Search Results

Prospect Hill Cemetery Records, 1854

1 Vol.
Abstract Or Scope
Prospect Hill Cemetery was founded in 1854. This collection contains records of burial plots in this cemetery located in Guilderland, New York.
1 result

Prospect Hill Cemetery Records, 1854 1 Vol.

J.H. and J.B. Norwood Papers, 1866-1880

2 Vol.
Abstract Or Scope
J.H. Norwood and J.B. Norwood were physicians in Preston Hollow, New York. This collection contains their day books.
1 result

J.H. and J.B. Norwood Papers, 1866-1880 2 Vol.

Humphry Nichols Papers, 1844-1847

1 Vol.
Abstract Or Scope
The collection contains an account book from a farmer from the vicinity of Waterbury, Connecticut.
1 result

Humphry Nichols Papers, 1844-1847 1 Vol.

Oseola (Ship) Records, 1842-1843

1 Vol.
Abstract Or Scope
Log book kept by Arthur Child, master of the Oseola merchant ship, on voyages between New Orleans, Liverpool, and Le Havre.
1 result

Oseola (Ship) Records, 1842-1843 1 Vol.

Jennie D. Lindquist Papers, 1937-1978

2 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
The Jennie D. Lindquist papers document the professional life of Lindquist, an editor, author, lecturer, and librarian. The collection is cheifly composed of copies of personal correspondances, printed materials, transcripts from her radio program, and an advanced publisher's copy of her book.
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Frederick Hendricks Papers, 1709-1891

0.25 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
Frederick Hendricks worked for the Globe Insurance Company of London. During the years 1848-1890, Hendricks collected 164 autograph letters and holographic manuscripts of 18th and 19th century British actuaries, some of whom were also astronomers and mathematicians. This collection includes letters, manuscripts, printed materials, and portraits pertaining primarily to 18 British insurance companies and to the Institute of Actuaries.
1 result

Frederick Hendricks Papers, 1709-1891 0.25 cubic ft.

Liturgical Music Collection, Undated

1 Vol.
Abstract Or Scope
This collection contains anonymous manuscript masses and other liturgical music dating from approximately the seventeenth to the nineteenth centuries.
1 result

Liturgical Music Collection, Undated 1 Vol.

Andrew Lang Papers, 1898-1912

1 Vol.
Abstract Or Scope
Andrew Lang was an English writer and folklorist. This collection, which was assembled by an unknown compiler, contains a scrapbook that includes printed materials and clippings pertaining to the life and work of Lang.
1 result

Andrew Lang Papers, 1898-1912 1 Vol.

Galdos Benito Perez Papers, 1887-1898

0.25 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
Galdos Benito Perez was born on May 10, 1843 and was a Spanish writer and realist novelist. This collection includes a series of 50 letters written by Perez to Manuel Tolosa Latour, a physician and writer. This collection also includes a photograph of the exterior and a pencil sketch of the interior of Perez Galdos's Villa San Quintin at Santander.
1 result

Galdos Benito Perez Papers, 1887-1898 0.25 cubic ft.

Herbert Kessler Papers, Undated

1 Vol.
Abstract Or Scope
This collection contains a hand-corrected typescript of a novel later published in 1983, Tdische Anstsse.
1 result

Herbert Kessler Papers, Undated 1 Vol.

Miscellaneous Manuscripts Collection, Undated

1 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
Includes autograph letters and signed documents of John Jacob Astor, Erskine Caldwell, Richard Cobden, Charles Cornwallis, DeWitt Clinton, Jefferson Davis, Albert Einstein, Richard J. Gatling, Horace Greeley, Oliver Wendell Holmes, Eugene Ionesco, Andrew Jackson, Ferdinand de Lesseps, Amy Lowell, Arthur Pinero, Ezra Pound, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Eleanor Roosevelt, Theodore Roosevelt, Sir Walter Scott, George Bernard Shaw, Charles Sumner, Horatio Seymour, Edwin M. Stanton, William Howard Taft, Daniel D. Tompkins, William B. Yeats, and others.
1 result

Miscellaneous Manuscripts Collection, Undated 1 cubic ft.

Francoise Madeleine Mesnil Papers, 1756

1 Vol.
Abstract Or Scope
An inventory and bequest. A notarial document done for Thomas Maurice Bronod, an attorney in Paris.
1 result

Francoise Madeleine Mesnil Papers, 1756 1 Vol.

