Search Results

Eugene I. Rabinowitch Papers, 1923-1973

14 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
Russian-born chemist and SUNY Albany professor who worked on the Manhattan Project, was an early leader of the Concerned Scientists Movement, and helped organize the Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs. The Rabinowitch Papers document various aspects of his life and career and contain his writings, his involvement with the Pugwash Conferences and the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, his research interests in photosynthesis, and his work at the University of Illinois and the State University of New York at Albany.
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Writings by Rabinowitch, 1923-1972

Writings By Others, 1946-1971

Young Women's Christian Association (YWCA) Of Albany, New York Records, 1863-1996

20.21 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
The collection documents the history of the YWCA of Albany, which was founded in 1888 by a group of women led by Mrs. Acors Rathbun in order to provide housing and recreational activities for young women searching for work. Through the years, the organization expanded to include classes, childcare, athletics, essay contests, teen issue programs, and an annual awards dinner honoring women. Strengths include the extensive photographic material and meeting minutes from the board of trustees and directors. The collection is weakest at the beginning and end of the YWCA of Albany's existence.
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Department of African American Studies Records, 1968-1976

2.33 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
The Department of African American studies documents the papers and administrative processes of the development and implementation of an African American Studies department at the University at Albany in the late 1960s to the late 1970s.
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Women's Building Collection, 1954-2000, bulk 1973-1998

20.3 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
The Women's Building collection records the formation and day-to-day administrative and programming activities of the Women's Building and its predecessor, the Tri-City Women's Center. The organization provided a safe space for community groups to meet and organize, and informational and educational programming to support the women of the Capital District. Inspired by a feminist perspective and driven by a commitment to social justice, the Women's Building provided physical meeting and office space to local organizations and programming and informational services on financial planning, legal issues, parenthood, childbirth, and women's health. The collection includes administrative records and programming material from the organization's inception in the early 1970s until 2000.
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Holding Our Own Records, 1981-2010

7.96 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
This collection documents the day-to-day activities of Holding Our Own, an organization established to incite and support feminist social justice in New York's Capital Region.
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Urban League of Northeastern New York Records, 1966-1987

8.5 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
Since its establishment in 1966 as the Urban League of the Albany N.Y. Area, the Urban League of Northeastern New York has campaigned for voter registration, housing, education, social services and other issues of concern to African Americans and others in the New York State Capital District.
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New York State Assembly Death Penalty Hearings Collection, 1965-2006

1.4 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
The Death Penalty in New York Testimony Collections gathers the testimonials given by 137 witnesses to several committees of the New York State Assembly having to do with sentences involving the death penalty.

The Pride Center of the Capital Region Records, 1965-2017

25 cubic ft. 149 captures
Abstract Or Scope
This collection contains records documenting the day-to-day activities of the Pride Center of the Capital Region.
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Joseph E. Persico Papers, 1910-2003

18.54 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
The papers of Joseph Persico focus on his careers as a full-time author and as a political speechwriter for New York State Commissioner of Health, Hollis Ingraham, and New York State Governor, Nelson Rockefeller.
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Correctional Association of New York Records, 1844-1988

30.97 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
The Correctional Association of New York Records includes records from the Board of Directors, annual reports, prison visit files, Narcotics Committee files, program and bureau files, project files, subject files, and publications. The only records of the organization available from the nineteenth century are the annual reports, which have been microfilmed and are available in the University Library.
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Norman Studer Papers, 1817-2012

18.84 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
The Norman Studer Papers document his career as both an educator and ardent Catskill folklorist. The collection includes significant material relating to his work as director of the Downtown Community School in New York City and Camp Woodland in the Catskills.
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E. Ogden Bush Papers, 1884, 1958-1965

9.6 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
The E. Ogden Bush Papers document Bush's service as a New York State Senator in the early 1960s.
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Nowicki, Joseph Papers, 1954-1964

12 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
This collection documents the service of Joseph F. X. Nowicki of Pearl River, NY in the New York State Assembly representing Rockland County from 1961 through 1964.
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Center for Law and Justice Records, 1985-2000

12.75 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
This collection documents the day-to-day activities of the Center for Law and Justice in Albany, New York, founded by its Executive Director Dr. Alice P. Green in 1985.
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Teacher Education Development Service Records, 1971-1977

4 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
A joint federal and state grant-funded program to implement competency-based teacher education (CBTE) and develop a statewide collaborative system of support for additional CBTE efforts.
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Bernard C. Smith Papers, 1963-1969

10.4 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
The Bernard C. Smith Papers document the first four years of Smith's service as a New York State Senator. While Smith is most well known for his work in conservation, these papers from his early Senate career contain significant materials on the issues of abortion, education (especially for mentally handicapped children), medical treatment and penal codes and laws.
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Tanya M. Melich Papers, 1912-2018

37.8 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
The Tanya M. Melich Papers contain materials relating to the political landscape of the United states throughout the latter half of the twentieth century, as well as various social movements with a particular emphasis on Women's rights.

