Search Results

SUNYA Women's Club Records, 1951-1992

2.0 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
Records of the social and community activities performed a social group of faculty wives and other women that perfomed university and community service.
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SUNYA Women's Club Records, 1951-1992 2.0 cubic ft.

Department of Theatre Records, 1948-1984

7.167 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
Originally the Department of Speech and Dramatic Art, it encompassed the disciplines of Dramatic Art; Rhetoric and Public Address; Radio, Television and Film; and Speech Pathology and Audiology. The Department is responsible for the operation of the State University Theatre, is closely affiliated with the Northeastern New York Speech Center, and is the sponsor of a number of course-related student organizations
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Josef Herbert Furth Papers, 1932-1981

4.3 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
Correspondence with Gottfried Haberler, Friedrich A. Hayek, Eric Voegelin, and other fellow Viennese Émigré economists, 1937–1981; typescripts of his reviews, articles, and papers, 1932–1981; lectures and course syllabi, 1942–1974; reports and reviews written for the U.S. Federal Reserve Board, 1944–1966; and offprints of articles. Furth taught economics at Catholic University and American University, wrote on central banking and international monetary relations, and was an economist for the Federal Reserve Board.
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Center for Community Studies Records, 1946-1976

14.2 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
Created in 1950 in part to study education in school districts. The Center's mission was to identify the research factors that aid in constructing and maintaining strong democratic communities and to promote such factors through education.
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Ruth Pelham Papers, 1978-2018

11.29 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
This collection contains documents concerning the work of Ruth Pelham, a singer/songwriter and educator in the Albany, New York area who has been performing for decades in an effort to bring about peaceful communities through music. From the late 1970s to circa 2016, Pelham traveled in a mobile music program called the Music Mobile; singing, teaching, and writing songs with the community.

College of Engineering and Applied Sciences Records, 2000-2015

18.66 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
Administrative records of the College, formerly known as the College of Computing and Information, contains programs in Informatics, Computer Science, and Information Studies.
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Citizen Action of New York Records, 1983-2008

11.1 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
This collection contains the records Citizen Action of New York. Citizen Action of New York is a grassroots membership organization that fights for social, racial, economic, and enviornmental justice. Working closely with New York State politicans, community organizers, and activists, Citizen Action members hope to end the oppression of marginalized groups.

Hans Staudinger Papers, 1928-1980

31.5 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
Staudinger was a Social Democratic Party member of the Reichstag until his removal by the Nazis in 1933; he was professor of economics at the University in Exile from 1934 and dean of the graduate faculty of the New School for Social Research at various times between 1941 and 1960. The collection contains articles, books, diplomas, passports, photographs, scrapbooks, Festscrifen, and memorabilia of Hans Staudinger and members of his family. It also contains correspondence; handwritten and typed drafts of lecture notes, speeches, and addresses; teaching and research materials; and publications by Hans Staudinger and members of the New School for Social Research. The concentration of material is in the period of 1940 through 1960, with early biographical material dating from 1907 and some items dating through 1980.
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Carl Misch Papers, 1941-1963

0.5 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
Correspondence in German, 1941-1962; and typescripts of articles and lectures, in German and English, on Germany, Paris, prominent individuals, and other topics, 1945-1963.
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Michelle Crone Papers, 1927-2000, bulk 1982-1995

44.4 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
The Michelle Crone Papers document her experience as a feminist and lesbian activist from the early 1980s until the mid-1990s. The collection includes material from here position as National Civil Disobedience Coordinator for the 1987 National March on Washington for Lesbian and Gay Rights, and as a member of the Executive Committee for the 1993 March on Washington for Lesbian, Gay, and Bi Equal Rights and Liberation. Also present are records from Michelle Crone's management of a number of women's festivals from 1982 to 1996—most notably Rhythm Fest and the Cultural Festival at Gay Games IV—and records from her Capital District production company, Elword Productions. The collection also includes the records from her experience with the Seneca Women's Encampment for a Future of Peace and Justice, the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, and the National Lesbian Conference. Also included are her personal correspondence, records of her undergraduate studies with the theater and women's studies programs at the University at Albany, SUNY, and political literature from a number of progressive causes at the national and local levels.
Top 3 results view all 1899

Nahum H. Lewis Papers, 1896-2003

0.5 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
The collection documents the Jewish community in New York's Capital Region and the creation of the Albany Jewish Community Center.
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Arthur H. Estabrook Papers, 1908-1962

2.0 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
Papers of eugenics researcher Arthur Estabrook focus on racial integrity, sterilization of the mentally defective, venereal disease, intelligence, and criminality. Limited material is availible on the Jukes of New York state, the "Tribe of Ishmael" of Indiana, and the Carrie Buck trial.