Harlow Estate Records, 1685-1694

1 Vol.
Abstract Or Scope
The Harlow Estate was located in Essex, England. This collection includes proceedings of manorial courts and records of quit rents, tithes, and other income received.
1 result

Harlow Estate Records, 1685-1694 1 Vol.

Abraham Bell and Son Collection, 1809-1917

22 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
The collection consists of 157 volumes of business books and three boxes of financial materials, correspondence, books, scrapbooks and diaries relating to the Bell Family and the Abraham Bell and Son Company.
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Albany, New York Jewish Community Collection, 1905-1990

2.03 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
The Jewish Community of the Albany, New York area is featured in the Collection which was brought together to show community involvement in the region by the Greater Albany Jewish Federation and the University Libraries of the University at Albany, SUNY. This collection contains photographs, meeting minutes, commemoration papers, local area newspapers, academic articles, community reports, and a prayer book.

Walter Zenner Family Papers, 1938-1990

0.33 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
The collection consists of correspondence and transcripts of interviews which Walter Zenner conducted with his family concerning their life in Germany and the United States. In addition, there are other materials pertaining to the life and work of the Zenner Family.
1 result

Walter Zenner Family Papers, 1938-1990 0.33 cubic ft.

Abbe Family Papers, 1773-1896

0.5 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
The Abbe (Abbey) family papers include records relating to the Abbe family. The Abbe family, which consisted primarily of Richard T. Abbe, his wife Helen Woods Abbe, and their daughter Olive Abbe Jones, corresponded with many family members and business associates before and during the Civil War. This collection contains deeds, legal records, correspondence, business records, and other papers of the family.
1 result

Abbe Family Papers, 1773-1896 0.5 cubic ft.

Amoskeag Manufacturing Company Records, 1934-1937

.17 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
This collection contains reports on the finances and employment at the Amoskeag textile mills in New Hampshire during the 1930s.
1 result

Amoskeag Manufacturing Company Records, 1934-1937 .17 cubic ft.

Albany General Store Records, 1784-1786

1 Vol.
Abstract Or Scope
The Albany General Store Records contain business records kept by an unidentified proprietor of a general store which sold dry goods, rum, and other merchandise.
1 result

Albany General Store Records, 1784-1786 1 Vol.

Auburn Woolen Company Records, 1847-1851

1 Vol.
Abstract Or Scope
Records of the Auburn Woolen Company include 120 certificates of capital stock.
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Edward H. Benedict Papers, 1832-1853

1 Vol.
Abstract Or Scope
This is a one volume collection kept by a textile dyer in Woodbury, Litchfield County, Connecticut.
1 result

Edward H. Benedict Papers, 1832-1853 1 Vol.

Berlin and East Sudbury Stage Company Records, 1828-1832

1 Vol.
Abstract Or Scope
19th century accounting records for a Vermont stage company.
1 result

Alexander Semmler Papers, 1914-1977

10.5 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
The Alexander Semmler Papers contain music written by Alexander Semmler, both published and unpublished, as well as some of his notes and correspondence.

Mark Woodbury Papers, 1818-1843

1 Vol.
Abstract Or Scope
Mark Woodbury was a proprietor of a general store in Antrim, New Hampshire. This collection contains his account book for the store.
1 result

Mark Woodbury Papers, 1818-1843 1 Vol.

Richard Woodhull Papers, 1806-1819

1 Vol.
Abstract Or Scope
Account book kept by Nathan H. White in the vicinity of Newburgh, New York.
1 result

Richard Woodhull Papers, 1806-1819 1 Vol.

Sabra W. Vought Papers, 1924

0.25 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
This collection contains the manuscript "The Story of the Mohawk Valley,"(1924); addresses on history; (undated); and two articles on school libraries, (undated). Sabra W. Vought was supervisor of school libraries in Albany, New York.
1 result

Sabra W. Vought Papers, 1924 0.25 cubic ft.

Ezra Williams Papers, 1798-1804

1 Vol.
Abstract Or Scope
Collection includes financial records kept by a merchant seaman from East Hartford, Connecticut, who served on schooners trading with the West Indies and Spain.
1 result

Ezra Williams Papers, 1798-1804 1 Vol.