Leona Train Rienow Papers, 1856-1988

2.78 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
This collection documents Leona Train Rienow's professional career as a writer. The papers contain a significant number of drafts of Leona Train Rienow's manuscripts, papers concerning her research for her books and articles, and correspondence files.
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Mental Health Association in New York State, Inc. (MHANYS) Records, 1879-2002

35.75 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
A statewide network of community based Mental Health Associations focused on public education and citizen advocacy.
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Work Study Program, 1967-1971

Business and Professional Women's Clubs of Schenectady, New York Records, 1927-2011, Undated

21.92 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
These records document the history of the Business and Professional Women's Club of Schenectady, NY.
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Virginians for Alternatives to the Death Penalty Records, 1937-2008

16.65 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
This collection contains materials used by Virginians for Alternatives to the Death Penalty (VADP) in its efforts to end capital punishment in Virginia.
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Steven Hawkins Papers, 1991-2003

3.2 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
Records of Steven W. Hawkins's tenure as Executive Director of the National Coalition Against the Death Penalty. The papers include extensive minutes of board meetings, speeches, travel arrangements, fundraising and reception notes, and pamphlets and other papers relating to his attendance at various board and committee meetings with related organizations.

Employee Ownership Project Records, 1967-2000

10.17 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
Records of independent, non-profit organization which promotes the creation and growth of micro-enterprises and small business ventures to improve the lives of low and moderate income residents of the Capital Region.
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Sigma Pi Phi, Beta Psi Boulé Records, 1982-2023

14.47 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
The Sigma Pi Phi, Beta Psi Boulé Records document the history and day-to-day operations of the Beta Psi Boulé. A professional fraternity, Sigma Pi Phi was founded on May 15, 1904 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and its members are distinguished African American men with college and graduate degrees. Beta Psi is the fraternity's 69th Boulé founded on May 5, 1984 in the Capital District of New York.

Capital Area Council of Churches Records, 1941-2002

9 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
This collection contains administrative files, correspondence, newsletters, subject files and meeting minutes from the Capital Area Council of Churches, an organization designed to promote cooperation between different religious institutions in the Albany, N.Y. area.
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Woman's Club of Albany Records, 1908, 1910-2010

23.64 cubic ft. 1 Digital Files
Abstract Or Scope
The Woman's Club of Albany Records document the day-to-day operations of the first 100 years of this community organization founded in 1910.
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Leonard Farbstein Papers, 1955-1970

45.95 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
Leonard Farbstein was a U.S. Representative from New York. Farbstein was born in New York City on October 12, 1902. He graduated from High School of Commerce, attended City College of New York, attended Hebrew Union Teachers College, and graduated from New York University Law School in 1924. During the World War I, Farbstein served in the United States Coast Guard Reserve and later as vice chairman of the East River Day Camp, a philanthropic organization. Farbstein was a lawyer in private practice. Farbstein served as a member of the New York State Assembly from 1932 through 1956. He was elected as a Democrat to the 85th and the six succeeding Congresses (January 3, 1957-January 3, 1971) before being an unsuccessful candidate for renomination to the 92nd Congress in 1970. Farbstein died on November 9, 1993, in New York, NY and his interment is in Cedar Park Cemetery in Paramus, NJ.

University Senate Records, 1915 - 2023

31 cubic ft. 2733 Digital Files 162 captures
Abstract Or Scope
The University Senate is a legislative arm of the faculty comprised of 78 faculty, professional, and student senators (78 positions are currently filled out of 89 possible positions). Records include legislation, meeting records, and Council Records.

New York Statewide Senior Action Council Records, 1974-2001

14.05 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
The New York StateWide Senior Action Council records document the issues faced by senior citizens in New York State over the course of almost three decades. The bulk of the records consist of subject files in the areas of health care, Medicare, and social security issues. In addition to topical material, these records document the fundraising activities of the organization and its various sub-groups. Notably included are publications issued by the organization, including the Sentinel newsletter (1992-1996) and the Senior Action newspaper (1977-1991). The bulk of the material, found in the subject files, is useful for documenting issues about which NYSSAC was active. NYSSAC's work with New York state legislators, as well as government and private agencies in advocating for seniors and social justice issues, and their outreach efforts in education and advocacy, are well documented throughout the collection. Records of the activities of Executive Directors Michael Burgess and Bonnie Ray are the most prominent in the collection.
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Civil Service Employees Association, Inc. (CSEA), American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) Local 1000 Records, 1918-2015

64.26 cubic ft. 2868 Digital Files
Abstract Or Scope
This collection documents the day-to-day activities of the Civil Service Employees Association (CSEA) from 1918 to the present. There is no documentation of the organization's initial years of existence, but significant material about administration, meetings, membership, agreements, publications, and organizational history.
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Paul Hanks Papers, 1944-1966, Undated

9.9 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
Paul B. Hanks Jr.'s papers document his last years as a Republican assemblyman in the New York State Legislature for Monroe County (N.Y.)'s 3rd District (1960-1964).

