d. Speech - Washington, D.C., 01/22/1947 Bookmark Abstract Or Scope United States Conference of Mayors (5 copies). view more view less Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Frank C. Moore Papers, 1881-1978Speeches, 1934-1969Speeches
c. Speech - New York, N.Y. - "Fiscal Relationship Between Cities & Their School Administrations", 01/22/1948 4 copies Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Frank C. Moore Papers, 1881-1978Speeches, 1934-1969Speeches
b. Speech Kingston, N.Y. - Notes Kingston Chamber of Commerce, 01/22/1949 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Frank C. Moore Papers, 1881-1978Speeches, 1934-1969Speeches
a. New York City - Municipal Section, State Bar Association, 01/23/1957 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Frank C. Moore Papers, 1881-1978Speeches, 1934-1969Speeches
Letter to Dr. Harry Porter from Edgar W. Flinton, 01/23/1968 Box 1 (1-Dean's Historical Day Files), Folder 323 Bookmark Collection Context University Archives School of Criminal Justice Records, 1963-1988Dean's Historical Day Files, 1963 April-1971 JuneDay Files, 1967 September-1968 March
Memo to faculty from R. Myren, re faculty meeting, 01/23/1970 Box 1 (1-Dean's Historical Day Files), Folder 487 Bookmark Collection Context University Archives School of Criminal Justice Records, 1963-1988Dean's Historical Day Files, 1963 April-1971 JuneDay Files, 1969 September-1970 January
a. Speech - New York State Bar Association Municipal Branch - N.Y.C., 01/24/1952 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Frank C. Moore Papers, 1881-1978Speeches, 1934-1969Speeches
b. Michigan State Assn. of Supervisors, Jack Tar Hotel, Lansing, Mich. Delivered by B. Marshlow, 01/24/1961 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Frank C. Moore Papers, 1881-1978Speeches, 1934-1969Speeches
e. Speech Albany, N.Y. - Highway Superintendents, 01/25/1945 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Frank C. Moore Papers, 1881-1978Speeches, 1934-1969Speeches
b. Speech Made Before Municipal section of N.Y.S. Bar Assn. 42 W/ 44th St. N.Y.C., 01/25/1951 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Frank C. Moore Papers, 1881-1978Speeches, 1934-1969Speeches
d. Dedication of School 26. Buffalo, N.Y. - Sunday Afternoon, 01/25/1953 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Frank C. Moore Papers, 1881-1978Speeches, 1934-1969Speeches
a. Speech - Chicago, Illinois. National Association of Home Builders Annual Conv. & Exposition, 01/25/1956 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Frank C. Moore Papers, 1881-1978Speeches, 1934-1969Speeches
b. Municipal Section, N.Y.S. Bar Assn., Commodore Hotel. New York City, 01/25/1962 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Frank C. Moore Papers, 1881-1978Speeches, 1934-1969Speeches
Memo to Faculty, Dr. Webb Fiser, Dean Edgar Flinton from R. Myren, re Curriculum Committee, School of Criminal Justice, 01/25/1968 Box 1 (1-Dean's Historical Day Files), Folder 324 Bookmark Collection Context University Archives School of Criminal Justice Records, 1963-1988Dean's Historical Day Files, 1963 April-1971 JuneDay Files, 1967 September-1968 March
c. N.Y.S. Bar Assn. - Hotel Roosevelt, 01/26/1961 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Frank C. Moore Papers, 1881-1978Speeches, 1934-1969Speeches
b. Speech Syracuse, N.Y. - "Grade A Local Government" NYS Central Org. of Coop. Fire Ins. Co., 01/27/1948 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Frank C. Moore Papers, 1881-1978Speeches, 1934-1969Speeches
c. Speech New York, N.Y. - "State Local Fiscal Relationships" before Municipal League Law Section, 01/27/1949 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Frank C. Moore Papers, 1881-1978Speeches, 1934-1969Speeches
b. Speech - New York City. N.Y. Chap. Of the American Society for Public Admn. - Dinner - Hunter College, 01/27/1954 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Frank C. Moore Papers, 1881-1978Speeches, 1934-1969Speeches
a. Commencement, NYC Community College. Brooklyn, N.Y., 01/27/1955 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Frank C. Moore Papers, 1881-1978Speeches, 1934-1969Speeches
b. Speech - New York City. N.Y.S. Bar Assn. - Municipal Section "Trends In local Government", 01/27/1955 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Frank C. Moore Papers, 1881-1978Speeches, 1934-1969Speeches