Margarete Kollisch Papers, 1910-1979

0.3 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
The collection contains published and draft writings of Margarete Kollisch, and correspondence with Dr. Albert Einstein and other notables.
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Capital Defender Office Records, 1975-2007, bulk 1995-2007

116.73 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
The Capital Defender Office (1995-2008) (CDO) was established as part of New York States 1995 death penalty legislation which took effect on September 1, 1995. Under the new law, the State expanded the crime of first degree murder and introduced two new penalties, death and life in prison without possibility of parole, for those convicted. Working from offices in Albany, New York City, and Rochester, the CDO sought to ensure that defendants being tried by the State, who could not afford representation, receive skilled counsel in capital cases. The CDO closed its Rochester office in 2005, and, as no state death penalty cases remain, the Albany and New York City offices in 2008. This collection consists of news clips (filed by subject), subject files, bound records of appeal in the cases of the People v. Cahill, Harris, LaValle, Mateo, McCoy, and Taylor, notebooks with appellate briefs, New York county court papers arranged by county, government studies, reports and debates on capital punishment, annual reports, and a small number of VHS tapes recording court proceedings. There are defendant case files, some with correspondence, court papers, and news clips and others with just news clips.
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James Joseph Delaney Papers, 1950-1978

11.65 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
The James Joseph Delaney Papers, 1950-1978, document Delaney's extensive tenure in Congress. Elected in November 1948, Delaney remained in Congress until his retirement in December 1978. Delaney served as Congressman from Queens, New York and his three decades in Washington are distinguished by consecutive elections to chairman of the House Rules Committee and the addition of the 1958 Delaney Clause to the 1938 Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act.
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John M. Spalek Papers, 1933-2010

7 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
John Spalek was professor of Germanic languages at the University at Albany and main proponent of the German and Jewish Intellectual Emigre Collection who conducted oral history interviews. The collection consists of oral history interviews and photographs.

National Organization for Women (NOW), New York State Chapter Records, 1961-2011

55.09 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
The New York State chapter of NOW aims to bring women into full participation in the mainstream of American society in order to exercise all privileges and responsibilities in an equal partnership with men. Working close with the Senate, political candidates,other women organizations, and community activists, NOW-NYS members work to defend women from inequality.
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General Reference Collection, 1828-2015

33 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
A reference collection created by archivists that includes clippings, copies of official records, publications that document the University, students, alumni, and members of the faculty.
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Arnold Brecht Papers, 1865-1974

14.67 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
The Arnold Brecht Papers, 1865-1974, consist of 14.67 cu. ft. of materials and are primarily copies of original documents, letters and printed materials housed at the Bundesarchiv, Koblenz, Germany ( Bundesarchiv, Potsdamer Strasse 1, 56075 Koblenz, Germany or ).
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William Stiles Bennet Papers, 1884-1959

12.42 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
The William Stiles Bennet Papers document some of his public service and political campaigns as well as his time as a lobbyist and advocate for the lumber industry.
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Solidarity Committee of The Capital District Records, 1978-2024

20.8 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
The Greyhound Strikers Solidarity Committee of the Capital District was created by Albany-area labor union activists in support of the autumn 1983 Amalgamated Transit Union strike against Greyhound Bus Lines. After the strike, the group was reconstituted as the Solidarity Committee of the Capital District (SCCD) and worked to support hundreds of strikes and labor activities in Eastern New York, across the country, and in Latin America.
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Lawrence S. Wittner Papers, 1977-2020

3.16 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
The Lawrence S. Wittner Papers document Dr. Wittner's activism in politics and his work with United University Professions, the Albany County Central Federation of Labor, the Solidarity Committee of the Capital District, the Albany Chapter of Democratic Socialists of America, Upper Hudson Peace Action, and various other social justice and peace organizations in the Capital Region.
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M. Watt Espy Papers, 1730-2008

88.76 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
The M. Watt Espy papers chronicle the extensive research efforts that led to the creation of the Capital Punishment Research Project and the database known as the Espy File. Espy spent three decades gathering and indexing documentation of legal executions in the United States. His papers contain both primary and secondary sources used to catalog thousands of instances of capital punishment in the United States and its territories since the 1600s. The collection includes material from corrections records, newspapers, county histories, legal proceedings, and books. In addition to the records pertaining specifically to the death penalty, there is also a selection of magazines collected by Espy that cover true crime stories as well as life in the American Old West.
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Hugo A. Bedau Papers, 1954-2005

36 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
Hugo A. Bedau (Ph.D., Harvard, 1961) was a commentator, scholar, and activist for the abolition of capital punishment. He was a prominent spokesperson in the abolitionist movement and well-known for his scholarship and writing concerning the death penalty and the challenge to separate logical arguments from moral arguments.
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United University Professions (UUP) Oral History Project Collection, 1968-2003

2.73 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
The UUP Oral History Project's intent was to capture the history of the UUP as well as its predecessors through interviews with union executives and members.