Atlantic States Legal Foundation Records, 1966-2009

179.74 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
The Atlantic States Legal Foundation Records document the environmental not-for-profit organization's pollution reduction and environmental remediation projects and cases throughout the United States and territories.
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School of Social Welfare Records, 1964-2000

23.4 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
The School of Social Welfare Records document the history and day-to-day operations of the School at the University at Albany since its first full year of operation in 1964 through 2000.
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League Of Women Voters of Albany County Records, 1940-2001

31.47 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
The records of the League of Women Voters of Albany County (LWVAC), include material produced by the LWVAC as well as material that was produced by the League of Women Voters of New York State and the League of Women Voters of the United States. The most comprehensive series in the collection is the Administrative Files. There are meeting minutes, annual reports, and Board of Directors lists from 1940-2001. A large portion of the LWVAC collection relates to the two main purposes of the organization: voter service and "study and action." Records relating to voter service include pamphlets with information about candidates and citizen voting rights published by the LWVAC and material used to increase voter participation. Records related to "study and action" include material used by the LWVAC to inform citizens about public policy issues locally, statewide, and nationally. A strength of the LWVAC collection is the amount of material related to various public policy issues and how they affected the local community.
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Dean of Undergraduate Studies Records, 1958-1986

8.37 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
This collection contains records from the period in which Robert Morris served as Dean of the University College (1966-1970) and Dean of Undergraduate Studies (1970- roughly 1977).
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American Association of University Women, Albany Branch Records, 1913-1992

5.9 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
These records document the history of the Albany Branch of the American Association of University Women from 1913 - 1992. The records relate chiefly to women's issues; particularly higher education, general education, membership, international relations, legislation, World War II, employment, teaching, community projects and Albany, NY.
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Guy Gabrielson Papers, 1925-1967

5.5 cubic ft. 1 Digital Files
Abstract Or Scope
The Guy Gabrielson Papers contain materials that document the political career of Guy George Gabrielson from his start in New Jersey state politics through his years as Chairman of the Republican National Committee. Many of the materials document the 1952 U.S. Presidential election and Republican National Committee Convention which Gabrielson presided over as chairman.
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Taylor, Mildred Frick Papers, 1921-1974

11.4 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
Mildred F. Taylor was a Republican politican from Lyons, Wayne County, New York. Taylor was a delegate to the Republican National Convention from New York in 1940, 1948, 1952 (alternate),and 1960; the chairman of the Wayne County Republican Committee, 1943-1956; and a member of the Assembly of the New York State Legislature, 1946-1960. This collection documents her vast political experiences, including her work on the Joint Lesiglative Committee on Historic Sites.
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Monday Musical Club Records, 1924-1988

15.02 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
The Monday Music Club was formed in 1904 among twenty women, to practice their music skills. The women practiced their skills in workshops and other artistic excerices. Even though they were founded in 1904, the collection does not cover the first twenty years of the club.
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College of Arts and Sciences Records, 1955-1977

48.9 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
The collection consists of inactive records from the University at Albany's College of Arts and Sciences.
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Bertram L. Podell Papers, 1945-1970

10.2 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
The Bertram L. Podell Papers document Podell's service as a New York State Assemblymen and Congressmen from the mid-1950s through the early 1970s.
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April 2023 Protests Collection, 2023

2.22 GB
Abstract Or Scope
This collection contains the materials related to the oral history accounts of two political protests that occured in the Spring 2023 semester at UAlbany. These accounts were gathered via interview by members of Dr. Rajani Bhatia's Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies Research Seminar class.

Student Association of the State University of New York Records, 1969-1985

17.5 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
This collection documents the activities of the Student Association of the State University of New York from its founding in 1970 hrough its first decade of existence.
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Atmospheric Science Research Center Records, 2014 October 17 - 2017 May 17

6.5 cubic ft. 96 captures
Abstract Or Scope
The collection consists of inactive records from the University at Albany's Atmospheric Science Research Center.

League of Women Voters, Schenectady County, 1925-2004

10.4 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
This collection contains records of the League of Women Voters, Schenectady County.
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Capital Area School Development Association (CASDA) Records, 1949-1991

5 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
CASDA is cooperative organization among public and private schools and the University at Albany's School of Education to facilitate programs for school employees.
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Association of Colleges and Universities of the State of New York (ACUSNY) Records, 1938-1992

22.5 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
An early organization representing higher education before the Legislature and the Executive in Albany, as well as the Federal Government in Washington D.C.
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Division for Research Records, 1974-2013

42.88 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
This collection contains records from the Office of the Vice President for Research and Dean of Graduate Studies, which oversaw research and graduate education at the University between 1971 and 1998.

IUE-CWA Local 301 Records, 1939-2001

63.9 cubic ft. 854 Digital Files
Abstract Or Scope
Union founded at General Electric's Schenectady, NY plant after the passage of the Wagner Act.
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Bernard Vonnegut Papers, 1828-1997

39.04 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
The Bernard Vonnegut Papers document Vonnegut's career as a researcher in the field of atmospheric science with a focus on his time at GE, Arthur Little, and the State University of New York at Albany. The collection includes technical memoranda, research, data, inventions and patent forms, equipment specifications, drawings, figures, handwritten notes, manuscripts, reports, correspondence, publicity materials, course materials, news clippings, photographs, memorabilia, and audio/video materials
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