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Paul Hanks Papers, 1944-1966, Undated

9.9 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
Paul B. Hanks Jr.'s papers document his last years as a Republican assemblyman in the New York State Legislature for Monroe County (N.Y.)'s 3rd District (1960-1964).
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Subject Files, 1944-1966, Undated 8.6 cubic ft.

Great Britain. Common Law Records, 1701-1706

1 Vol.
Abstract Or Scope
This collection consists of several cases concerning the public revenues referred by the Treasury to the attorney general. This collection also contains revenue cases from the reign of Queen Anne (1665-1714), with legal opinions rendered in reports by Sir Edward Northey (1652-1723). In addition, this collection includes a 1705, "state of proceedings against the Good Seized upon Captain Kidd the Pirate in the High Court of Admiralty of England."
1 result

Great Britain. Common Law Records, 1701-1706 1 Vol.

Frederick Hendricks Papers, 1709-1891

0.25 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
Frederick Hendricks worked for the Globe Insurance Company of London. During the years 1848-1890, Hendricks collected 164 autograph letters and holographic manuscripts of 18th and 19th century British actuaries, some of whom were also astronomers and mathematicians. This collection includes letters, manuscripts, printed materials, and portraits pertaining primarily to 18 British insurance companies and to the Institute of Actuaries.
1 result

Frederick Hendricks Papers, 1709-1891 0.25 cubic ft.

M. Watt Espy Papers, 1730-2008

88.76 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
The M. Watt Espy papers chronicle the extensive research efforts that led to the creation of the Capital Punishment Research Project and the database known as the Espy File. Espy spent three decades gathering and indexing documentation of legal executions in the United States. His papers contain both primary and secondary sources used to catalog thousands of instances of capital punishment in the United States and its territories since the 1600s. The collection includes material from corrections records, newspapers, county histories, legal proceedings, and books. In addition to the records pertaining specifically to the death penalty, there is also a selection of magazines collected by Espy that cover true crime stories as well as life in the American Old West.
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M. Watt Espy Papers, 1730-2008 88.76 cubic ft.

Eugene G. Wanger and Marilyn M. Wanger Death Penalty Collection, 1754-2022

149.2 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
For over six decades, Eugene G. Wanger created or collected the materials about capital punishment that comprise the Eugene G. Wanger and Marilyn M. Wanger Death Penalty Collection. The collection includes a wide range of materials on the death penalty documenting its history, efforts to abolish or reinstate the practice, its psychological impact, compatibility on religious, moral or ethical grounds, and its operation.
1 result

Eugene G. Wanger and Marilyn M. Wanger Death Penalty Collection, 1754-2022 149.2 cubic ft.

Francoise Madeleine Mesnil Papers, 1756

1 Vol.
Abstract Or Scope
An inventory and bequest. A notarial document done for Thomas Maurice Bronod, an attorney in Paris.
1 result

Francoise Madeleine Mesnil Papers, 1756 1 Vol.

Office of the President Records, 1827 - 2017 July 17

427 cubic ft. 83 captures
Abstract Or Scope
Administrative records from the Office of the President, which guides the overall direction and leadership of the school. This collection documents major university initiatives and trends since it's beginning in the 19th century.
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Early Presidents Records, 1827-1914 0.2 cubic ft.

Office of the President Records, 1827 - 2017 July 17 427 cubic ft. 83 captures

Nine Partners General Store Records, 1767-1776

2 Vol.
Abstract Or Scope
Day books kept by the proprietor(s) of a general store selling dry goods and products from the West Indies in the Hudson Valley of New York and Connecticut. The store may have been located in the Nine Partners Tract, in the vicinity of what is now Hyde Park, New York.
1 result

Nine Partners General Store Records, 1767-1776 2 Vol.

General Reference Collection, 1828-2015

33 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
A reference collection created by archivists that includes clippings, copies of official records, publications that document the University, students, alumni, and members of the faculty.
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A, 1828-2015

General Reference Collection, 1828-2015 33 cubic ft.

Freligh Family Papers, 1773-1955

0.9 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
This collection documents the activities of the members of the Freligh family who lived primarily in the Niskayuna area during the 18th, 19th, and 20th centuries.
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Freligh Family Papers, 1773-1955 0.9 cubic ft.