Geof Huth Papers, 1960-2006

60.7 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
The majority of these papers focus on Geof Huth's artistic activities: his creation of artworks, his involvement in the fields of visual and experimental poetry, his productions as a micropublisher, and his work as an active blogger in the worldwide network of online poets. They also document his personal life and professional career in archives and records management.

David Von Drehle Papers, 1897-2003

7.5 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
The David Von Drehle Papers contain information on the death penalty, primarily in Florida. Von Drehle compiled the materials while researching his 1995 book Among the Lowest of the Dead: Inside Death Row.
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Abraham J. Bonowitz Papers, 1977-2015, bulk 1977-2015

86.49 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
For more than three decades, Abraham J. Bonowitz has worked to educate the public about human rights problems, in particular the death penalty and the need for alternatives to the death penalty. During this time he served in numerous director, consultant, managerial, and activist roles with leading advocacy and death penalty abolitionist organizations.
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Fred R. Brown Papers, 1882-1966

8 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
Methodist missionary and science teacher in the Kiansi Province of China from 1910 to 1931. He and his wife, a fellow missionary, later settled in DeWitt, New York.
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The Milne School Records, 1890-2004

32.44 cubic ft. 917 Digital Files
Abstract Or Scope
This collection contains materials from the Milne School related to administrative activities from faculty and staff, as well as records pertaining to student activities from various clubs and publications.
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University Publications Collection, 1921-2017, 1921-2017

10 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
This collection is made up of various pubilcations from the University at Albany, and groups within the institution.
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Glen M. Trotiner Papers, 1940-2022

12.3 cubic ft. 189 Digital Files
Abstract Or Scope
This collection contains the papers of Glen M. Trotiner.

Robert Rienow Papers, 1875-1984, bulk 1955-1979

15.72 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
Correspondence with publishers and environmental groups including the Constitutional Council for Forest Preserves, 1970–71; Defenders of Wildlife, 1970–76; Albany Environmental Council, 1965–76; draft manuscripts and typescripts, 1956–79, of texts, scholarly and popular articles and books relating to local, state, national, and international government and to environmental issues such as the anti-nuclear movement, forest preservation, wildlife preservation, the Adirondack Mountains, lecture notes taken as a student and given to his classes, 1930–70, scripts for his television series "Man Against His Environment", 1970–71, drafts of speeches on environmental concerns, tape cassettes on environmental issues created as staff lecturer for the Center for Cassette Studies, clippings files on government and environmental issues, photographs of Rienow and his wife. Robert Rienow was educated at Carthage College (B.A., 1930), and Columbia University (M.A., 1934; Ph.D., 1937), served as Instructor, 1936–41, Assistant Professor, 1941–47, and Professor, 1947–80, of Social Science at the State University of New York at Albany, now the University at Albany. Through out his career Rienow maintained an active interest in environmental issues and a belief in the need to popularize issues of public concern. (See also papers of his wife Leona Train Rienow).
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Writings, 1937-1980 2.5 cubic ft.

Environmental Advocates of New York Records, 1970 - 2017 June 1

90.81 cubic ft. 260 captures
Abstract Or Scope
The Environmental Advocates of New York Records document the legislative activities of the organization from the 1980s through the late 1990s. The collection consists of correspondence, notes, meeting minutes, reports, memorandums, publications, news clippings, promotional material, as well as administrative files.

Citizens' Environmental Coalition Records, 1973-2005

44.25 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
The records of Citizens' Environmental Coalition (CEC) document its research and activism, from its infancy as part of the New York Environmental Institute, through its independent chartering in 1991, and continuing into the new millennium.
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Otto Furth Papers, 1912-1986

4 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
This collection predominantly contains German and English manuscripts, plays, poetry, lectures, and articles in newspapers and magazines, 1933-1969. There is also correspondence with friends, writers and with Twentieth Century Fox pertaining to copyright infringement, 1940-1948. Otto Furth also wrote under the pseudonym Owen Elford.
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Writings of Otto Fürth, 1912-1979 166 folders

Greta Hartwig Manschinger and Kurt Manschinger (Ashley Vernon) Papers, 1896-1986

15.72 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
This collection contains correspondence, manuscripts, opera librettos, songs, short stories, novels, sketches, and critical reviews. It also has personal family papers of Kurt (Ashley Vernon) and Greta Hartwig Manschinger, paintings and writings by and other records from Greta's sister Mela Hartwig and her husband Robert Spira, audio recordings, scores, and sheet music, as well as audio recordings of performances.

