1937-1977, bulk 1948-1972
Altmeyer, Arthur J., 1948 Box 6 (2-Correspondence), Folder 40 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Walter Maria Kotschnig Papers, 1920-1984Correspondence, 1927-1984Correspondence of Walter M. Kotschnig during his years with the Department of State and the United Nations, 1937-1977, bulk 1948-1972
Altschul, Frank, 1941 Box 3 (2-Correspondence), Folder 13 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Walter Maria Kotschnig Papers, 1920-1984Correspondence, 1927-1984General correspondence, individuals, organizations, 1932-1975
Amann, Paul, 1943 Box 3 (2-Correspondence), Folder 14 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Walter Maria Kotschnig Papers, 1920-1984Correspondence, 1927-1984General correspondence, individuals, organizations, 1932-1975
Amendments to Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs 1961, 1971 March-1972 Box 20 (9-Subject files), Folder 10 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Walter Maria Kotschnig Papers, 1920-1984Subject files, 1945-1972
"America and the War in Europe". First Congregational Church, Holyoke, 1939 October 18 Box 11 (4-Manuscripts of speeches and lectures ), Folder 90 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Walter Maria Kotschnig Papers, 1920-1984Manuscripts of speeches and lectures delivered by Walter M. Kotschnig, 1933-1976, Undated
American Association for the United Nations, 1949 Box 6 (2-Correspondence), Folder 41 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Walter Maria Kotschnig Papers, 1920-1984Correspondence, 1927-1984Correspondence of Walter M. Kotschnig during his years with the Department of State and the United Nations, 1937-1977, bulk 1948-1972
American Association of University Professions. Bulletin (Ralph L. Dewey), 1938 Box 3 (2-Correspondence), Folder 15 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Walter Maria Kotschnig Papers, 1920-1984Correspondence, 1927-1984General correspondence, individuals, organizations, 1932-1975
"American Citizen of the World". Middlefield, 1976 July 28 Box 11 (4-Manuscripts of speeches and lectures ), Folder 179 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Walter Maria Kotschnig Papers, 1920-1984Manuscripts of speeches and lectures delivered by Walter M. Kotschnig, 1933-1976, Undated
American Committee for Christian German Refugees, 1937-1939 Box 3 (2-Correspondence), Folder 16 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Walter Maria Kotschnig Papers, 1920-1984Correspondence, 1927-1984General correspondence, individuals, organizations, 1932-1975
American Committee for Christian (German)Refugees. Minutes, 1936-1940 Box 9 (3-Organizations), Folder 1 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Walter Maria Kotschnig Papers, 1920-1984Organizations, 1936-1975
American Committee for Protection of Foreign Born, 1939 Box 9 (3-Organizations), Folder 2 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Walter Maria Kotschnig Papers, 1920-1984Organizations, 1936-1975
American Educational Research Association, 1940 Box 9 (3-Organizations), Folder 4 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Walter Maria Kotschnig Papers, 1920-1984Organizations, 1936-1975
American Friends of German Freedom (Anna Caples), 1941 Box 3 (2-Correspondence), Folder 17 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Walter Maria Kotschnig Papers, 1920-1984Correspondence, 1927-1984General correspondence, individuals, organizations, 1932-1975
American Friends Service Committee, 1940-1943 Box 3 (2-Correspondence), Folder 18 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Walter Maria Kotschnig Papers, 1920-1984Correspondence, 1927-1984General correspondence, individuals, organizations, 1932-1975
American Sociological Review (Joseph K. Folsom), 1938, 1943 Box 3 (2-Correspondence), Folder 20 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Walter Maria Kotschnig Papers, 1920-1984Correspondence, 1927-1984General correspondence, individuals, organizations, 1932-1975
American Youth Commission of the American Council on Education (Winthrop M. Southworth, Jr), 1940 Box 3 (2-Correspondence), Folder 22 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Walter Maria Kotschnig Papers, 1920-1984Correspondence, 1927-1984General correspondence, individuals, organizations, 1932-1975
"American Youth Faces Its Future". Hampshire Forum, 1941 November 02 Box 11 (4-Manuscripts of speeches and lectures ), Folder 116 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Walter Maria Kotschnig Papers, 1920-1984Manuscripts of speeches and lectures delivered by Walter M. Kotschnig, 1933-1976, Undated
