Search Results

Office of the Director of the Physical Plant Records, 1974 - 2017 July 17

7.68 cubic ft. 270 captures
Abstract Or Scope
The collection consists of the records of the University at Albany's Director of the Physical Plant. The records document the administrative functions of the office and the maintenance of the University's building, grounds, motor pool and power plant.
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Office of the Director of the Physical Plant Records, 1974 - 2017 July 17 7.68 cubic ft. 270 captures

University at Albany - Office of Facilities Management, 2004 April 4

University at Albany - Office of Facilities Management, 2004 June 4

Website of the University at Albany, 2003 January 17 - 2017 June 8

Approximately 720 GB 2513 captures
Abstract Or Scope
This collection contains daily and monthly captures of the top level domain for the University website:, as well as weekly captures of the University NewsCenter website: Webcrawling is managed through the Internet Archive's Archive-It service.
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Website of the University at Albany, 2003 January 17 - 2017 June 8 Approximately 720 GB 2513 captures

Downtown Campus Coordinator, 1973-1976

0.4 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
The Downtown Campus Coordinator Collection is made up of materials created by former Coordinator Mildred Cunningham. The materials detail the various changes made from 1973 to 1976 such as the rehabilitation of buildings for classrooms, curriculum changes, and restoration of pieces like the Hawley Library murals.
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Downtown Campus Coordinator, 1973-1976 0.4 cubic ft.

Office of University Advancement Records, 1973-2000

23 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
This collection contains records from the Office of University Advancement which oversaw development and public events programs. Also includes records from subordinate offices, including the Community Events Office. Materials include financial records, commencement and inauguration planning documentation, and task force records.
1 result

Office of University Advancement Records, 1973-2000 23 cubic ft.

Accent on Research Collection, 1972-1997

1 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
This collection is made up of the Accent on Research newsletter, a university publication focused on faculty research.
1 result

Accent on Research Collection, 1972-1997 1 cubic ft.

Department of Women's Studies Collection, 1972-2000

0.33 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
This collection contains materials relating to the founding and administration of the Women's Studies Program, including course descriptions, meeting records, and ephemera.
1 result

Department of Women's Studies Collection, 1972-2000 0.33 cubic ft.

April 2023 Protests Collection, 2023

2.22 GB
Abstract Or Scope
This collection contains the materials related to the oral history accounts of two political protests that occured in the Spring 2023 semester at UAlbany. These accounts were gathered via interview by members of Dr. Rajani Bhatia's Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies Research Seminar class.
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April 2023 Protests Collection, 2023 2.22 GB

President's Committee to Review Promotion and Continuing Appointment Policies and Procedures Records, 1971-1974

0.83 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
Contains committee records pertaining to the revision of faculty tenure policies and procedures during the 1973-1974 academic year.
1 result

Center for Undergraduate Education Records, 1970-1988

.33 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
Contains materials relating to the Center for Undergraduate Education, which was the administrative office responsible for overseeing advisement activities for freshmen and sophomores.
1 result

Center for Undergraduate Education Records, 1970-1988 .33 cubic ft.

Center for Latino, Latin American, and Caribbean Studies (CELAC) Records, 1975-2018

4 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
CELAC was established promote research, publications, technical assistance, and resource services to the academic, international, and local communities focused on the Latin American, Caribbean, and U.S. Latino populations.
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Center for Latino, Latin American, and Caribbean Studies (CELAC) Records, 1975-2018 4 cubic ft.

Administrative Records, 1975-2011 2 cubic ft.

Advocacy and Course Materials, 1996-2011 1 cubic ft.