c. Speech at Buffalo Athletic Club of Buffalo, 01/13/1947 3 copies Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Frank C. Moore Papers, 1881-1978Speeches, 1934-1969Speeches
Letter to Prof. L. Radzinowicz from E. Lumbard, 01/13/1965 Box 1 (1-Dean's Historical Day Files), Folder 84 Bookmark Collection Context University Archives School of Criminal Justice Records, 1963-1988Dean's Historical Day Files, 1963 April-1971 JuneDay Files, 1964 December-1965 June
Requirements and Procedures for the Master's Degree Project, SUNYA, SCJ, 01/13/1969 Box 1 (1-Dean's Historical Day Files), Folder 448 Bookmark Collection Context University Archives School of Criminal Justice Records, 1963-1988Dean's Historical Day Files, 1963 April-1971 JuneDay Files, 1969 September-1970 January
a. Speech Albany, N.Y. - Notes Men's Club of Westminster Presbyterian Church, 01/14/1949 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Frank C. Moore Papers, 1881-1978Speeches, 1934-1969Speeches
c. Newspaper Conference in FCM's Office. Re Bond Issue for School Construct, 01/15/1953 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Frank C. Moore Papers, 1881-1978Speeches, 1934-1969Speeches
Memo to students from Laud Humphreys, Chairman, Educational Policies Commission, re frustration of proposed changes in requirements for the M.A. and interim measures adopted by the faculty, 01/15/1971 Box 1 (1-Dean's Historical Day Files), Folder 530 Bookmark Collection Context University Archives School of Criminal Justice Records, 1963-1988Dean's Historical Day Files, 1963 April-1971 JuneDay Files, 1970 October-1971 June
Grading of Graduate Courses, SUNYA Grad. Off, 01/15/1971 Box 1 (1-Dean's Historical Day Files), Folder 531 Bookmark Collection Context University Archives School of Criminal Justice Records, 1963-1988Dean's Historical Day Files, 1963 April-1971 JuneDay Files, 1970 October-1971 June
Visiting Committee for the School of Criminal Justice of SUNYA, Statement of Purpose, etc., 01/16/1967 Box 1 (1-Dean's Historical Day Files), Folder 245 Bookmark Collection Context University Archives School of Criminal Justice Records, 1963-1988Dean's Historical Day Files, 1963 April-1971 JuneDay Files, 1966 November-1967 August
Memo to faculty, A. Pasciuto, Mary Farrington from R. Myren, re 1969-71 Bulletin, 01/16/1969 Box 1 (1-Dean's Historical Day Files), Folder 404 Bookmark Collection Context University Archives School of Criminal Justice Records, 1963-1988Dean's Historical Day Files, 1963 April-1971 JuneDay Files, 1968 November-1969 August
Letter to E. Lumbard from Russell N. Fairbanks, 01/17/1969 Box 1 (1-Dean's Historical Day Files), Folder 405 Bookmark Collection Context University Archives School of Criminal Justice Records, 1963-1988Dean's Historical Day Files, 1963 April-1971 JuneDay Files, 1968 November-1969 August
a. Dinner Meeting of Erie County Mayors Conference. East Aurora, N.Y., 01/18/1962 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Frank C. Moore Papers, 1881-1978Speeches, 1934-1969Speeches
Memo to R. Myren from Webb Fiser, re Budget, 01/18/1968 Box 1 (1-Dean's Historical Day Files), Folder 322 Bookmark Collection Context University Archives School of Criminal Justice Records, 1963-1988Dean's Historical Day Files, 1963 April-1971 JuneDay Files, 1967 September-1968 March
Policy concerning use of the computer terminal by external faculty and students, adopted by faculty on, 01/18/1971 Box 1 (1-Dean's Historical Day Files), Folder 532 Bookmark Collection Context University Archives School of Criminal Justice Records, 1963-1988Dean's Historical Day Files, 1963 April-1971 JuneDay Files, 1970 October-1971 June
a. Speech - Albany, N.Y. - N.Y.S. Churchmen's Legislative Seminar - "Local Government", 01/19/1948 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Frank C. Moore Papers, 1881-1978Speeches, 1934-1969Speeches
a. Speech Buffalo, N.Y. - "Where Do We Go From Here"? (City Planning), 01/19/1951 4 copies Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Frank C. Moore Papers, 1881-1978Speeches, 1934-1969Speeches
a. Speech - Chicago, IL. Citizens of Greater Chicago. Luncheon - University Club, 01/19/1954 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Frank C. Moore Papers, 1881-1978Speeches, 1934-1969Speeches
The Police Academy Publication, 01/1965 Box 1 (1-Dean's Historical Day Files), Folder 79 Bookmark Collection Context University Archives School of Criminal Justice Records, 1963-1988Dean's Historical Day Files, 1963 April-1971 JuneDay Files, 1964 December-1965 June
Visiting Committee Prospects, R. Myren, 01/1967 Box 1 (1-Dean's Historical Day Files), Folder 289 Bookmark Collection Context University Archives School of Criminal Justice Records, 1963-1988Dean's Historical Day Files, 1963 April-1971 JuneDay Files, 1967 September-1968 March
1984, Daily Calendar, 01/1984-06/1984 Box 22 (Donald Schein Papers), Folder 20 Bookmark Collection Context New York State Modern Political Archive Donald Schein Papers, 1954-2005
Memo to Faculty, Mrs. Farrington, A. Pasciuto, from R. Myren, re Faculty Meeting Agenda for 1/27/1969, 01/20/1969 Box 1 (1-Dean's Historical Day Files), Folder 406 Bookmark Collection Context University Archives School of Criminal Justice Records, 1963-1988Dean's Historical Day Files, 1963 April-1971 JuneDay Files, 1968 November-1969 August