East Freetown, New York, Railroad Freight Records, 1891-1901

1 Volume
Abstract Or Scope
The collection consists of railroad freight records from the East Freetown, New York station.
1 result

Richard Varick DeWitt Papers, 1862

1 Volume
Abstract Or Scope
The collection consists of a journal kept by an Albany resident on a journey across England and western Europe in 1862.
1 result

Richard Varick DeWitt Papers, 1862 1 Volume

Victor L. Streib Papers, 1908-2012, Undated, bulk 1978-2007

22.8 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
The Victor Streib Papers contain research materials and legal case files on the death penalty in the United States with a focus on how it has been applied to women and juveniles.

Leigh B. Bienen Papers, 1872, 1935, 1951-2011, Undated, bulk 1971-2011

23.2 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
The Leigh Bienen Papers include the records of the New Jersey Proportionality Review Project, the Illinois Capital Punishment Reform Study Commission, and the academic research papers of legal scholar Leigh Bienen. The New Jersey records contain material from New Jersey Public Defender Homicide Study directed by Bienen in the mid-1980s. The collection also includes the records from Bienen's involvement with the New Jersey Proportionality Review Project headed by Special Master David C. Baldus. Also present is material from Leigh Bienen's tenure on the Illinois Capital Punishment Reform Study Commission which resulted in the abolition of the death penalty in that state in 2011. Finally the collection contains Leigh Bienen's scholarly research material during her career teaching at both Princeton University and Northwestern University. Her research focused on proportionality review, the death penalty's monetary costs, and the role of prosecutor discretion.
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Murder Victims' Families for Reconciliation Records, 1977-2007, bulk 1994-2003

13.5 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
The Murder Victims' Families for Reconciliation Records document the organization's efforts to abolish the death penalty in all cases. The organization includes family members of both homicide victims and those executed as well as their respective supporter. Included in the collection are handwritten notes, newspaper clippings, pamphlets, brochures, booklets, programs, information packets, photographs, flyers, proofs, drafts, manuscripts, correspondence, memos, transcripts, mailing lists, schedules, meeting agenda, meeting minutes, meeting summaries, by-laws, manuals, checklists, worksheets, evaluation forms, resumes, applications, forms, financial summaries, budgets, contracts, court proceedings, legislative bills, amici curiae, memorabilia, audio/video materials.
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Capital Defender Office Records, 1975-2007, bulk 1995-2007

116.73 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
The Capital Defender Office (1995-2008) (CDO) was established as part of New York States 1995 death penalty legislation which took effect on September 1, 1995. Under the new law, the State expanded the crime of first degree murder and introduced two new penalties, death and life in prison without possibility of parole, for those convicted. Working from offices in Albany, New York City, and Rochester, the CDO sought to ensure that defendants being tried by the State, who could not afford representation, receive skilled counsel in capital cases. The CDO closed its Rochester office in 2005, and, as no state death penalty cases remain, the Albany and New York City offices in 2008. This collection consists of news clips (filed by subject), subject files, bound records of appeal in the cases of the People v. Cahill, Harris, LaValle, Mateo, McCoy, and Taylor, notebooks with appellate briefs, New York county court papers arranged by county, government studies, reports and debates on capital punishment, annual reports, and a small number of VHS tapes recording court proceedings. There are defendant case files, some with correspondence, court papers, and news clips and others with just news clips.

Elisabeth Semel Papers, 1977-2012

8.66 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
Elisabeth Semel's papers primarily consist of articles published from the 1990s to early 2000s used by Semel in her research and work concerning the death penalty.
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Illinois Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty Records, 1963-2011

0.6 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
The Illinois Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty (ICADP) formed in 1976 as the Illinois Coalition Against the Death Penalty by Mary Alice Rankin and other activist groups and organizations to try to prevent passage of capital punishment legislation in Illinois. After the state adopted the death penalty in 1977, ICADP expanded its grassroots legislative, education, and communication activities to try to inform the public about flaws and injustices in the Illinois capital punishment system and promote humane alternatives to the death penalty.
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Catholics Against Capital Punishment Records, 1972-2010