Capital Punishment Clemency Petitions Collection, 1981-2020

6 cubic ft. 170 Digital Files
Abstract Or Scope
An artificial collection of over 150 clemency petitions filed by inmates from across the United States for the lessening of their death sentence.
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Erwin Bodky Papers, 1897-1958

6 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
The Bodky Papers include biographical materials, letters, musical programs, reviews, extensive manuscripts, arrangements, and printed material. Bodky studied piano with Ferrucio Busoni and composition with Richard Strauss and performed widely on harpsichord and piano. He left Germany and lived in the Netherlands, 1933–1938, and the United States from 1938 until his death. He was a professor of music at Brandeis University.
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Felix and Elisabeth Hirsch Papers, 1902-1980

3.24 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
The collection contains biographical and professional materials of Felix Hirsch, librarian and professor of history, as well as a small amount of matrials of his wife Elizabeth F. Hirsch, a specialist in Renaissance philosophy.
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Michael Mello Papers, 1800-2008, bulk 1970-2004

42.2 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
Michael A. Mello (1957-2008) was an internationally recognized authority on the death penalty and capital punishment issues. He was a lawyer, professor, and author. Michael Mello served as counsel or informal advisor to many significant cases, including Joseph Robert Crazy Joe Spaziano, Theodore Kaczynski, Theodore Bundy, Rolando Cruz, Alvin Ford, Stephen Todd Booker, and Robert Straight.
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Henry Schwarzschild Memorial Collection, 1926-2013, Undated

2.0 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
The Henry Schwarzschild Memorial Collection contains papers, journal articles and other written materials about the death penalty. Lansing, Michigan attorney and death penalty opponent Eugene G. Wanger donated this collection in memory of Henry Schwarzschild (1925-1996), longtime director of the American Civil Liberties Union's Capital Punishment Project, and head of the New York office of the National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty at the time of his death.
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Thomas Nattell Papers, 1956-2002

12.1 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
The Thomas Nattell papers document the life of a mental health worker and political activist active during the 1980s and 1990s in Albany, New York. He created and participated in organizations like the Albany Peace and Energy Council (APEC) and the Three Guys From Albany poetry troupe. He also acted as promoter and event coordinator for movie showings, poetry open mics and an annual 24-hour poetry reading alongside a coinciding international postcard art event. Nattell used poetry and other arts to advance world peace, anti-nuclear power and proliferation, and environmental issues. This collection contains videos of events, photographs, scrapbooks full of art and poetry mailed from around the world to Nattell, subject files with research on topics related to his professional work as well as his activism, poetry, correspondence, and clippings.

School of Criminal Justice Records, 1963-1988

14 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
The files of the School of Criminal Justice consist primarily of records kept by Deans Richard Myren 1966-1976, and Donald Newman, 1977-84. They document the organization and formation of the School, particularly during the critical years of development (1963-1969).
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Donald J. Newman Papers, 1954-1989

6.0 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
The Donald J. Newman Papers document the career of the Professor of Criminal Justice and Dean of the School of Criminal Justice (1977-1984) including correspondence, subject files, adminstrative records, evaluations of other universities and his criminal justice projects.
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Digital Media Department Records, 1921-2016

12 GB 31.66 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
This collection consists of both physical photographic materials and digital photography created by the campus photographer that documents the University at Albany, SUNY.

Vera P. Michelson Papers, 1921-2018

9.4 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
This collection documents the lifelong activism of Albany, N.Y. resident Vera Michelson, especially her work with the Capital District Coalition Against Apartheid and Racism.

Gerhard Colm Papers, 1929-1972

2.0 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
Gerhard Colm was a professor of economics at the New School for Social Research and an expert on public revenues, unemployment, and economic planning. He served as the Chief Economist of the National Planning Association and as a leading economic adviser for both the Roosevelt and Truman administrations.
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Writings and publications of Gerhard Colm, 1930-1967

Helen Quirini Papers, 1898-2010

50.89 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
This collection documents the life, work and activism of Helen Quirini of Schenectady, New York. The collection represents Quirini's numerous activities and interests including her early work owning a local market with her brother, her 39 year employment for General Electric, her activism in unions during her employment and retirement, as well as her charitable activities where she pursued civil, housing, pension, women's and senior citizen's rights.

Center for the Study of Science and Society Records, 1967-1972

2.33 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
Directed by Eugene I. Rabinowitch, the Center studied "human ecology" and interdiciplinary communications by sponsoring conferences, seminars, and symposia.
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