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Henry W. Ehrmann Papers, 1932-1998

4 cubic ft.
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The Henry Ehrmann Papers are focused on Ehrmann's scholarly career as a political scientist and a professor of law and his participation in the program of re-education of German prisoners-of-war in the 1940s. The material also documents Ehrmann's association with other universities and institutions in the United States and Europe. The correspondence from and to the former German prisoners-of-war who met Ehrmann during the reeducation program organized by the War Department include letters - in several cases written by the prisoners' family members as well - almost entirely dating from the period immediately subsequent to the POWs' release and their return to Germany. Therefore, they are a valuable source of information about the living conditions in occupied Germany, the country's political transformation, and the correspondents' adaptation to new circumstances. Letters in the general correspondence subseries are, for the most part, related to Ehrmann's contacts with his fellow scholars and with academic or political institutions. Also included are speeches, lectures, lecture notes, and newspaper articles, 1941–1984. Ehrmann was a professor of political science at the University of Colorado, the University of California at San Diego, and Dartmouth University, and worked on French politics, labor relations, and comparative government.

Erich von Kahler Papers, 1905-1977

13 cubic ft.
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This collection contains diaries, 1906-1913; correspondence; corrected manuscripts of literary works by Hermann Broch, Golo Mann, and others, 1945-1970; lecture notes on philosophy of history; and contemporary politics for lectures given in Germany and the United States.
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Eugen Spiro Papers, 1940-1972

3 cubic ft.
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German-Jewish painter interned in the French concentration camp at Gurs, painted portraits of Thomas Mann, Albert Einstein, and other notables. The collection includes correspondence, photographs of Spiro's artwork, and exhibit catalogues.

Otto Kirchheimer Papers, 1929-1972

4.67 cubic ft.
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The Otto Kirchheimer Papers contain correspondence with colleagues, publishers and students, book reviews written by Kirchheimer, reviews and offprints published by his colleagues and associates, and research notes on the social and political context of law. Listings of his offprint collection, book reviews, and pamphlets, as well as a list of the books held in Otto Kirchheimer's personal library are in the autobiographical file.
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Office of the President Records, 1827 - 2017 July 17

427 cubic ft. 83 captures
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Administrative records from the Office of the President, which guides the overall direction and leadership of the school. This collection documents major university initiatives and trends since it's beginning in the 19th century.
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NAACP Schenectady Branch Records, 1949-1982

4 Reels
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The NAACP Schenectady Branch Records document concerns for discrimination in housing and employment and for the recruitment of black professionals from colleges and universities to the area. The records also show the Branch's involvement with area social service providers, labor unions, and other community organizations, as well as with General Electric, as the area's major employer.
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Southern Coalition on Jails and Prisons Records, 1970-1992

10.5 cubic ft.
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Organized in 1974, the Southern Coalition on Jails and Prisons was formed to promote greater awareness of the problems of prisons and corrections, improve communication between the prison population and the outside world, and advocate for alternatives to the death penalty.
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United University Professions (UUP) Records, 1964-2000

161.17 cubic ft.
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The records of United University Professions (UUP) document the activities of the union and collective bargaining agent for the faculty and non-teaching professionals of the State University of New York. They begin in the 1960s with UUP's antecedents, the State University Professional Association (SUPA) and the Senate Professional Association (SPA), and continue through June 2000 for the materials produced by UUP's Communications Department, and through May 1993 for most other series.

American Council for Émigrés in the Professions Records, 1930-1974

10 cubic ft.
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Chiefly, correspondence, memoranda, resumes, and other materials of the American Council for Émigrés in the Professions (ACEP).
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National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty Records, 1972-2006, Undated, bulk 1981-2006

27.55 cubic ft.
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Since 1976 the National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty has been working to educate the public about the failings and inconsistencies of capital punishment in the United States. Founded after the Gregg v. Georgia Supreme Court decision in 1976, the NCADP has emerged as one of the more influential national anti-death penalty organizations. The collection contains the group's internal case files, administrative material, publications, petitions, photographic materials, video tapes, and audio cassettes.
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