"American Youth in a Fascist World". Brooklyn, 1941 December 11 Box 11 (4-Manuscripts of speeches and lectures ), Folder 119 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Walter Maria Kotschnig Papers, 1920-1984Manuscripts of speeches and lectures delivered by Walter M. Kotschnig, 1933-1976, Undated
"America & the War". Northfield Conference, 1941 January 29 Box 11 (4-Manuscripts of speeches and lectures ), Folder 109 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Walter Maria Kotschnig Papers, 1920-1984Manuscripts of speeches and lectures delivered by Walter M. Kotschnig, 1933-1976, Undated
Andemicael, Berhanykun, 1977 Box 6 (2-Correspondence), Folder 42 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Walter Maria Kotschnig Papers, 1920-1984Correspondence, 1927-1984Correspondence of Walter M. Kotschnig during his years with the Department of State and the United Nations, 1937-1977, bulk 1948-1972
Andrews, Elizabeth Peterson (Pete), 1969 Box 6 (2-Correspondence), Folder 43 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Walter Maria Kotschnig Papers, 1920-1984Correspondence, 1927-1984Correspondence of Walter M. Kotschnig during his years with the Department of State and the United Nations, 1937-1977, bulk 1948-1972
A New Decade. Report of the Ninth Annual Conference of International Student Service, Oxford, July 23-31, 1930, 1930 Box 22 (10-Pamphlets), Folder 13 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Walter Maria Kotschnig Papers, 1920-1984Pamphlets, 1922-1978Pamphlets dealing with European Student Relief, International Student Service, World Student Service Fund, and World Student Relief, 1922-1945
Anker, Charlotte, 1943 Box 3 (2-Correspondence), Folder 23 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Walter Maria Kotschnig Papers, 1920-1984Correspondence, 1927-1984General correspondence, individuals, organizations, 1932-1975
"Annotated Bibliography", Undated Box 1 (1-Biographical and Document ), Folder 29 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Walter Maria Kotschnig Papers, 1920-1984Biographical and Document Files, 1927-1974
Annual Report for the college year 1925-1926 of International Student Service of the World's Student Christian Federation (Formerly European Student Relief), 1926 Box 22 (10-Pamphlets), Folder 8 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Walter Maria Kotschnig Papers, 1920-1984Pamphlets, 1922-1978Pamphlets dealing with European Student Relief, International Student Service, World Student Service Fund, and World Student Relief, 1922-1945
Annual Report on International Student Service 1929-1930, 1930 Box 22 (10-Pamphlets), Folder 14 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Walter Maria Kotschnig Papers, 1920-1984Pamphlets, 1922-1978Pamphlets dealing with European Student Relief, International Student Service, World Student Service Fund, and World Student Relief, 1922-1945
Annual Report on International Student Service (formerly European Student Relief) of the World's Student Christian Federation July 1, 1924-July 1, 1925, 1925 Box 22 (10-Pamphlets), Folder 6 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Walter Maria Kotschnig Papers, 1920-1984Pamphlets, 1922-1978Pamphlets dealing with European Student Relief, International Student Service, World Student Service Fund, and World Student Relief, 1922-1945
Anslinger, Harry J., 1966-1967 Box 6 (2-Correspondence), Folder 44 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Walter Maria Kotschnig Papers, 1920-1984Correspondence, 1927-1984Correspondence of Walter M. Kotschnig during his years with the Department of State and the United Nations, 1937-1977, bulk 1948-1972
"Antisemitism", Undated Box 11 (4-Manuscripts of speeches and lectures ), Folder 1 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Walter Maria Kotschnig Papers, 1920-1984Manuscripts of speeches and lectures delivered by Walter M. Kotschnig, 1933-1976, Undated
"Appeal for German Christian Refugees". Providence, 1937 February 23 Box 11 (4-Manuscripts of speeches and lectures ), Folder 56 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Walter Maria Kotschnig Papers, 1920-1984Manuscripts of speeches and lectures delivered by Walter M. Kotschnig, 1933-1976, Undated