0.80 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
The Catholics Against Capital Punishment Records is a small collection that contains several articles, statements, and pamphlets making a case against the death penalty from a Catholic standpoint.
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New Yorkers for Alternatives to the Death Penalty, 1984-2011

14 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
This collection contains the records of New Yorkers for Alternatives to the Death Penalty (NYADP).
1 result

M. Watt Espy Papers, 1730-2008

88.76 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
The M. Watt Espy papers chronicle the extensive research efforts that led to the creation of the Capital Punishment Research Project and the database known as the Espy File. Espy spent three decades gathering and indexing documentation of legal executions in the United States. His papers contain both primary and secondary sources used to catalog thousands of instances of capital punishment in the United States and its territories since the 1600s. The collection includes material from corrections records, newspapers, county histories, legal proceedings, and books. In addition to the records pertaining specifically to the death penalty, there is also a selection of magazines collected by Espy that cover true crime stories as well as life in the American Old West.

William Kennedy Papers, 1926-2003

41.2 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
The William Kennedy Papers document nearly a half century of research, writing, and publishing efforts of the internationally recognized, Pulitzer Prize winning author, playwright, essayist, journalist, script writer, professor, and champion of the arts. The collection consists of records related to all of Kennedy's fiction and nonfiction books through 2002, including his "Albany Cycle" of novels, film scripts, essays, and newspaper articles from the Albany Times-Union. In addition, there is correspondence with other significant authors of American literature, biographical materials, and records documenting a trip to Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland with President Bill Clinton.
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Frieda Wunderlich Papers, 1920-1941

1 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
Frieda Wunderlich taught at the New School for Social Research and was an authority on farm labor in Germany and the Soviet Union. The bulk of the collection consists of publications of Wunderlich, primarily in the anti-Hitler periodical Soziale Praxis, which she edited from 1923 until she emigrated to the United States in 1933.
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Friderike Zweig Papers, 1939-1970

0.4 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
This collection contains reproductions of correspondence of the novelist, translator, and biographer Friderike Maria Zweig.
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Friedrich Tete Harrens Tetens Papers, 1925-1976

50 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
Tetens was a journalist and political pamphleteer who also wrote under the pseudonym Anton Pettenkofer. This collection contains correspondence, unpublished manuscripts, and information about the anti-Nazi movement.
1 result

Friedrich Tete Harrens Tetens Papers, 1925-1976 50 cubic ft.

Kurt H. Wolff Papers, 1937-1952

0.25 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
This collection contains hand–corrected typescripts of poetry and novels by Kurt H. Wolff.
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Kurt H. Wolff Papers, 1937-1952 0.25 cubic ft.

Hertha Pauli Papers, 1960-1970

0.25 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
The collection contains reel-to-reel audio interviews, readings, and reminiscences of Hertha Pauli.
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Hertha Pauli Papers, 1960-1970 0.25 cubic ft.

Storm Publishers Records, 1940-1968

5.5 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
The collection contains correspondence between Alexander Gode von Aesch (Oesch) and Albert Einstein, Thomas Mann, Hans Speier, Manfred George, and others, 1940-1968, manuscripts of works by Fritz von Unruh, Friderike Zweig, and others, reviews and publicity materials pertaining to books published, contracts, and financial records. Storm Publishers was located in New York City.
1 result

Storm Publishers Records, 1940-1968 5.5 cubic ft.

Johannes Urzidil Papers, 1946-1970

0.1 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
The collection contains copies of correspondence.
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George Wronkow Papers, 1973

0.25 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
This collection contains a corrected manuscript of "Kleiner Mann in grossen Zeiten: Reportagen eines Lebens" by George Wronkow.
1 result

George Wronkow Papers, 1973 0.25 cubic ft.

Victoria Wolff Papers, 1973

1 Vol.
Abstract Or Scope
This collection contains Wolff's autobiographical manuscript "Hass Liebe Hollywood: Meine dreissig Jahre als Underhund."
1 result

Victoria Wolff Papers, 1973 1 Vol.

Unitarian Service Committee Records, 1941-1942

0.1 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
The collection contains materials documenting the work of the Unitarian Service Committee.
1 result

Franz Baermann Steiner Papers, 1934-1945

0.1 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
The collection contains the poems and correspondence of Franz Steiner, writer and editor.
1 result

Franz Baermann Steiner Papers, 1934-1945 0.1 cubic ft.