"A Present-Day Peace Program for the United States". Friends Conference, NY, 1939 November 04 Box 11 (4-Manuscripts of speeches and lectures ), Folder 91 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Walter Maria Kotschnig Papers, 1920-1984Manuscripts of speeches and lectures delivered by Walter M. Kotschnig, 1933-1976, Undated
Archibald, Charles H., 1968 Box 6 (2-Correspondence), Folder 45 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Walter Maria Kotschnig Papers, 1920-1984Correspondence, 1927-1984Correspondence of Walter M. Kotschnig during his years with the Department of State and the United Nations, 1937-1977, bulk 1948-1972
A Report on the work of relief and reconstruction for German Refugee Students by the co-operating committee for England & Wales of International Student Service (May 1933-August 1937), 1937 July Box 22 (10-Pamphlets), Folder 18 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Walter Maria Kotschnig Papers, 1920-1984Pamphlets, 1922-1978Pamphlets dealing with European Student Relief, International Student Service, World Student Service Fund, and World Student Relief, 1922-1945
Armstrong, Mrs. Sinclair Howard, 1941 Box 3 (2-Correspondence), Folder 24 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Walter Maria Kotschnig Papers, 1920-1984Correspondence, 1927-1984General correspondence, individuals, organizations, 1932-1975
Arndt, C. O. (U.S. Office of Education), 1943 Box 3 (2-Correspondence), Folder 25 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Walter Maria Kotschnig Papers, 1920-1984Correspondence, 1927-1984General correspondence, individuals, organizations, 1932-1975
Arnesen, Ragnar (United Nations Fund for Drug Abuse Control), 1971-1973 Box 6 (2-Correspondence), Folder 46 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Walter Maria Kotschnig Papers, 1920-1984Correspondence, 1927-1984Correspondence of Walter M. Kotschnig during his years with the Department of State and the United Nations, 1937-1977, bulk 1948-1972
Arrowsmith, Mary Noel, 1943 Box 3 (2-Correspondence), Folder 26 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Walter Maria Kotschnig Papers, 1920-1984Correspondence, 1927-1984General correspondence, individuals, organizations, 1932-1975
"Art and the Child", 1939 October Box 14 (7-Publications of Walter M. ), Folder 28 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Walter Maria Kotschnig Papers, 1920-1984Publications of Walter M. Kotschnig, 1923-1971
Ascher, Charles S., 1952-1972 Box 6 (2-Correspondence), Folder 47 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Walter Maria Kotschnig Papers, 1920-1984Correspondence, 1927-1984Correspondence of Walter M. Kotschnig during his years with the Department of State and the United Nations, 1937-1977, bulk 1948-1972
Asher, Robert E. Multilateral Versus Bilateral Aid: An Old Controversy Revisited, 1963 Box 22 (10-Pamphlets), Folder 69 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Walter Maria Kotschnig Papers, 1920-1984Pamphlets, 1922-1978Authored pamphlets
"A Strategy for American Youth". Classical High School, Springfield, 1942 June 09 Box 11 (4-Manuscripts of speeches and lectures ), Folder 125 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Walter Maria Kotschnig Papers, 1920-1984Manuscripts of speeches and lectures delivered by Walter M. Kotschnig, 1933-1976, Undated
Atkinson, Carola, 1942 Box 3 (2-Correspondence), Folder 28 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Walter Maria Kotschnig Papers, 1920-1984Correspondence, 1927-1984General correspondence, individuals, organizations, 1932-1975
Atlas, Lanny (Mrs. Martin), 1965 Box 6 (2-Correspondence), Folder 48 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Walter Maria Kotschnig Papers, 1920-1984Correspondence, 1927-1984Correspondence of Walter M. Kotschnig during his years with the Department of State and the United Nations, 1937-1977, bulk 1948-1972
Atlee, Clement R. "Experiences of a Prime Minister. The Civil Servant in Great Britain", Undated Box 13 (6-Typescripts and manuscripts by other ), Folder 39 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Walter Maria Kotschnig Papers, 1920-1984Typescripts and manuscripts by other authors
"Attempted Communist Infiltration of World University Service", 1955 March 22 Box 12 (5-Typescripts of books and articles authored ), Folder 79 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Walter Maria Kotschnig Papers, 1920-1984Typescripts of books and articles authored by Walter M. Kotschnig, 1927-1977Speeches written for the Under Secretary of State, Edward R. Stettinius, Jr.
Aufricht, Hans (Commission to Study the Organization of Peace), 1943 Box 3 (2-Correspondence), Folder 30 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Walter Maria Kotschnig Papers, 1920-1984Correspondence, 1927-1984General correspondence, individuals, organizations, 1932-1975
Austrian Action, Free Austrian Movement, 1941-1942 Box 9 (3-Organizations), Folder 5 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Walter Maria Kotschnig Papers, 1920-1984Organizations, 1936-1975
Austrian Action, Inc. / Free Austrian Movement (Gregor Sebba, Gertrud Redlich), 1941 Box 3 (2-Correspondence), Folder 31 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Walter Maria Kotschnig Papers, 1920-1984Correspondence, 1927-1984General correspondence, individuals, organizations, 1932-1975
Austrian-American League, 1941 Box 9 (3-Organizations), Folder 6 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Walter Maria Kotschnig Papers, 1920-1984Organizations, 1936-1975
Austrian Bulletin in the United States, 1941 Box 21 (9-Subject files), Folder 1 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Walter Maria Kotschnig Papers, 1920-1984Subject files, 1945-1972
"Austria". Princeton, 1934 March 13 Box 11 (4-Manuscripts of speeches and lectures ), Folder 34 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Walter Maria Kotschnig Papers, 1920-1984Manuscripts of speeches and lectures delivered by Walter M. Kotschnig, 1933-1976, Undated
Austro-American Committee (Joe Maier), 1942 Box 3 (2-Correspondence), Folder 33 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Walter Maria Kotschnig Papers, 1920-1984Correspondence, 1927-1984General correspondence, individuals, organizations, 1932-1975
Austro American Tribune. Anti-Nazi Monthly, 1944 Box 3 (2-Correspondence), Folder 34 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Walter Maria Kotschnig Papers, 1920-1984Correspondence, 1927-1984General correspondence, individuals, organizations, 1932-1975
Authored pamphlets Box 22 (10-Pamphlets) Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Walter Maria Kotschnig Papers, 1920-1984Pamphlets, 1922-1978
"A World of Free Peoples: Europe". YWCA, Cleveland, 1943 January 23 Box 11 (4-Manuscripts of speeches and lectures ), Folder 136 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Walter Maria Kotschnig Papers, 1920-1984Manuscripts of speeches and lectures delivered by Walter M. Kotschnig, 1933-1976, Undated
A Year of Development. Highlights from the Report of the Administrator on the United States Development Programme in 1977, 1978 June Box 22 (10-Pamphlets), Folder 33 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Walter Maria Kotschnig Papers, 1920-1984Pamphlets, 1922-1978Unauthored pamphlets, general
Ayusawa, Iwao F., 1949-1950 Box 6 (2-Correspondence), Folder 49 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Walter Maria Kotschnig Papers, 1920-1984Correspondence, 1927-1984Correspondence of Walter M. Kotschnig during his years with the Department of State and the United Nations, 1937-1977, bulk 1948-1972
Babbott, Frank L. Jr., 1965 Box 6 (2-Correspondence), Folder 50 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Walter Maria Kotschnig Papers, 1920-1984Correspondence, 1927-1984Correspondence of Walter M. Kotschnig during his years with the Department of State and the United Nations, 1937-1977, bulk 1948-1972
"Background Information on Mr. Walter M. Kotschnig", 1953 April 18 Box 1 (1-Biographical and Document ), Folder 23 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Walter Maria Kotschnig Papers, 1920-1984Biographical and Document Files, 1927-1974
Baerwald, Paul, 1939 Box 2 (2-Correspondence), Folder 1 Bookmark Collection Context German and Jewish Intellectual Émigré Collections Walter Maria Kotschnig Papers, 1920-1984Correspondence, 1927-1984Correspondence with individuals connected with the International Student Service (I.S.S.), the Work Camps for America of the I.S.S., the European Student Relief Fund, the World Student Service and the World Student Service Fund, 1932-1971, bulk 1936-1943